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S.M. 1993, c. 6

The Northern Affairs Amendment Act

(Assented to July 27, 1993)

HER MAJESTY, by and with the advice and consent of the Legislative Assembly of Manitoba, enacts as follows:

C.C.S.M. c. N100 amended


The Northern Affairs Act is amended by this Act.


Subsection 9(2) is amended by striking out "Where" and substituting "Subject to subsection (2.1), where".


The following is added after subsection 9(2):

Application of subsection (2) to renewal of permit


Subsection (2) does not apply to a renewal of a permit of occupation or use.


Subsection 10(1) is amended

(a) in the part preceding clause (a), by striking out "the minister charged with the administration of The Municipal Act or other Act" and substituting "a minister";

(b) in the part following clause (c),

(i) by striking out "the minister gives his approval" and substituting "the minister charged with the administration of this Act gives his or her approval", and

(ii) in the English version, by striking out "refusing his approval" and substituting "refusing his or her approval".


The following is added after subsection 10(1):

Minister to act for P.U.B. re by-law of local committee or community council


Where an Act that applies in whole or in part to a local committee or community council provides that the approval, consent, authorization, direction or certificate of The Public Utilities Board is required before

(a) a by-law or resolution may be passed or made; or

(b) a by-law or resolution comes into effect;

the provision shall be deemed to be a requirement that the minister give his or her approval, consent, authorization, direction or certificate, but the minister is not required to conduct a hearing before giving or refusing the approval, consent, authorization, direction or certificate.


The following is added after subsection 10(2):

Application to Public Utilities Board


Subsections (1) and (1.1) apply to The Public Utilities Board notwithstanding section 106 of The Public Utilities Board Act.


Subsection 22(4) is amended

(a) by striking out "letters patent incorporating an incorporated community" and substituting "the articles of incorporation in respect of the residents of the area or community referred to in subsection (3)"; and

(b) by striking out "a copy thereof" and substituting "a notice of the incorporation".


Section 30 is amended

(a) by repealing the section heading preceding it and substituting "Content of articles of incorporation"; and

(b) in the part preceding clause (a), by striking out "the letters patent incorporating an incorporated community" and substituting "the articles of incorporation of an incorporated community".


In the following provisions, "letters patent" is struck out wherever it occurs and "articles of incorporation" is substituted:

(a) section 32;

(b) subsection 33(1);

(c) subsection 34(1);

(d) subsection 34(3).


Subsection 35(1) is amended

(a) in the English version, by repealing the section heading preceding it and substituting "Consultation within five years of incorporation";

(b) by striking out "letters patent are issued to a community" and substituting "articles of incorporation are issued in accordance with subsection 22(3)"; and

(c) by striking out "the letters patent" and substituting "the articles of incorporation".


Subsection 35(2) is amended

(a) by repealing the section heading preceding it and substituting "Amendment or revocation of articles of incorporation"; and

(b) by striking out "letters patent" wherever it occurs and substituting "articles of incorporation".


Clauses 109(1)(f) and (i) are amended by striking out "letters patent" and substituting "articles of incorporation".

Coming into force


This Act comes into force on a day fixed by proclamation.