S.M. 1989-90, c. 68
Bill 101, 2nd Session, 34th Legislature
The Statute Re-enactment and By-law Validation (Municipal) Act
(Assented to March 15, 1990)
WHEREAS by judgment of the Supreme Court of Canada dated June 13, 1985, the statutes of Manitoba that were not enacted in English and in French were declared to be invalid subject to a period of temporary validity to permit re-enactment in English and in French;
AND WHEREAS by order of the Supreme Court of Canada dated November 4, 1985, the expiry of the period of temporary validity was fixed at December 31, 1988, for the Acts in the Continuing Consolidation of the Statutes of Manitoba and at December 31, 1990 for all other Acts;
AND WHEREAS the Minister of Justice has caused the Acts set out in the roll to be prepared in English and in French;
AND WHEREAS it is expedient to give the Acts set out in the roll the force and effect of law subject to the limitations stated in this Act;
THEREFORE, HER MAJESTY, by and with the advice and consent of the Legislative Assembly of Manitoba, enacts as follows:
In this Act, "roll" means the Acts contained in the roll, which has been signed at the beginning by the Minister of Justice and tabled in the Legislative Assembly and which Acts are listed in Schedule A.
Subject to the exceptions and limitations set out in this Act, the roll is declared to be law to all intents and purposes as though the roll and the Acts in the roll were expressly embodied in, and enacted by, this Act.
An Act in the roll may be cited and referred to in any Act or proceeding either by its title as an Act, or as "Statutes of Manitoba, 1989-90, chapter " (inserting the number of the Act as determined under subsection (2)).
The Legislative Counsel shall assign to each statute set out in the roll a chapter number and may insert in the volume of Acts referred to in section 12 such explanatory notes as the Legislative Counsel considers appropriate.
Validation of by-laws and agreements
The by-laws and agreements set out in Schedule B, and all things done for the purpose of carrying them into effect and done under their authority, are validated and made binding on the municipalities and all parties affected by them, as if the by-laws and agreements were enacted by the Legislature.
The Acts listed in Schedule C are repealed.
The repeal of the Acts listed in Schedule C does not
(a) revive any Act or provision of law repealed by them;
(b) affect any saving clause in the Acts so repealed; or
(c) prevent the application of an Act or provision of law formerly in force to a transaction, matter or thing anterior to the repeal to which they would otherwise apply.
The repeal of the Acts set out in Schedule C does not defeat, disturb, invalidate or affect
(a) a penalty, forfeiture or liability, civil or criminal, incurred before the time of the repeal or a proceeding for enforcing it, that is had, done, completed or pending at the time of the repeal;
(b) an indictment, information, conviction, order, sentence or prosecution that is had, done, completed or pending at the time of the repeal;
(c) an action, suit, judgment, decree, certificate, execution, distress, process, order or rule, or a proceeding, matter or thing respecting it, that is had, pending, existing or in force at the time of the repeal;
(d) an act, deed, right, title, interest, grant, assurance, descent, will, registry, filing, by-laws, rule, order-in-council, proclamation, regulation, order, contract, lien, charge, status, capacity, immunity, matter or thing that is had, done, made, acquired, established or existing at the time of the repeal;
(e) an office, appointment, commission, salary, remuneration, allowance, security or duty or any matter or thing pertaining to them at the time of the repeal; or
(f) any other matter or thing that is had, done, completed, existing or pending at the time of the repeal.
Continuance of existing conditions
(a) penalty, forfeiture and liability to which clause (1)(a) applies;
(b) indictment, information, conviction, order, sentence and prosecution to which clause (1)(b) applies;
(c) action, suit, judgment, decree, certificate, execution, distress, process, order, rule, proceeding, matter and thing to which clause (1)(c) applies;
(d) act, deed, right, title, interest, grant, assurance, descent, will, registry, filing, by-law, rule, order-in-council, proclamation, regulation, order, contract, lien, charge, status, capacity, immunity, matter and thing to which clause (1)(d) applies;
(e) office, appointment, commission, salary, remuneration, allowance, security, duty, matter, and thing to which clause (1)(e) applies; and
(f) matter and thing to which clause (1)(f) applies;
remains and continues as if the repeal of the Acts set out in Schedule C did not take place and, so far as necessary, may be continued, prosecuted, enforced and proceeded with as if the repeal did not take place.
The Acts set out in the roll shall not be held to operate as new law but shall be construed and have effect as a consolidation and as declaratory of the law as contained in those Acts repealed by section 5 and for which the roll is substituted.
Effect of insertion of an Act in Roll
The insertion of an Act in the roll shall not be construed as a declaration that the Act or any portion of it was, or was not, in force immediately before the coming into force of this Act.
Copies of Acts printed by Queen's Printer
Copies of the Acts set out in the roll purporting to be printed by the Queen's Printer are evidence of those Acts in all courts and places whatsoever, without further proof of any kind.
Except as otherwise provided in this Act, the rules of construction and interpretation declared by The Interpretation Act apply to the Acts set out in the roll and to this Act.
Every Act included in the roll is a public act.
Effect of other Acts of present session
This Act does not give effect to a provision of an Act set out in the roll that is repealed by, or inconsistent with, an enactment passed at the session of the Legislature during which this Act is passed.
Acts of present session deemed to be later Acts
Unless otherwise specifically provided, for the purpose of determining their effect, the enactments passed at the session of the Legislature during which this Act is passed shall be deemed to be enactments subsequent to the coming into force of this Act.
Subject to subsection (2), a copy of this Act shall be printed, bound and published with the Acts enacted at the session of the Legislature during which this Act is passed.
The Acts set out in the roll shall
(a) be printed by the Queen's Printer in chapter format upon enactment; and
(b) be bound and published in a subsequent volume of Re-enacted Statutes.
Any explanatory notes, headings and tables inserted by the Legislative Counsel in this Act, the Schedules or the roll form no part of the Acts and shall be held to be for convenience only.
This Act comes into force on royal assent.
(section 2)
Title of Act | |
1 | The Dauphin Boys' and Girls' Band Act |
2 | The Beausejour Hospital District Establishment Act |
3 | The Brandon Charter |
4 | The City of Flin Flon Act |
5 | The Flin Flon Extension of Boundaries Act |
6 | The Manitoba Association of Urban Municipalities Act |
7 | The Manitoba Municipal Administrators Association Inc. Act |
8 | The Oakwood War Memorial Scholarship Board Act |
9 | The Portage la Prairie Charter Act |
10 | The Riverside Cemetery Board Act |
11 | The Shoal Lake Community Centre Act |
12 | The Souris and Glenwood Cemetery Board Act |
13 | The South Western Manitoba Lodge Act |
14 | The Sperling Joint Community Centre District Act |
15 | The Thompson Charter |
16 | The Town of Morris Act |
17 | The Town of Winnipeg Beach Act |
18 | The Union of Manitoba Municipalities Act |
19 | The Victoria Park Lodge Act |
20 | The Rural Municipality of Victoria Beach Act |
21 | The Virden and District Elderly Persons Passing Corporation Act |
Note | The above listed Acts are not published in this volume but are published in the red bound volume of Manitoba statutes entitled "Re-enacted Statutes of Manitoba, 1989 and 1990 - Municipal Acts". |
They were given chapter numbers by the Legislative Counsel pursuant to subsection 3(2) of this Act. |
(section 4)
Each of the following by-laws and agreements was originally validated by the statute noted after it.
1. | By-law 127 (1960) of the Village of Benito.
S.M. 1960, c. 99. |
2. | By-law 3919 (1966), and By-law 4070 (1969) of the City of Brandon.
S.M. 1966, c. 76. |
3. | By-law 4147 (1970) of the City of Brandon.
S.M. 1970, c. 110. |
4. | By-law 4302 (1972), as amended by 4456 (1973), 4826/103/77, 4895/66/78, 4965/65/79, 5047/65/80, 5117/3/82, 5132/18/82, 5253/22/84, 5275/44/84, 5279/48/84, and 5319/29/85 of the City of Brandon.
S.M. 1939, c. 95. |
5. | By-law 4310 (1972), as amended by By-law 1972, and By-law 4386 (1972), as amended by By-law 4417, of the City of Brandon.
S.M. 1968, c. 76. |
6. | An agreement dated May 10, 1973, between the City of Brandon, the Brandon Centennial Auditorium Corporation Inc., and Her Majesty the Queen in right of the Province of Manitoba.
S.M. 1974, c. 69. |
7. | By-law 4851/22/78 (1978), as amended by 5033/51/80, of the City of Brandon.
S.M. 1939, c. 95. |
8. | By-law 4852/23/78 (1978) of the City of Brandon.
S.M. 1939, c. 95. |
9. | By-law 4964/64/79 (1979), as amended by 5152/38/82, 5254/23/84, 5276/45/84 and 5320/30/85 of the City of Brandon.
S.M. 1939, c. 95. |
10. | By-law 2-1958 (1958) of the Village of Cartwright.
S.M. 1958, c. 79. |
11. | By-law 656 (1970) of the Rural Municipality of Langford.
S.M. 1970, c. 113. |
12. | By-law 1311 (1982) of The Town of Melita.
S.M. 1982-83-84, c. 98. |
13. | By-law 1349 (1960) of the Rural Municipality of Minitonas.
S.M. 1960, c. 99. |
14. | By-law 503 (1951) of the Town of Morden.
S.M. 1953, c. 64 |
15. | By-law 5/76 (1976) of the Town of Morris.
S.M. 1976, c. 76. |
16. | By-law 1997 (1970) of the Town of Neepawa.
S.M. 1970, c. 113. |
17. | By-law 3323 (1956), as amended by By-law 6347 and By-law 6501, of the City of Portage la Prairie.
S.M. 1957, c. 86. |
18. | By-law 907 (1950) of the Rural Municipality of Rhineland, and an agreement between the Rural Municipality of Rhineland and Co-op Vegetable Oils, Ltd.
S.M. 1950, c. 88. |
19. | By-law 1112 (1957) of the Rural Municipality of Rhineland.
S.M. 1958, c. 86. |
20. | By-law 2-1958 (1958) of the Rural Municipality of Roblin.
S.M. 1958, c. 79 |
21. | By-law 2259 (1968) of the Rural Municipality of Rockwood.
S.M. 1969, c. 18. |
22. | By-law 750 (1964) of the Rural Municipality of Shoal Lake.
S.M. 1964, c. 71. |
23. | By-law 405 (1964) of the Village of Shoal Lake.
