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S.M. 2002, c. 52
Bill 303, 3rd Session, 37th Legislature
(Assented to August 9, 2002)
WHEREAS The Salvation Army Catherine Booth Bible College was incorporated by An Act to incorporate The Salvation Army Catherine Booth Bible College, S.M. 1982-83-84, c. 101, and was continued as a corporation by The Salvation Army Catherine Booth Bible College Incorporation Act, R.S.M. 1990, c. 178;
AND WHEREAS the name of the college was changed to "The Salvation Army William and Catherine Booth College" by The Salvation Army Catherine Booth Bible College Incorporation Amendment Act, S.M. 1996, c. 76;
AND WHEREAS The Salvation Army William and Catherine Booth College has presented a petition requesting the following amendments, and it is appropriate to grant the petition;
THEREFORE HER MAJESTY, by and with the advice and consent of the Legislative Assembly of Manitoba, enacts as follows:
The Salvation Army William and Catherine Booth College Incorporation Act is amended by this Act.
The following is added after section 1:
The purposes and objects of the corporation are
(a) to establish and maintain such faculties, schools, departments, chairs, lectureships, fellowships, institutes and programs of study as are approved by the board;
(b) to give university-level instruction and training in selected branches of knowledge and learning consistent with The Salvation Army mission;
(c) to further the intellectual, spiritual, moral, physical and social development of and a community spirit among its students, graduates and staff for the betterment of society, consistent with a Christian perspective rooted in The Salvation Army tradition;
(d) to provide facilities for research in selected branches of knowledge and learning and to conduct and carry on research appropriate to The Salvation Army mission; and
(e) generally to promote and carry on the work of an educational institution providing university-level education.
Section 9 is amended by striking out "apply to".
Section 10 is replaced with the following:
The college in its corporate name may grant degrees including honorary degrees, diplomas, and certificates of standing in the subjects and courses offered by the college.
This Act comes into force on the day it receives royal assent.