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S.M. 1993, c. 41

The Manitoba Lotteries Foundation Amendment and Consequential Amendments Act

(Assented to July 27, 1993)

HER MAJESTY, by and with the advice and consent of the Legislative Assembly of Manitoba, enacts as follows:

C.C.S.M. c. L210 amended


The Manitoba Lotteries Foundation Act is amended by this Act.


In the title, "Foundation" is struck out and "Corporation" is substituted.


Section 1 is amended

(a) in the definitions "board" and "vendor", by striking out "foundation" and substituting "corporation"; and

(b) by repealing the definition "foundation" and substituting the following:

"corporation" means The Manitoba Lotteries Corporation continued under this Act; (« Corporation »)


Section 2 is amended

(a) in the heading, by striking out "Foundation" and substituting "Corporation"; and

(b) in the section, by striking out "The Manitoba Lotteries Foundation" and substituting "The Manitoba Lotteries Corporation".


In the following provisions, "foundation" is struck out wherever it occurs and "corporation" is substituted:

(a) section 3;

(b) subsection 4(1);

(c) section 5;

(d) subsection 6(1);

(e) subsections 8(1), (2), (4) (5) and (7); and

(f) section 10.


Section 11 is amended

(a) in the heading, by striking out "Foundation" and substituting "Corporation"; and

(b) in the part of the section following clause (b), by striking out "foundation" and substituting "corporation".


In the following provisions, "foundation" is struck out wherever it occurs and "corporation" is substituted:

(a) section 12;

(b) subsection 13(1) and (2);

(c) section 15;

(d) section 16;

(e) section 20;

(f) section 21;

(g) subsection 23(1), (2) and (4);

(h) section 24; and

(i) section 25.


Section 26 is repealed and the following is substituted:

Employment of staff


The corporation may employ such persons as it considers necessary to carry out its operations under and to administer this Act.

Application of certain Acts


The Civil Service Act does not apply to the employees of the corporation and The Civil Service Superannuation Act applies to such employees of the corporation as, pursuant to a direction of the Lieutenant Governor in Council under that Act, are deemed to be in the civil service for the purposes of The Civil Service Superannuation Act.


Section 27 is amended by striking out "foundation" wherever it occurs and substituting "corporation".

Consequential amendment, C.C.S.M. C60


Clause 2(2)(c) of The Charities Endorsement Act is amended by striking out "The Lotteries Foundation Act" and substituting "The Manitoba Lotteries Corporation Act".

Coming into force


This Act comes into force on the day it receives royal assent.