S.M. 1964, c. 71. |
24. | By-law 19/59 (1959) of the Town of Swan River
S.M. 1960, c. 99. |
25. | By-law 1628 (1960) of the Rural Municipality of Swan River
S.M. 1960, c. 99. |
26. | By-law 1695 (1970), as amended by By-law 1883 (1973), of The Town of The Pas, and an agreement dated June 3, 1970, between The Town of The Pas and Her Majesty the Queen in right of the Province of Manitoba.
S.M. 1970, c. 116. |
SCHEDULE C (section 5)
Note | This Schedule follows the order set out in Schedule D (Local Municipal Acts) to the Revised Statutes of Manitoba, 1970. The names of the municipalities are included for ease of reference. |
Where a statute refers to more than one municipality, it is listed under the name of the municipality that comes first alphabetically. | |
Where a statute deals with both a rural municipality and either the City of Winnipeg or a municipality that was once located inside the boundaries of the present City of Winnipeg, the statute is listed only in the Schedule of repealed statutes in The Statute Re-enactment And By-law Validation (Winnipeg) Act. | |
Statute Year | Chapter | Title of Act | |
ALBERT | |||
1. | 1910 | 2 | An Act respecting the Rural Municipality of Albert. |
2. | 1914 | 3 | An Act respecting the Rural Municipality of Albert. |
3. | 1920 | 2 | An Act respecting the Rural Municipality of Albert |
4. | 1921 | 98 | An Act respecting the Rural Municipality of Albert |
5. | 1922 | 30 | An Act to validate By-law No. 210 of the Rural Municipality of Albert |
6. | 1925 | 73 | An Act respecting By-Law No. 181 of the Rural Municipality of Albert. |
7. | 1962 | 105 | An Act to incorporate South Western Manitoba Lodge. |
ARBORG | |||
8. | 1960 | 86 | An Act respecting The Arborg Memorial Medical Nursing Unit District No. 36. |
ARCHIE | |||
9. | 1911 | 33 | An Act to amend "The Assessment Act." |
10. | 1932 | 66 | An Act to Legalize a Certain Sale of Lands for arrears of Taxes by the Rural Municipality of Archie. |
11. | 1939 | 93 | An Act respecting the Rural Municipality of Archie. |
12 | 1962 | 107 | An Act to Incorporate Virden and District Elderly Persons Housing Corporation. |
13. | 1920 | 5 | An Act to legalize and confrim the Election of Reeve and Councillors for the Municipality of Armstrong for the year 1920 |
14. | 1921 | 99 | An Act respecting The Rural Municipality of Armstrong. |
ARTHUR | |||
15. | 1919 | 6 | An Act respecting the Rural Municipality of Arthur. |
16. | 1939 | 94 | An Act respecting the rural municipalities of Arthur and Brenda. |
17. | 1913 | 2 | An Act respecting the Town of Beausejour. |
18. | 1916 | 6 | An Act to legalize the 1915 Tax Sale of the Town of Beausejour. |
19. | 1934 | 62 | An Act respecting the Rural Municipalities of Brokenhead, Ste. Anne, St. Clements, Springfield, St. Andrews, Woodlands, and the Town of Beausejour. |
20. | 1963 | 100 | An Act to amend an Act to Erect the Village of Beausejour into a Town Corporation. |
21. | 1889 | 41 | An Act to provide for certain tax matters in the County of Beautiful Plains. |
22. | 1893 | 34 | An Act to amend "An Act to Provide for Certain Tax Matters in the County of Beautiful Plains." |
BENITO | |||
23. | 1937 | 65 | An Act to provide for the Incorporation of the Village of Benito. |
24. | 1960 | 99 | An Act to validate By-law No. 19/59 of the Town of Swan River, By-law No. 1628 of the Rural Municipality of Swan River, By-law No. 127 of the Village of Benito and By-law No. 1349 of the Rural Municipality of Minitonas. |
25. | 1962 | 87 | An Act to validate By-law No. 147 of the Village of Benito, By-law No. 3/62 of the Town of Swan River, By-law No. 1404 of the Rural Municipality of Minitonas, By-law No. 1679 of the Rural Municipality of Swan River, and By-law No. 128 of the Village of Bowsman. |
26. | 1912 | 5 | An Act respecting the Rural Municipality of Bifrost. |
27. | 1917 | 4 | An Act respecting the Rural Municipality of Bifrost |
28. | 1918 | 4 | An Act respecting the Rural Municipality of Bifrost. |
29. | 1921 | 101 | An Act respecting the Rural Municipality of Bifrost. |
30. | 1921 | 102 | An Act respecting By-law No. 183 of the Rural Municipality of Bifrost. |
31. | 1922 | 31 | An Act to validate By-law No. 199 of the Rural Municipality of Bifrost |
32. | 1922 | 32 | An Act to legalize By-law No. 203 of the Rural Municipality of Bifrost |
33. | 1924 | 92 | An Act to validate By-law 224 of the Rural Municipality of Bifrost. |
34. | 1925 | 74 | An Act to Amend an Act to Validate By-Law No. 224 of the Rural Municipality of Bifrost. |
35. | 1926 | 77 | An Act respecting the Rural Municipality of Bifrost. (1) |
36. | 1926 | 78 | An Act respecting the Rural Municipality of Bifrost. (2) |
37. | 1928 | 89 | An Act to Legalize By-laws No. 295 and 296 of the Rural Municipality of Bifrost. |
38. | 1934 | 55 | An Act to amend "The Municipal Boundaries Act". (2) |
39. | 1935 | 70 | An Act respecting the Rural Municipality of Bifrost. |
40. | 1922 | 33 | An Act to validate the 1921 Voters' List of the Rural Municipality of Birch River |
41. | 1892 | 32 | An Act for the Relief of the Rural Municipalities of Westbourne, Birtle, Shoal Lake and St. Andrews. |
42. | 1920 | 8 | An Act to validate By-law No. 297 of the Rural Municipality of Birtle |
43. | 1922 | 34 | An Act to validate By-law No. 314 of the Rural Municipality of Birtle |
44. | 1924 | 93 | An Act to respecting By-law No. 295 of the Rural Municipality of Birtle. |
45. | 1929 | 74 | An Act to amend "An Act respecting By-law No. 295 of the Rural Municipality of Birtle". |
46. | 1926 | 79 | An Act to validate By-law No. 371 of the Rural Municipality of Birtle. |
47. | 1930 | 63 | An Act respecting the Rural Municipality of Birtle. |
48. | 1940(1st) | 64 | An Act respecting the Rural Municipality of Birtle and the Town of Birtle. |
49. | 1950(1st) | 72 | An Act to validate By-law No. 764 of the Rural Municipality of Birtle. |
50. | 1886 | 69 | An Act to legalize a certain By-Law of the Protestant School Board of School Trustees of the Birtle Union School District of the Municipality and Town of Birtle. |
51. | 1909 | 3 | An Act respecting By-law No. 149 of the Town of Birtle. |
52. | 1911 | 2 | An Act respecting By-law No. 151 of the Town of Birtle. |
53. | 1914 | 9 | An Act to legalize By-law No. 170 of the Town of Birtle. |
54. | 1921 | 87 | An Act to amend "The Assessment Act." |
55. | 1945(1st) | 77 | An Act respecting the Town of Birtle. |
56. | 1947 | 71 | An Act respecting the Town of Birtle. |
57. | 1920 | 9 | An Act respecting the Rural Municipality of Blanshard. |
58. | 1921 | 103 | An Act to amend "An Act respecting the Rural Municipality of Blanshard." |
59. | 1904 | 3 | An Act respecting the Village of Boissevain. |
60. | 1930 | 64 | An Act respecting the Town of Boissevain. |
61. | 1947 | 72 | An Act respecting the Town of Boissevain. |
62. | 1919 | 10 | An Act respecting the Rural Municipality of Boulton. |
63. | 1887 | 60 | An Act to Legalize By-Law No. 194, of the Mayor and Council of the City of Brandon, for a Loan of $8,000.00 by the Issue of Debentures. |
64. | 1900 | 33 | An Act to amend "The Municipal Act." |
65. | 1939 | 95 | The Brandon Charter Act |
66. | 1970 | 110 | An Act to Validate Certain By-laws of the City of Brandon and the Rural Municipality of Cornwallis and to enlarge the Boundaries of the City of Brandon. |
67. | 1971 | 92 | An Act Respecting the City of Brandon and Certain Neighbouring Municipalities. |
68. | 1939 | 96 | An Act respecting the City of Brandon. |
69. | 1940 (1st) | 66 | An Act to amend "An Act respecting the City of Brandon." |
70. | 1941-42 | 72 | An Act to validate By-law No. 2756 of the City of Brandon. |
71. | 1948 | 76 | An Act to validate By-law No. 2937 of the City of Brandon. |
72. | 1950(1st) | 74 | An Act to validate By-Law 2928 of the City of Brandon and an agreement made pursuant to said By-Law 2928 between the said City of Brandon and MacArthur and Son Limited and assigned by MacArthur and Son Limited to MacArthur Transportation Company Limited |
73. | 1958(1st) | 76 | An Act respecting The City of Brandon. |
74. | 1962 | 89 | An Act respecting the Closing off and Fil- ling in of the Channel of the Assiniboine River within The City of Brandon, known as "The Snye". |
75. | 1965 | 92 | An Act to validate By-law No. 3739 of The City of Brandon. |
76. | 1966 | 76 | An Act Respecting The City of Brandon. |
77. | 1968 | 76 | An Act to Provide for the Making of Grants to the Brandon General Hospital. |
78. | 1972 | 85 | An Act to amend An Act to provide for the making of grants to the Brandon General Hospital. |
79. | 1969 (1st) | 9 | An Act to Vest Title to Land in The City of Brandon. |
80. | 1969 (2nd) | 17 | An Act respecting the Keystone Centre. |
81. | 1970 | 110 | An Act to Validate Certain By-laws of the City of Brandon and the Rural Municipality of Cornwallis and to Enlarge the Boundaries of the City of Brandon. |
82. | 1974 | 69 | An Act respecting the City of Brandon. |
83. | 1976 | 74 | An Act respecting the City of Brandon. |
84. | 1883 | 62 | An Act to legalize By-Law No. 41 of the Municipality of Brandon. |
BRENDA | |||
85. | 1933 | 79 | An Act respecting the Rural Municipalities of Winchester and Brenda and The Town of Deloraine. |
86. | 1946 | 74 | An Act to validate By-law No. 20-45 of the Rural Municipality of Brenda. |
87. | 1906 | 8 | An Act to legalize By-Laws Numbered 127 and 132 of the Rural Municipality of Brokenhead. |
88. | 1910 | 8 | An Act respecting the Rural Municipality of Brokenhead. |
89. | 1916 | 11 | An Act to legalize the 1915 Tax Sale of the Rural Municipality of Brokenhead |
90. | 1930 | 69 | An Act to Validate By-law No. 501 of the Rural Municipality of Brokenhead. |
91. | 1932 | 72 | An Act respecting the Rural Municipality of Brokenhead. |
92. | 1933 | 64 | An Act to Legalize a Certain Tax Sale for Arrears of Taxes by the Rural Municipality of Brokenhead. |
93. | 1927 | 86 | An Act respecting By-law No. 293 of the Rural Municipality of Cameron. |
94. | 1937 | 67 | An Act respecting the Town of Carberry. |
CARMAN | |||
95. | 1902 | 29 | An Act to amend "The Municipal Act." |
96. | 1903 | 5 | An Act respecting the Public Park at the Village of Carman. |
97. | 1908 | 5 | An Act respecting the Town of Carman. |
98. | 1914 | 16 | An Act respecting the Town of Carman. |
99. | 1920 | 13 | An Act respecting the Memorial Hall in the Town of Carman |
100. | 1925 | 78 | An Act to enable the Rural Municipality of Dufferin and the Town of Carman to Submit By-laws to the Ratepayers re Payment of Bank Indebtedness of the Dufferin Agricultural Society. |
101. | 1960 | 88 | An Act respecting the Town of Carman. |
102. | 1888 | 42 | An Act to legalize By-law No. 83 of the Municipality of Cartier. |
103. | 1920 | 14 | An Act respecting the Rural Municipality of Cartier |
104. | 1937 | 60 | An Act to amend "The Municipal Boundaries Act". (1) |
105. | 1951 | 76 | An Act to validate By-law No. 7 (1950) of the Village of Cartwright. |
106. | 1958 | 79 | An Act to validate By-law No. 2-1958 of the Village of Cartwright and By-law No. 2-1958 of the Rural Municipality of Roblin. |
107. | 1911 | 37 | An Act to amend "The Municipal Boundaries Act." |
108. | 1963 | 101 | An Act respecting The Rural Municipality of Coldwell. |
CONSOL | |||
109. | 1969(1st) | 17 | An Act to provide for the Making of Grants by The Town of The Pas and The Local Government District of Consol to the Sisters of Charity of Saint Anthony's General Hospital of The Pas. |
110. | 1922 | 36 | An Act respecting the Rural Municipality of Cornwallis. |
111. | 1922 | 37 | An Act to validate a certain By-law of the Rural Municipality of Cornwallis |
112. | 1929 | 80 | An Act respecting the Municipality of Cornwallis. |
113. | 1963 | 102 | An Act to validate By-law No. 4-63 of The Village of Crystal City. |
114. | 1946 | 75 | An Act to validate an Award of the Muni- cipal Commissioner for Manitoba respecting the Cypress River Channel. |
115. | 1910 | 9 | An Act respecting the Rural Municipality of Dauphin. |
116. | 1914 | 29 | An Act to legalize By-law 275 of the Rural Municipality of Dauphin. |
117. | 1915 | 15 | An Act respecting the Rural Municipality of Dauphin. |
118. | 1915 | 16 | An Act to confirm certain By-laws of the Rural Municipality of Dauphin. |
119. | 1920 | 22 | An Act to validate By-law No. 413 of the Rural Municipality of Dauphin |
120. | 1921 | 111 | An Act to amend "An Act to validate By-law No. 413 of the Rural Municipality of Dauphin." |
121. | 1920 | 23 | An Act to legalize By-law No. 476 of the Rural Municipality of Dauphin |
122. | 1921 | 112 | An Act to amend "An Act to legalize By-Law No. 476 of the Rural Municipality of Dauphin." |
123. | 1923 | 73 | An Act respecting the Rural Municipality of Dauphin |
124. | 1941-42 | 73 | An Act to validate By-law No.1441 of the Rural Municipality of Dauphin. |
125. | 1950 (1st) | 76 | An Act to Validate Certain By-laws of the Town of Dauphin and the Rural Municipality of Dauphin and The Dauphin Agricultural Society. |
126. | 1951 | 78 | An Act to validate Certain By-laws of the Town of Dauphin and the Rural Municipality of Dauphin and to enlarge the Boundaries of the Town of Dauphin. |
127. | 1962 | 90 | An Act to validate Certain By-laws of the Town of Dauphin and the Rural Municipality of Dauphin and to enlarge the Boundaries of the Town of Dauphin. |
128. | 1964 | 67 | An Act to Establish Riverside Cemetery Board for the Operation of a Cemetery serving The Rural Municipality of Dauphin and The Town of Dauphin. |
129. | 1966 | 78 | An Act to validate certain By-laws of The Town of Dauphin and The Rural Municipality of Dauphin and to enlarge the Boundaries of The Town of Dauphin. |
130. | 1969(1st) | 10 | An Act to validate certain by-laws of the Town of Dauphin and the Rural Municipality of Dauphin and to enlarge the boundaries of the Town of Dauphin |
131. | 1970 | 111 | An Act to validate certain by-laws of the Town of Dauphin and the Rural Municipality of Dauphin and to enlarge the boundaries of the Town of Dauphin. |
132. | 1901 | 24 | An Act to amend "The Municipal Act." |
133. | 1908 | 16 | An Act respecting the Town of Dauphin. |
134. | 1910 | 10 | An Act to enable the Town of Dauphin to Land a Limited Sum of Money to the Dauphin General Hospital. |
135. | 1910 | 11 | An Act to Amend "An Act to enable the Town of Dauphin to Land a Limited Sum of Money to the Dauphin General Hospital," passed at the present Session. |
136. | 1914 | 28 | An Act respecting the Town of Dauphin. |
137. | 1915 | 17 | An Act respecting the Town of Dauphin. |
138. | 1915 | 18 | An Act respecting the Town of Dauphin |
139. | 1922 | 38 | An Act respecting the Town of Dauphin |
140. | 1924 | 97 | An Act respecting the Town of Dauphin. |
141. | 1934 | 65 | An Act respecting the Town of Dauphin. |
142. | 1937 | 68 | An Act to authorize the Town of Dauphin to make a Special Annual Levy for the Relief of Distress and Unemployment. |
143. | 1937-38 | 55 | An Act to Validate and Confirm a Certain Agreement between the Town of Dauphin and the Rural Municipality of Dauphin. |
144. | 1911 | 15 | An Act to Authorize the Town of Dauphin to construct and operate a system or systems of Waterworks, Main Trunk Sewer and Outlet and Sewage Disposal Works in said Town. |
145. | 1941-42 | 74 | An Act respecting the Town of Dauphin. |
146. | 1944 | 56 | An Act to Quiet the Title of the Town of Dauphin to Certain lands. |
147. | 1951 | 77 | An Act to provide for the Establishment and Maintenance of a Boys' and Girls' Band in the Town of Dauphin. |
148. | 1952(1st) | 66 | An Act to authorize the Town of Dauphin to enter into a Group Pension Contract for its Employees. |
149. | 1958(1st) | 80 | An Act to validate By-law No. 2427 of the Town of Dauphin. |
150. | 1975 | 46 | An Act to validate By-law number 3321 of the Town of Dauphin. |
151. | 1971 | 94 | An Act Respecting the Town of Dauphin. |
152. | 1972 | 86 | An Act to Repeal an Act to Validate and Confirm a Certain Agreement Between the Town of Dauphin and the Rural Municipality of Dauphin. |
153. | 1974 | 71 | An Act to validate By-law number 3269 of the Town of Dauphin. |
154. | 1927 | 87 | An Act respecting the Town of Deloraine. |
155. | 1928 | 93 | An Act to Validate By-law No. 231 of the Town of Deloraine. |
156. | 1966-67 | 75 | An Act to validate By-law No. 770 of The Town of Deloraine. |
157. | 1909 | 16 | An Act to confirm a certain agreement between the Rural Municipalities of De Salaberry and La Broquerie. |
158. | 1920 | 25 | An Act validating By-law No. 603 of the Rural Municipality of De Salaberry |
159. | 1935 | 75 | An Act to Legalize a Certain Tax Sale of Lands for Arrears of Taxes by the Rural Municipality of De Salaberry. |
160. | 1936 | 73 | An Act to Legalize a Certain Tax Sale of Lands for Arrears of Taxes by the Rural Municipality of De Salaberry. |
161. | 1920 | 28 | An Act to validate By-Law No. 518 of the Rural Municipality of Dufferin |
162. | 1920 | 29 | An Act to amend "An Act to validate By-law No. 518 of the Rural Municipality of Dufferin" |
163. | 1921 | 116 | An Act to validate By-law No. 537 of the Rural Municipality of Dufferin |
164. | 1921 | 117 | An Act respecting the Rural Municipality of Dufferin. |
165. | 1921 | 118 | An Act authorizing the Rural Municipality of Dufferin and the Town of Carman to guarantee debentures of the Dufferin Agricultural Society. |
166. | 1927 | 88 | An Act respecting the Rural Municipality of Dufferin. |
167. | 1958 (1st) | 81 | An Act respecting the Rural Municipality of Dufferein and the Rural Municipality of Grey. |
168. | 1876 | 26 | An Act to change the name of the Parish of St. Peters. |
EDWARD | |||
169. | 1914 | 31 | An Act respecting the Rural Municipality of Edward. |
170. | 1920 | 32 | An Act respecting the Rural Municipality of Edward |
171. | 1936 | 74 | An Act respecting the Rural Municipality of Edward. |
ELLICE | |||
172. | 1915 | 22 | An Act respecting the Rural Municipality of Ellice. |
173. | 1882 | 43 | An Act to legalize By-law No. 49 of the Municipality of Emerson, in the Province of Manitoba, entitled "A By-law to raise fifty thousand dollars by debentures for permanent drainage improvements in the Municipality of Emerson, in the Province of Manitoba." |
174. | 1883 | 63 | An Act to confirm the legality of deben- tures issued under By-law No. 49 of the Municipality of Emerson, in the Province of Manitoba, as confirmed by 45 Vic., Cap.43. |
175. | 1883 | 75 | An Act to Legalize By-Law No. 65 of the Corporation of the Municipality of Emerson, intituled "A By-law to raise twenty-five thousand dollars by debentures for permanent drainage works and road grading in the Municipality of Emerson, in the Province of Manitoba." |
176. | 1880 | 30 | An Act to empower and authorize the Corpo- ration of the Town of Emerson to apply and accept from the Governor-General in Council or the Parliament of the Dominion of Canada, a charter to build and operate a bridge across the Red River. |
177. | 1880(2nd) | 6 | An Act to legalize By-law No. 11 of the corporation of the Municipality of Springfield, and By-laws Nos. 18 and 19 of the corporation of the Municipality of the Town of Emerson. |
178. | 1882 | 53 | An Act to legalize by-laws number 29 and 31 of the Corporation of the Municipality of the town of Emerson. |
179. | 1883 | 76 | An Act to Legalize By-Law No. 41 of the Corporation of the Town of Emerson, and to authorize and empower said Corporation to apply to and accept from the Governor- General in Council a Charter or License to build and operate a Railway and Traffic Bridge across the Red River. |
180. | 1887 | 36 | An Act to provide for the Election of a Mayor and Council for the Town of Emerson. |
181. | 1887 | 39 | An Act respecting Municipal Indebtedness. |
182. | 1888 | 37 | An Act to enable the Town of Emerson to acquire and convey lands sold or bid in for arrears of taxes on or subsequent to the 23rd day of February, A.D., 1886, and to make provision for vesting all unsold lands in the said Town. |
183. | 1889 | 3 | An Act to amend certain Acts and provide for certain matters |
184. | 1894 | 10 | An Act respecting the Town of Emerson. |
185. | 1895 | 12 | An Act respecting the Town of Emerson. |
186. | 1906 | 26 | An Act to amend "An Act respecting the Town of Emerson." |
187. | 1916 | 40 | An Act respecting the Town of Emerson |
188. | 1917 | 31 | An Act respecting the Town of Emerson. |
189. | 1920 | 37 | An Act respecting the Town of Emerson |
190. | 1921 | 120 | An Act to amend "An Act respecting the Town of Emerson." |
191. | 1912 | 49 | An Act to amend "The Municipal Boundaries Act." |
192. | 1920 | 39 | An Act respecting the Rural Municipality of Eriksdale |
193. | 1921 | 121 | An Act respecting the Rural Municipality of Eriksdale. |
194. | 1922 | 40 | An Act respecting the Rural Municipality of Eriksdale |
195. | 1914 | 36 | An Act respecting the Rural Municipality of Ethelbert. |
196. | 1928 | 95 | An Act respecting the Rural Municipality of Ethelbert. |
197. | 1932 | 73 | An Act to Legalize a Certain Tax Sale of Lands for Arrears of Taxes by the Rural Municipality of Ethelbert. |
198. | 1923 | 77 | An Act respecting the Rural Municipality of Fisher Branch |
199. | 1939 | 97 | An Act respecting the distribution of Electrical Energy in the Municipal District of Flin Flon. |
200. | 1952 (1st) | 68 | An Act to provide for the Joint Administration of the Town of Flin Flon and a Boundary Area in Saskatchewan and any Approved Outlying Areas in Manitoba and Saskatchewan. |
201. | 1954 | 43 | An Act to provide for the Municipal Government of The City of Flin Flon. |
202. | 1956 | 78 | An Act to validate By-law No. 1930 of The Town of Flin Flon. |
203. | 1969 (1st) | 11 | An Act to permit The Town of Flin Flon to make a Grant to the Grey Nuns of Flin Flon General Hospital. |
204. | 1971 | 97 | An Act to Permit the City of Flin Flon to make a Grant to the Flin Flon Elderly and Infirm Housing Inc. |
205. | 1950(2nd) | 4 | An Act to authorize the Levying of Taxation and the Borrowing of Moneys by Municipalities to meet Expenditures Arising from Floods in the year 1950. |
206. | 1902 | 40 | An Act to amend "The Public Schools Act" |
207. | 1912 | 24 | An Act respecting the Village of Foxwarren. |
208. | 1902 | 33 | An Act to amend "The Assessment Act." |
209. | 1904 | 17 | An Act respecting the Rural Municipalities of Franklin and Stuartburn. |
210. | 1924 | 98 | An Act respecting the Rural Municipality of Franklin. |
211. | 1925 | 81 | An Act respecting the Rural Municipality of Franklin. |
212. | 1953(2nd) | 65 | An Act respecting the Montcalm-Franklin Bridge over the Red River in Manitoba. |
213. | 1916 | 47 | An Act respecting the Rural Municipality of Gilbert Plains |
214. | 1935 | 78 | An Act respecting the Rural Municipality of Gilbert Plains. |
215. | 1947 | 82 | An Act respecting the Rural Municipality of Gilbert Plains. |
216. | 1916 | 48 | An Act respecting the Rural Municipality of Gilbert Plains |
217. | 1920 | 45 | An Act to confirm By-law No. 160 of the Village of Gilbert Plains |
218. | 1887 | 32 | An Act to provide for certain Municipal matters. |
219. | 1895 | 17 | An Act to enable the Government of Manitoba to loan a limited amount of money to the Rural Municipality of Gimli. |
220. | 1910 | 26 | An Act respecting the Rural Municipality of Gimli. |
221. | 1918 | 31 | An Act respecting the Rural Municipality of Gimli. |
222. | 1959(2nd) | 80 | An Act respecting the Rural Municipality of Gimli. |
223. | 1962 | 94 | An Act respecting the Rural Municipality of Gimli. |
224. | 1883 | 69 | An Act to legalize a certain By-law of the Town of Gladstone. |
225. | 1884 | 74 | An Act to legalize By-law No. 34 of the Corporation of the Town of Gladstone for a loan of $5,000. by the issue of debentures. |
226. | 1890 | 42 | An Act Respecting the Town of Gladstone. |
227. | 1890 | 43 | An Act to Provide for the Issuing of Tax Sale Deeds for Lands in the Town of Gladstone. |
228. | 1891 | 19 | An Act Respecting the Town of Gladstone. |
229. | 1898 | 20 | An Act to amend Chapter 42 of 53 Victoria, being "An Act Respecting the Town of Gladstone." |
230. | 1900 | 15 | An Act respecting the Town of Gladstone. |
231. | 1903 | 18 | An Act to Legalize By-laws Numbers 95 and 107 of the Town of Gladstone, authorizing the issue of Debentures to the extent of twelve thousand five hundred (12,500) Dollars and five thousand (5,000) Dollars, respectively. |
232. | 1904 | 21 | An Act to legalize By-law No. 116 of the Town of Gladstone, authorizing the issue of debentures for the sum of one thousand dollars, to be paid as a bonus to the Echo Milling Company, Limited. |
233. | 1905 | 25 | An Act to amend "The Municipal Act." |
234. | 1906 | 31 | An Act respecting the Town of Gladstone. |
235. | 1920 | 46 | An Act respecting the Town of Gladstone |
236. | 1940(1st) | 71 | An Act respecting the Town of Gladstone. |
237. | 1959(1st) | 3 | An Act to validate By-law No. 538 of the Town of Gladstone. |
238. | 1979 | 52 | An Act Respecting the Glenboro Hospital District No. 16B and the Rural Municipality of South Cypress. |
239. | 1963 | 104 | An Act Respecting The Village of Glenboro. |
240. | 1894 | 44 | An Act respecting certain By-laws of the Rural Municipalities of Rosedale, Osprey and Glendale. |
241. | 1920 | 90 | An Act to amend "The Municipal Boundaries Act" |
242. | 1933 | 66 | An Act to Legalize Certain Sales of Lands for Arrears of Taxes to the Rural Municipality of Glenella. |
243. | 1937 | 70 | An Act respecting the Rural Municipality of Glenella. |
244. | 1939 | 98 | An Act respecting the Rural Municipality of Glenella. |
245. | 1903 | 19 | An Act respecting the Rural Municipality of Glenwood. |
246. | 1908 | 20 | An Act respecting the Rural Municipality of Glenwood. |
247. | 1923 | 79 | An Act respecting the Rural Municipality of Glenwood |
248. | 1927 | 90 | An Act to Validate By-law No. 224 of the Rural Municipality of Glenwood. |
249. | 1945(1st) | 81 | An Act respecting the Rural Municipality of Glenwood. |
250. | 1958(1st) | 92 | An Act to validate By-law No. 966 of the Town of Souris and By-law No. 683 of the Rural Municipality of Glenwood. |
251. | 1962 | 104 | An Act respecting the Joint Operation of a Cemetery serving the Town of Souris and the Rural Municipality of Glenwood. |
252. | 1963 | 113 | An Act to incorporate Victoria Park Lodge and to quthorize The Town of Souris and The Rural Municipality of Glenwood to make certain grants thereto. |
253. | 1901 | 28 | An Act to amend The Municipal Boundaries Act. |
254. | 1903 | 20 | An Act respecting the Rural Municipality of Grand View. |
255. | 1904 | 22 | An Act to legalize By-law No. 62 of the Rural Municipality of Grandview, authorizing the issue of debentures for the sum of ten thousand dollars, for the purpose of paying off the floating indebtedness of said municipality. |
256. | 1916 | 50 | An Act respecting the Rural Municipality of Grandview. |
257. | 1943 | 58 | An Act respecting the Rural Municipality of Grandview. |
258. | 1972 | 88 | An Act respecting the Rural Municipality of Grandview. |
259. | 1910 | 28 | An Act respecting the Town of Grandview. |
260. | 1915 | 28 | An Act respecting the Town of Grandview. |
261. | 1927 | 91 | An Act respecting the Village of Great Falls. |
GRETNA | |||
262. | 1921 | 124 | An Act respecting the Village of Gretna. |
GREY | |||
263. | 1918 | 30 | An Act respecting the Rural Municipality of Grey. |
264. | 1920 | 50 | An Act to legalize By-law No. 207 of the Rural Municipality of Grey |
265. | 1924 | 99 | An Act respecting By-law No. 207 of the Rural Municipality of Grey. |
266. | 1937-38 | 58 | An Act respecting the Rural Municipality of Grey. |
267. | 1904 | 23 | An Act respecting the Rural Municipality of Hamiota. |
268. | 1908 | 21 | An Act to legalize By-Law No.10 of the Village of Hamiota. |
269. | 1920 | 52 | An Act respecting the Village of Hamiota |
270. | 1920 | 53 | An Act respecting the Village of Hamiota |
271. | 1921 | 125 | An Act respecting the Village of Hamiota |
272. | 1927 | 93 | An Act respecting the Rural Municipality of Hanover. |
273. | 1915 | 31 | An Act respecting the Rural Municipality of Harrison. |
274. | 1943 | 59 | An Act respecting the Rural Municipality of Harrison. |
275. | 1953(2nd) | 62 | An Act respecting the Rural Municipality of Harrison. |
276. | 1957 | 81 | An Act to validate By-law No. 749 of the Rural Municipality of Harrison. |
277. | 1916 | 52 | An Act to authorize the Rural Municipality of Hillsburg to borrow and issue debentures for a sum not exceeding Fifteen Thousand Dollars. |
278. | 1922 | 44 | An Act respecting the Rural Municipality of Hillsburg |
279. | 1947 | 21 | An Act to Validate the Establishment of Certain Hospital Districts and Medical Nursing Unit Districts and Certain Proceedings Taken by Governing Boards and Municipalities in connection therewith. |
280. | 1949 | 5 | An Act to Validate the Establishment of Beausejour Hospital District No. 29 and Certain Proceedings taken by the Municipalities concerned in connection therewith. |
281. | 1949 | 38 | An Act to Authorize the Establishment of Certain Medical Unit Districts and to Validate Certain Proceedings taken in connection therewith. |
282. | 1951 | 82 | An Act respecting The Lady Minto Hospital at Minnedosa and the Minnedosa Hospital District Number 8. |
KEYES | |||
283. | 1927 | 80 | An Act respecting the Agricultural and Community District of Keyes. |
284. | 1909 | 27 | An Act to legalize By-Law No. 69 of the Town of Killarney. |
285. | 1910 | 31 | An Act to legalize a certain By-Law of the Town of Killarney. |
286. | 1910 | 32 | An Act to enable the Rural Municipality of La Broquerie to enter into an agreement with Watson Pogue Davidson. |
287. | 1911 | 22 | An Act to legalize and confirm By-law No. 12 of the Rural Municipality of La Broquerie. |
288. | 1912 | 9 | An Act to amend The Charity Aid Act. |
289. | 1925 | 82 | An Act respecting The Rural Municipality of LaBroquerie. |
290. | 1926 | 84 | An Act to Legalize a Certain Tax Sale of Lands for Arrears of Taxes by the Rural Municipality of La Broquerie. |
291. | 1927 | 94 | An Act to Validate and Confirm a certain Agreement between the Rural Municipality of La Broquerie and the Manitoba Dairy Farms, Limited. |
292. | 1931 | 81 | An Act respecting the Rural Municipality of LaBroquerie. |
293. | 1932 | 74 | An Act to Validate and Confirm a Certain Agreement between the Rural Municipality of La Broquerie and the Manitoba Dairy Farms Limited |
294. | 1933 | 59 | An Act to amend "The Municipal Boundaries Act". (1) |
295. | 1940(1st) | 72 | An Act to enable the Rural Municipality of La Broquerie to enter into an Agreement with Manitoba Dairy Farms, Limited. |
296. | 1950(1st) | 83 | An Act to enable the Rural Municipality of La Broquerie to enter into an Agreement with Manitoba Dairy Farms Limited. |
297. | 1920 | 65 | An Act respecting the Rural Municipality of Lac du Bonnet. |
298. | 1921 | 127 | An Act respecting the Rural Municipality of Lac du Bonnet. |
299. | 1924 | 101 | An Act respecting the Rural Municipality of Lac du Bonnet. |
300. | 1933 | 69 | An Act respecting the Rural Municipality of Lac du Bonnet. |
301. | 1946 | 79 | An Act to validate By-law No. 481 of The Rural Municipality of Lac du Bonnet. |
302. | 1969 | 12 | An Act respecting the Village of Lac du Bonnet |
303. | 1927 | 75 | An Act to amend The Municipal Boundaries Act. |
304. | 1939 | 99 | An Act respecting the Rural Municipalities of Lakeview and Westbourne. |
305. | 1943 | 62 | An Act to validate a By-law of the Rural Municipality of Westbourne and a By-law of the Rural Municipality of Lakeview |
306. | 1944 | 67 | An Act respecting the Rural Municipality of Westbourne and the Rural Municipality of Lakeview. |
307. | 1960 | 92 | An Act to amend An Act respecting the Rural Municipalities of Lakeview and Westbourne. |
308. | 1906 | 2 | An Act respecting the Beautiful Plains County Buildings. |
309. | 1941-42 | 76 | An Act respecting the Rural Municipality of Langford. |
310. | 1970 | 113 | An Act to Validate By-law No. 656 of the Rural Municipality of Langford and By-law No. 1997 of the Town of Neepawa. |
311. | 1980 | 42 | An Act to Amend an Act Respecting the Beautiful Plains County Buildings. |
312. | 1926 | 104 | An Act respecting the Rural Municipalities of Westbourne, North Norfolk and Lansdowne. |
313. | 1928 | 87 | An Act respecting Drainage Works in Certain Municipalities. |
314. | 1932 | 75 | An Act to Validate By-Law No. 757 of the Rural Municipality of Lansdowne. |
315. | 1918 | 35 | An Act respecting the Rural Municipality of Lawrence. |
316. | 1926 | 85 | An Act respecting the Rural Municipality of Lawrence. |
LORNE | |||
317. | 1902 | 32 | An Act further to amend The Municipal Act. |
318. | 1904 | 32 | An Act to enable the Rural Municipality of Lorne to lend a limited sum of money for the erection of a grist mill at Swan Lake, in the said municipality. |
319. | 1905 | 23 | An Act to amend an Act intituled "An Act to enable the Rural Municipality of Lorne to lend a limited sum of money for the erection of a grist mill at Swan Lake, in the said municipality." |
320. | 1925 | 83 | An Act to Validate By-Law 466 of the Rural Municipality of Lorne. |
LOUISE | |||
321. | 1895 | 27 | An Act respecting the Rural Municipalities of Louise and Pembina. |
322. | 1934 | 68 | An Act respecting the Rural Municipality of Louise. |
323. | 1941-42 | 77 | An Act to authorize the erection of the Unincorporated Village District of Lyleton. |
324. | 1925 | 84 | An Act respecting the Rural Municipality of McCreary. |
325. | 1927 | 96 | An Act to Validate Certain Sales of Lands for Arrears of Taxes by the Rural Municipality of McCreary. |
326. | 1943 | 60 | An Act respecting the Rural Municipality of McCreary. |
327. | 1897 | 14 | An Act respecting the Municipality of Macdonald. |
328. | 1920 | 69 | An Act respecting the Rural Municipality of Macdonald |
329. | 1920 | 70 | An Act to legalize By-law No. 435 of the Rural Municipality of Macdonald |
330. | 1926 | 86 | An Act respecting By-law No. 435 of the Rural Municipality of Macdonald. |
331. | 1923 | 82 | An Act respecting the Rural Municipality of Macdonald |
332. | 1949 | 82 | An Act respecting the Village of MacGregor. |
333. | 1928 | 97 | An Act respecting the Acquisition of Certain Rights-of-Way of "Manitoba Great Northern Railway Company" for Public Road Purposes and Other Matters Connected Therewith. |
334. | 1906 | 40 | An Act to legalize By-Law No. 68 of the Village of Manitou. |
335. | 1908 | 27 | An Act respecting the Village of Manitou. |
336. | 1909 | 33 | An Act respecting the Village of Manitou. |
337. | 1911 | 26 | An Act to amend "An Act respecting the Village of Manitou." |
338. | 1920 | 71 | An Act respecting the Village of Manitou. |
MELITA | |||
339. | 1913 | 33 | An Act respecting the Town of Melita |
340. | 1922 | 46 | An Act respecting the Town of Melita |
341. | 1982-83-84 | 98 | An Act to Validate By-law Number 1311 of the Town of Melita. |
342. | 1906 | 45 | An Act to enable the Rural Municipality of Miniota to lend a limited sum of Money for the erection of a Grist Mill in the said Municipality. |
343. | 1922 | 49 | An Act to validate By-law No. 605 of the Rural Municipality of Miniota. |
344. | 1906 | 46 | An Act to legalize By-law No. 56 of the Rural Municipality of Minitonas. |
345. | 1908 | 30 | An Act respecting the Rural Municipality of Minitonas. |
346. | 1909 | 62 | An Act to amend Chapter 55 of 7 and 8 Edward VII. |
347. | 1910 | 38 | An Act respecting the Rural Municipality of Minitonas. |
348. | 1916 | 68 | An Act to validate By-law No. 68 of the Rural Municipality of Minitonas. |
349. | 1919 | 55 | An Act respecting The Rural Municipality of Minitonas. |
350. | 1920 | 75 | An Act validating By-law No. 251 of the Rural Municipality of Minitonas. |
351. | 1920 | 76 | An Act validating By-laws No. 261 and No. 263 of the Rural Municipality of Minitonas |
352. | 1922 | 47 | An Act to validate By-law No. 301 of the Rural Municipality of Minitonas |
353. | 1925 | 85 | An Act to amend "An Act to Validate By-Law No. 301 of the Rural Municipality of Minitonas." |
354. | 1972 | 89 | An Act respecting the Village of Minitonas. |
355. | 1883 | 65 | An Act to legalize By-law No. 43 of the Municipality of Minnedosa. |
356. | 1890 | 2 | An Act to Amend Certain Acts and Provide for Certain Matters. |
357. | 1891 | 1 | An Act to amend certain Acts and provide for certain matters. |
358. | 1895 | 29 | An Act respecting the Town of Minnedosa. |
359. | 1897 | 19 | An Act to amend Chapter 40 of 52 Victoria, being an Act respecting the Town of Minnedosa |
360. | 1899 | 22 | An Act to amend Chapter 19 of 60 Victoria, being an "Act respecting the Town of Minnedosa. |
361. | 1902 | 26 | An Act respecting the Town of Minnedosa. |
362. | 1903 | 24 | An Act to Ratify and Confirm a certain By-law of the Town of Minnedosa, No. 143, and to Validate the Agreement thereby Confirmed. |
363. | 1908 | 31 | An Act respecting the Town of Minnedosa. |
364. | 1908 | 32 | An Act to Legalize and Confirm certain Auction Sales of Land by the Town of Minnedosa. |
365. | 1911 | 27 | An Act respecting the Town of Minnedosa. |
366. | 1912 | 37 | An Act to legalize By-laws numbers 201 and 211 of the Town of Minnedosa. |
367. | 1913 | 34 | An Act respecting the Town of Minnedosa. |
368. | 1914 | 61 | An Act respecting the Town of Minnedosa. |
369. | 1914 | 62 | An Act respecting the Town of Minnedosa. |
370. | 1917 | 52 | An Act respecting the Town of Minnedosa. |
371. | 1917 | 53 | An Act respecting the Roads within the Limits of the Town of Minnedosa. |
372. | 1935 | 81 | An Act respecting the Town of Minnedosa. |
373. | 1939 | 100 | An Act respecting the Town of Minnedosa. |
374. | 1954 | 45 | An Act to validate By-law No. 999 of the Town of Minnedosa. |
MINTO | |||
375. | 1902 | 35 | An Act to amend The Municipal Boundaries Act. |
376. | 1920 | 77 | An Act respecting the Townsite of Moberly |
377. | 1906 | 47 | An Act respecting the Rural Municipality of Montcalm. |
378. | 1918 | 39 | An Act respecting the Rural Municipality of Montcalm. |
379. | 1966-67 | 80 | An Act respecting The Rural Municipality of Morris, The Town of Morris, and The Rural Municipality of Montcalm. |
380. | 1980-81 | 44 | An Act to authorize the Rural Municipality of Montcalm to sell and convey a portion of a public road within the Municipality. |
MORDEN | |||
381. | 1895 | 30 | An Act respecting the Village of Morden. |
382. | 1904 | 34 | An Act respecting the Town of Morden. |
383. | 1906 | 48 | An Act respecting the Town of Morden. |
384. | 1923 | 83 | An Act to legalize By-Law No. 250 of the Town of Morden |
385. | 1953 | 64 | An Act to validate By-law No. 503 of the Town of Morden. |
386. | 1961(1st) | 79 | An Act to validate By-law No. 5-61 of the Town of Morden and an Agreement between the Town of Morden and Canadian Canners Limited. |
387. | 1899 | 23 | An Act respecting the Corporation of the Town of Morris. |
388. | 1900 | 29 | An Act to enable the Government of Manitoba to Guarantee the Interest on Certain Deben- tures to be issued by the Corporation of the Town of Morris. |
389. | 1900 | 30 | An Act amending the Act respecting the Corporation of the Town of Morris. |
390. | 1902 | 27 | An Act respecting the Town of Morris. |
391. | 1906 | 49 | An Act respecting the Town of Morris. |
392. | 1915 | 47 | An Act respecting the Town of Morris. |
393. | 1920 | 78 | An Act respecting the Town of Morris. |
394. | 1921 | 128 | An Act respecting the Town of Morris. |
395. | 1924 | 102 | An Act respecting the Town of Morris. |
396. | 1932 | 76 | An Act respecting a Contract between the Manitoba Power Commission and the Town of Morris. |
397. | 1971 | 99 | An Act Respecting The Town of Morris. |
398. | 1976 | 76 | An Act to Authorize the Town of Morris to Acquire Certain Real Property and to Validate its By-law No. 5/76. |
399. | 1883 | 70 | An Act respecting By-Laws No. 7 and No. 5 of the Municipality of Morris. |
400. | 1894 | 19 | An Act respecting the Rural Municipality of Morris. |
401. | 1900 | 10 | An Act to amend The Land Drainage Act. |
402. | 1980-81 | 45 | An Act Respecting The Sperling Joint Community Centre District. |
403. | 1920 | 79 | An Act creating "The Morris Red River Bridge District" |
404. | 1922 | 51 | An Act to validate certain By-laws passed under "An Act creating The Morris Red River Bridge District" |
405. | 1934 | 69 | An Act respecting the Morris Red River Bridge District. |
MORTON | |||
406. | 1922 | 52 | An Act to validate certain By-laws of the Rural Municipality of Morton |
407. | 1947 | 85 | An Act respecting The Rural Municipality of Morton. |
408. | 1914 | 64 | An Act respecting the Rural Municipality of Mossy River. |
409. | 1918 | 40 | An Act respecting the Rural Municipality of Mossey River. |
410. | 1919 | 56 | An Act respecting the Rural Municipality of Mossey River. |
411. | 1927 | 97 | An Act respecting the Rural Municipality of Mossey River. |
412. | 1965 | 96 | An Act to authorize The Rural Municipality of Mossey River and The Village of Winnipegosis to make grants to the Sisters of the Order of St. Benedict. |
413. | 1953(2nd) | 66 | An Act to vest in Her Majesty the Queen in of the Province of Manitoba certain assets held by the Municipal Commissioner or Her Majesty for the municipalities entitled thereto. |
414. | 1908 | 44 | An Act respecting the Village of Napinka. |
415. | 1884 | 76 | An Act to legalize By-law No. 5 of the Town of Neepawa, authorizing the issue of de- bentures to the extent of sixteen thousand dollars. |
416. | 1885 | 48 | An Act to legalize certain By-laws of the Town of Neepawa and Municipalities of Osprey and Rosedale authorizing the issue of Debentures. |
417. | RSM 1902 | 121 | An Act Empowering Cities, Towns and Villages to Establish and Operate Electric Light, Gas and Telephone Systems. |
418. | 1904 | 43 | An Act respecting the Town of Neepawa. |
419. | 1907 | 46 | An Act to amend "The Act respecting Municipal Telephone Systems." |
420. | 1911 | 41 | An Act to Authorize the Town of Neepawa to Construct and Operate a System or Systems of Waterworks and Sewers within said Town. |
421. | 1912 | 56 | An Act to amend Chapter 41 of 1 George V, intituled "An Act to authorize the Town of Neepawa to construct and operate a system or systems of Waterworks and Sewers within the said Town." |
422. | 1913 | 48 | An Act to amend the Act respecting Water- works and Sewers in the Town of Neepawa. |
423. | 1917 | 64 | An Act to amend "An Act to amend the Act respecting Waterworks and Sewers in the Town of Neepawa." |
424. | 1919 | 65 | An Act to amend "The Assessment Act" |
425. | 1937 | 72 | An Act respecting the Town of Neepawa. |
426. | 1951 | 83 | An Act to validate By-law No. 1210 of the Town of Neepawa. |
427. | 1956 | 80 | An Act to validate By-law No. 1352 of the Town of Neepawa. |
428. | 1957 | 82 | An Act to validate By-law No. 1401 of the Town of Neepawa and to repeal chapter 81 of the Statutes of Manitoba, 1956. |
429. | 1958(1st) | 83 | An Act to validate By-law no. 260 of the Town of Neepawa. |
430. | 1958(1st) | 84 | An Act to validate By-law No. 1440 of the Town of Neepawa. |
431. | 1972 | 90 | An Act to validate By-laws Nos. 2096 and 2097 of the Town of Neepawa. |
NELSON | |||
432. | 1883 | 72 | An Act to legalize by-law No. 8 of the town of Nelson. |
433. | 1902 | 39 | An Act respecting the Town of Nelson. |
434. | 1906 | 64 | An Act to amend "An Act respecting the Town of Nelson." |
435. | 1900 | 40 | An Act to Legalize By-law No. 187 of the Rural Municipality of North Cypress. |
436. | 1921 | 130 | An Act respecting the Rural Municipality of North Cypress |
437. | 1926 | 88 | An Act to Validate By-law No. 556 of the Rural Municipality of North Cypress. |
438. | 1937 | 73 | An Act respecting the Rural Municipality of North Cypress. |
439. | 1914 | 75 | An Act respecting the Rural Municipality of North Norfolk. |
440. | 1916 | 79 | An Act to legalize By-Law No. A-100 of the Rural Municipality of North Norfolk. |
441. | 1928 | 86 | An Act respecting Certain Drainage Works in the Rural Municipality of North Norfolk. |
442. | 1929 | 73 | An Act respecting Drainage Works in Certain Municipalities. |
443. | 1927 | 98 | An Act respecting the School District of Oakwood No. 439. |
444. | 1905 | 32 | An Act to legalize By-law No. 44 of the Rural Municipality of Ochre River. |
445. | 1910 | 48 | An Act respecting the Municipality of Ochre River. |
446. | 1915 | 49 | An Act respecting the Rural Municipality of Ochre River. |
447. | 1922 | 56 | An Act respecting the Rural Municipality of Ochre River. |
448. | 1922 | 55 | An Act respecting the Rural Municipality of Ochre River |
449. | 1924 | 104 | An Act respecting the Rural Municipality of Ochre River. |
450. | 1927 | 99 | An Act respecting the Rural Municipality of Ochre River. |
451. | 1937 | 75 | An Act respecting the Rural Municipality of Ochre River. |
452. | 1937-38 | 59 | An Act respecting the Rural Municipality of Ochre River. |
453. | 1940(2nd) | 50 | An Act respecting the Rural Municipality of Ochre River. |
OSPREY | |||
454. | 1886 | 62 | An Act to legalize and render valid the election of the Council of the Municipality of Osprey. |
455. | 1915 | 52 | An Act respecting the Rural Municipality of Pembina. |
456. | 1916 | 83 | An Act respecting the Village of Pilot Mound. |
457. | 1917 | 68 | An Act respecting the Village of Pilot Mound. |
PINEY | |||
458. | 1924 | 113 | An Act to validate a certain apportionment affecting the Rural Municipalities of Sprague and Piney. |
459. | 1914 | 79 | An Act respecting the Rural Municipality of Pipestone. |
460. | 1915 | 53 | An Act respecting the Rural Municipality of Pipestone. |
461. | 1918 | 63 | An Act respecting the Rural Municipality of Pipestone. |
462. | 1919 | 75 | An Act respecting The Rural Municipality of Pipestone. |
463. | 1932 | 77 | An Act respecting the Rural Municipality of Pipestone. |
464. | 1950(1st) | 85 | An Act respecting the Rural Municipality of Pipestone. |
465. | 1920 | 99 | An Act respecting the Village of Plum Coulee. |
466. | 1881 | 41 | An Act to amend 43 Vic., cap.35, intituled "An Act to incorporate the Westbourne and Northwestern Railway Company," and to lega- lize the By-laws of the corporation of the municipality of Westbourne and of the cor- poration of the town of Portage la Prairie granting aid to the said company by the issue of debentures. |
467. | 1882 | 41 | An Act to amend 44 Vic., Cap.41, and to legalize By-law No. 13, passed by the town of Portage la Prairie on the 15th day of April, 1881, to raise for the use of the said town $40,000. And by-law No. 37 of the corporation of the town of Portage la Prairie granting one hundred thousand dollars in aid of the Portage, Westbourne and North-Western Railway. |
468. | 1883 | 66 | An Act relating to certain By-Laws of the Town of Portage la Prairie and of the Muni- cipality of Westbourne. |
469. | 1883 | 71 | An Act to legalize by-law number fifty-one (51) of the Town of Portage la Prairie, in the Province of Manitoba, entitled "A by-law to raise the sum of one hundred thousand dollars by debentures for perma- nent improvements in the Town of Portage la Prairie." |
470. | 1884 | 58 | An Act to make certain provisions respect- ing land deeded by one William Gaddy, for Agricultural Society purposes, at the Town of Portage la Prairie. |
471. | 1887 | 5 | An Act to Provide for the Issuing of Tax Sale Deeds for Lands in the Town of Portage la Prairie. |
472. | 1889 | 35 | An Act to amend certain Acts and to provide for certain matters. |
473. | 1890 | 46 | An Act Respecting the Town of Portage la Prairie. |
474. | 1891 | 1 | An Act to amend certain Acts and provide for certain matters. |
475. | 1895 | 39 | An Act to amend Chapter 46 or 53 Victoria, being "An Act respecting the Town of Portage la Prairie." |
476. | RSM 1902 | 141 | An Act to provide for the Establishment and Maintenance of Public Parks in Cities and Towns. |
477. | 1903 | 32 | An Act respecting the Town of Portage la Prairie. |
478. | 1904 | 44 | An Act to amend the Act respecting the Town of Portage la Prairie. |
479. | 1975 | 48 | An Act to repeal An Act respecting the Town of Portage la Prairie. |
480. | 1905 | 35 | An Act respecting the Town of Portage la Prairie. |
481. | 1906 | 67 | An Act respecting the Town of Portage la Prairie. |
482. | 1906 | 68 | An Act to amend "An Act respecting the Town of Portage la Prairie." |
483. | 1906 | 70 | An Act to amend The Public Parks Act. |
484. | 1907 | 33 | An Act to Provide a Charter for the City of Portage la Prairie. |
485. | 1908 | 49 | An Act to validate By-law No. 501 of the City of Portage la Prairie. |
486. | 1927 | 100 | An Act to Validate By-law No. 856 of the City of Portage la Prairie and Certain Debentures issued, or to be issued, There- under. |
487. | 1909 | 49 | An Act to validate By-law No. 508 of the City of Portage la Prairie. |
488. | 1927 | 101 | An Act to amend the Portage la Prairie Charter. |
489. | 1929 | 85 | An Act respecting the City of Portage la Prairie. (1) |
490. | 1929 | 87 | An Act respecting the City of Portage la Prairie.(3) |
491. | 1930 | 72 | An Act to amend The Portage la Prairie Charter. (1) |
492. | 1930 | 73 | An Act to Validate By-law No. 949 of the City of Portage la Prairie and By-laws No. 1 (1929) and 2 (1929) of the Portage Industrial Exhibition Association. (2) |
493. | 1931 | 86 | An Act respecting the City of Portage la Prairie. |
494. | 1932 | 78 | An Act respecting the City of Portage la Prairie. |
495. | 1936 | 79 | An Act respecting the City of Portaga la Prairie. (2) |
496. | 1937 | 76 | An Act respecting the City of Portage la Prairie. |
497. | 1937 | 77 | An Act to validate By-laws Nos. 1260, 1261, 1274 and 1275 of the City of Portage la Prairie. |
498. | 1941-42 | 40 | An Act respecting Certain Lands in the City of Portage la Prairie. |
499. | 1941-42 | 80 | An Act respecting the City of Portage la Prairie. |
500. | 1947 | 86 | An Act to validate By-law No. 2380 of the City of Portage la Prairie. |
501. | 1955 | 90 | An Act respecting the City of Portage la Prairie. |
502. | 1957 | 86 | An Act to validate By-law No. 3323 of the City of Portage la Prairie. |
503. | 1959(1st) | 6 | An Act to validate By-law No. 3465 of the City of Portage la Prairie. |
504. | 1961(1st) | 80 | An Act respecting the City of Portage la Prairie. |
505. | 1966 | 83 | An Act respecting The City of Portage la Prairie. |
506. | 1966-67 | 82 | An Act respecting The City of Portage la Prairie and the purpose of certain lands from the Government of Manitoba. |
507. | 1966-67 | 83 | An Act validating By-law No. 3916 of The City of Portage la Prairie and other matters. |
508. | 1975 | 49 | An Act to vest title to certain land in the City of Portage la Prairie. |
509. | 1921 | 132 | An Act respecting the Rural Municipality of Portage la Prairie. |
510. | 1923 | 84 | An Act respecting the Rural Municipality of Portage la Prairie. |
511. | 1923 | 85 | An Act respecting the Rural Municipality of Portage la Prairie. |
512. | 1926 | 91 | An Act respecting the Rural Municipality of Portage la Prairie. |
513. | 1931 | 85 | An Act respecting the Rural Municipality of Portage la Prairie. |
514. | 1931 | 97 | An Act to Validate an Agreement between the Rural Municipalities of Portage la Prairie, Woodlands and St. Francois Xavier. |
515. | 1932 | 79 | An Act respecting the Rural Municipality of Portage la Prairie. |
516. | 1933 | 70 | An Act respecting the Rural Municipality of Portage la Prairie. |
517. | 1937 | 78 | An Act respecting the Rural Municipality of Portage la Prairie. (1) |
518. | 1937 | 79 | An Act respecting the Rural Municipality of Portage la Prairie. (2) |
519 | 1948 | 85 | An Act respecting the Rural Municipality of Portage la Prairie. (1) |
520. | 1948 | 86 | An Act respecting the Rural Municipality of Portage la Prairie. (2) |
521. | 1950(1st) | 86 | An Act respecting the Rural Municipality of Portage la Prairie. |
522. | RSM 1902 | 143 | An Act respecting Public Schools. |
POSEN | |||
523. | 1898 | 31 | An Act to amend The Municipal Act. |
524. | 1951 | 85 | An Act to amend An Act to provide for the Incorporation of the Village of Powerview. |
525. | 1966 | 84 | An Act respecting The Village of Powerview. |
526. | 1894 | 21 | An Act to amend "The Assessment Act." |
527. | 1899 | 33 | An Act to enable the Government of Manitoba to guarantee the interest on certain Debentures to be issued by the Town of Rapid City. |
528. | 1900 | 46 | An Act respecting the Town of Rapid City. |
529. | 1907 | 38 | An Act respecting By-laws of the Town of Rapid City. |
530. | 1910 | 54 | An Act respecting the Town of Rapid City. |
531. | 1912 | 69 | An Act respecting the Town of Rapid City. |
532. | 1914 | 88 | An Act to legalize By-law No. 260 of the Town of Rapid City. |
533. | 1914 | 89 | An Act to legalize By-law No. 275 of the Town of Rapid City. |
534. | 1919 | 84 | An Act respecting the Town of Rapid City. |
535. | 1961(1st) | 81 | An Act to validate By-law No. 766 of the Town of Rapid City. |
536. | 1950 (1st) | 88 | An Act to Validate By-law No. 907 of the Rural Municipality of Rhineland and An Agreement between the Rural Municipality of Rhineland and Co-op Vegetable Oils, Ltd. |
537. | 1958 (1st) | 86 | An Act to Validate By-law No. 1112 of the Rural Municipality of Rhineland. |
538. | 1914 | 92 | An Act respecting the Rural Municipality of Ritchot. |
539. | 1916 | 90 | An Act relating to the Rural Municipality of Ritchot. |
540. | 1934 | 73 | An Act respecting the Rural Municipality of Ritchot. |
RIVERS | |||
541. | 1913 | 44 | An Act to amend The Municipal Boundaries Act. |
542. | 1916 | 91 | An Act Respecting the Town of Rivers. |
543. | 1918 | 73 | An Act Respecting the Town of Rivers |
544. | 1929 | 88 | An Act respecting the Town of Rivers |
545. | 1936 | 80 | An Act respecting the Town of Rivers. |
546. | 1886 | 26 | An Act to amend certain Acts therein Mentioned, and for Other Purposes. |
547. | 1912 | 44 | An Act to amend The Municipal Act. |
548. | 1912 | 87 | An Act to Ratify and Confirm certain Contracts entered into between the Town of Stonewall and the Winnipeg, Selkirk and Lake Winnipeg Railway Company, and between the Rural Municipality of Rockwood and the said Company. |
549. | 1915 | 62 | An Act respecting the Rural Municipality of Rockwood. |
550. | 1915 | 80 | An Act respecting the Operation of Sunday Street Cars in Certain Territory, and for other purposes. |
551. | 1918 | 74 | An Act respecting the Rural Municipality of Rockwood. |
552. | 1919 | 86 | An Act respecting the Rural Municipality of Rockwood |
553. | 1930 | 74 | An Act respecting the Rural Municipality of Rockwood and St. Andrews. |
554. | 1937 | 80 | An Act respecting the Rural Municipality of Rockwood |
555. | 1939 | 103 | An Act to validate By-law No. 1137 of the Rural Municipality of Rockwood. |
556. | 1941-42 | 82 | An Act to validate By-law No. 1305 of The Rural Municipality of Rockwood. |
557. | 1945(1st) | 84 | An Act to validate By-law No. 1452 of the Rural Municipality of Rockwood. |
558. | 1946 | 82 | An Act to validate By-law No. 1524 of the Rural Municipality of Rockwood. |
559. | 1949 | 84 | An Act to validate By-law No 1685 of The Rural Municipality of Rockwood. |
560. | 1951 | 86 | An Act to validate By-law No. 1714 of the Rural Municipality of Rockwood. |
561. | 1951 | 87 | An Act to validate By-law No. 1727 of the Rural Municipality of Rockwood. |
562. | 1954 | 47 | An Act to validate By-law No. 1847 of the Rural Municipality of Rockwood. |
563. | 1956 | 83 | An Act to validate By-law No. 1887 and to authorize a general levy under By-laws No. 964, No. 1714 and No. 1775 of The Rural Municipality of Rockwood. |
564. | 1957 | 88 | An Act to validate By-law No. 1916 of the Rural Municipality of Rockwood. |
565. | 1958(1st) | 87 | An Act to validate By-law No. 1958 of The Rural Municipality of Rockwood. |
566. | 1965 | 98 | An Act to validate By-law No. 2169 of the Rural Municipality of Rockwood and By-law No. 713 of The Town of Stonewall. |
567. | 1966-67 | 87 | An Act to validate By-law No. 371 of The Village of Teulon and By-law No. 2233 of The Rural Municipality of Rockwood. |
568. | 1969 (1st) | 18 | An Act to Validate By-law No. 2259 of The Rural Municipality of Rockwood. |
569. | 1920 | 108 | An Act respecting the Rural Municipality of Rossburn. |
ROSSER | |||
570. | 1893 | 25 | An Act to amend The Municipal Boundaries Act. |
571. | 1910 | 40 | An Act to amend The Municipal Act. |
572. | 1913 | 62 | An Act to legalize By-law No. 222 of the Rural Municipality of Rosser. |
573. | 1914 | 93 | An Act respecting the Rural Municipality of Rosser. |
574. | 1914 | 94 | An Act respecting the Rural Municipality of Rosser. |
575. | 1915 | 63 | An Act to amend "An Act respecting the Rural Municipality of Rosser." |
576. | 1937 | 81 | An Act respecting the Rural Municipality of Rosser. |
577. | 1909 | 59 | An Act to enable the Village of Russell to aid the establishment of a Flour and Oat- meal Mill in the said Village. |
578. | 1933 | 71 | An Act to Legalize Sales of Land for Taxes by the Town of Russell. |
579. | 1962 | 100 | An Act respecting the Ste. Agathe Bridge over the Red River, in Manitoba. |
580. | 1883 | 74 | An Act to legalize By-Law No. 33 of the Municipality of Saint Andrews, in the Province of Manitoba. |
581. | 1913 | 71 | An Act respecting the Rural Municipality of St. Andrews. |
582. | 1914 | 97 | An Act respecting the Rural Municipality of St. Andrews. |
583. | 1916 | 92 | An Act respecting the Rural Municipality of St. Andrews |
584. | 1920 | 110 | An Act to validate By-law No. 542 of the Rural Municipality of St. Andrews |
585. | 1930 | 75 | An Act to Validate By-law No. 855 of the Rural Municipality of St. Andrews. |
586. | 1937-38 | 60 | An Act respecting the Rural Municipality of St. Andrews. |
587. | 1937-38 | 65 | An Act correcting and defining the Inter- Municipal Boundary between the Town of Selkirk and the Rural Municipality of St. Andrews. |
588. | 1944 | 65 | An Act to Authorize certain Grants of Money by the Town of Selkirk and the Rural Municipalities of St. Andrews and St. Clements. |
589. | 1948 | 89 | An Act to validate By-law No. 2460 of the Rural Municipality of St. Andrews. |
590. | 1922 | 60 | An Act to validate By-law 164 of the Rural Municipality of Ste.Anne |
591. | 1925 | 88 | An Act Respecting the Rural Municipality of Sainte Anne. |
592. | 1930 | 76 | An Act to Validate By-law No. 199 of the Rural Municipality of Ste. Anne. |
593. | 1931 | 88 | An Act to Validate By-law No. 211 of the Rural Municipality of Ste. Anne, in Manitoba. |
594. | 1932 | 62 | An Act to amend The Municipal Boundaries Act. |
595. | 1932 | 80 | An Act to Validate and Confirm a Certain Agreement between the Rural Municipality of Ste. Anne and Manitoba Dairy Farms Limited. |
596. | 1963 | 109 | An Act respecting The Rural Municipality of St. Anne. |
ST. CLEMENT(S) | |||
597. | 1913 | 73 | An Act to legalize By-law No. 65 of the Rural Municipality of St. Clements. |
598. | 1914 | 102 | An Act to legalize By-Law No. 84 of the Rural Municipality of St. Clements. |
599. | 1916 | 93 | An Act respecting the Rural Municipality of St. Clements. |
600. | 1922 | 63 | An Act respecting the Rural Municipality of St. Clements. |
601. | 1930 | 80 | An Act respecting the Rural Municipality of St. Clements. |
602. | 1932 | 83 | An Act respecting the Rural Municipality of St. Clements. |
603. | 1946 | 85 | An Act respecting the Rural Municipality of St. Clements. |
604. | 1918 | 85 | An Act respecting the Rural Municipality of St. Francois Xavier. |
605. | 1945(1st) | 87 | An Act respecting The St. Jean Baptiste Red River Bridge District. |
606. | 1946 | 90 | An Act to amend An Act respecting The St. Jean Baptiste Red River Bridge District. |
607. | 1954 | 50 | An Act to amend An Act respecting The St. Jean Baptiste Red River Bridge District. |
608. | 1925 | 93 | An Act respecting the Rural Municipality of St. Laurent. (1) |
609. | 1925 | 94 | An Act Respecting the Rural Municipality of St. Laurent. |
610. | 1946 | 91 | An Act respecting the Rural Municipality of St. Laurent. |
ST. PAUL | |||
611. | 1911 | 58 | An Act to legalize By-law No. 201 of the Rural Municipality of St. Paul. |
612. | 1913 | 74 | An Act respecting the Rural Municipality of Saint Paul. |
613. | 1915 | 66 | An Act to legalize By-law No. 334 of the Rural Municipality of St. Paul. |
614. | 1919 | 28 | An Act respecting the Rural Municipality of East St. Paul. |
615. | 1934 | 67 | An Act respecting the Rural Municipality of East St. Paul and an Election Therein. |
616. | 1940(1st) | 67 | An Act to validate By-law No. 268 of the Rural Municipality of East St. Paul. |
617. | 1951 | 79 | An Act to validate By-Law No. 394 of the Rural Municipality of East St. Paul and an Agreement between the Rural Municipality of East St. Paul and Imperial Oil Limited. |
618. | 1959(1st) | 79 | An Act to validate By-law No. 59-8 of the Rural Municipality of East St. Paul and an Agreement between the Rural Municipality of East St. Paul and Imperial Oil Limited. |
619. | 1971 | 95 | An Act to validate By-laws No. 70-22 and 71-15 of the Rural Municipality of East St. Paul. |
620. | 1923 | 99 | An Act respecting the Rural Municipality of West St. Paul |
621. | 1925 | 95 | An Act respecting the Rural Municipality of West St. Paul. |
622. | 1916 | 94 | An Act respecting certain Lands within what is known as "The St. Peter's Indian Reserve." |
623. | 1917 | 75 | An Act to amend "An Act respecting Lands in Saint Peters Reserve." |
STE. ROSE | |||
624. | 1906 | 82 | An Act to legalize certain By-laws of the Rural Municipality of Ste. Rose. |
625. | 1910 | 64 | An Act respecting the Rural Municipality of Ste. Rose. |
626. | 1915 | 67 | An Act respecting the Rural Municipality of Ste. Rose. |
627. | 1920 | 113 | An Act to validate By-laws Nos. 201 and 216 of the Rural Municipality of Sainte Rose. |
628. | 1920 | 114 | An Act to validate By-law No. 225 of the Rural Municipality of Sainte Rose. |
629. | 1920 | 115 | An Act to validate By-law No. 226 of the Rural Municipality of Saint Rose. |
630. | 1921 | 137 | An Act to legalize By-law No. 236 of the Rural Municipality of Sainte Rose |
631. | 1925 | 96 | An Act respecting By-Law No. 236 of the Rural Municipality of Sainte Rose. |
632. | 1922 | 64 | An Act respecting The Rural Municipality of Sainte Rose |
633. | 1927 | 106 | An Act respecting the Rural Municipality of Ste. Rose. |
634. | 1935 | 88 | An Act respecting the Rural Municipality of Ste. Rose. |
635. | 1937 | 86 | An Act respecting the Rural Municipality of Ste. Rose. |
636. | 1939 | 107 | An Act respecting the Rural Municipality of Ste. Rose. |
637. | 1922 | 65 | An Act respecting the Village of Ste. Rose du Lac |
638. | 1910 | 58 | An Act respecting the Rural Municipality of Saskatchewan. |
639. | 1911 | 53 | An Act respecting the Rural Municipality of Saskatchewan. |
640. | 1883 | 68 | An Act to legalize By-Law No. 8 of the Town of Selkirk, in the Province of Manitoba. |
641. | 1883 | 73 | An Act to enable the corporation of the town of Selkirk, in the Province of Manitoba, to assume certain liabilities relative to the North-West Lumbering Company (Limited). |
642. | 1899 | 39 | An Act respecting the Town of Selkirk. |
643. | 1903 | 39 | An Act respecting the Town of Selkirk. |
644. | 1906 | 77 | An Act respecting the Town of Selkirk. |
645. | 1909 | 63 | An Act to legalize By-laws 279, 280 and 281 of the Town of Selkirk. |
646. | 1909 | 64 | An Act to amend an Act passed at the Present Session intituled "An Act to legalize By-laws 279, 280 and 281 of the Town of Selkirk." |
647. | 1910 | 60 | An Act to amend "An Act respecting the Town of Selkirk." |
648. | 1912 | 77 | An Act respecting the Town of Selkirk |
649. | 1913 | 66 | An Act respecting the Town of Selkirk. |
650. | 1914 | 106 | An Act respecting the Town of Selkirk. |
651. | 1915 | 73 | An Act respecting the Town of Selkirk. |
652. | 1916 | 99 | An Act to Legalize By-law No. 377 of the Town of Selkirk, and the debentures issued thereunder. |
653. | 1917 | 78 | An Act respecting the Town of Selkirk |
654. | 1920 | 121 | An Act respecting the Town of Selkirk |
655. | 1922 | 57 | An Act respecting the Town of Selkirk |
656. | 1923 | 86 | An Act respecting the Town of Selkirk |
657. | 1925 | 97 | An Act respecting "The Town of Selkirk." |
658. | 1926 | 96 | An Act Validating By-Law Numbered 564 of the Town of Selkirk as amended by By-Law No. 574 thereof. |
659. | 1927 | 107 | An Act to Validate By-law No. 589 of the Town of Selkirk. |
660. | 1937 | 87 | An Act to validate By-law No. 846 of the Town of Selkirk. |
661. | 1937-38 | 64 | An Act to validate By-Law No. 876 of the Town of Selkirk. |
662. | 1949 | 91 | An Act to validate By-law No. 1782 of the Town of Selkirk and An Agreement between the Town of Selkirk and His Majesty in Right of Canada. |
663. | 1939 | 109 | An Act respecting the Rural Municipality of Shellmouth. |
664. | 1912 | 78 | An Act to legalize By-law No. 330 of the Rural Municipality of Shell River. |
665. | 1913 | 67 | An Act to legalize the sale for arrears of taxes of certain lands by the Rural Municipality of Shell River. |
666. | 1914 | 107 | An Act to legalize the Sale for Arrears of Taxes of certain Lands by the Rural Municipality of Shell River. |
667. | 1917 | 83 | An Act to Legalize the Sale for Arrears of Taxes of Certain Lands by the Rural Municipality of Shell River. |
668. | 1924 | 110 | An Act respecting the Rural Municipality of Shell River. |
669. | 1925 | 98 | An Act respecting the Rural Municipality of Shell River. |
670. | 1933 | 74 | An Act to Legalize a Certain Tax Sale of Lands for Arrears of Taxes by the Rural Municipality of Shell River. |
671. | 1936 | 82 | An Act respecting the Rural Municipality of Shell River. |
672. | 1964 (1st) | 71 | An Act to Validate By-law No. 405 of The Village of Shoal Lake and By-law No. 750 of The Rural Municipality of Shoal Lake. |
673. | 1969(2nd) | 44 | An Act to validate By-law No. 801 of the Rural Municipality of Shoal Lake. |
674. | 1912 | 79 | An Act respecting By-law No. 26 of the Vil- lage of Shoal Lake. |
675. | 1914 | 108 | An Act to legalize By-law No. 43 of the Village of Shoal Lake. |
676. | 1920 | 123 | An Act validating By-Law No. 74 of the Village of Shoal Lake. |
SIFTON | |||
677. | 1919 | 92 | An Act respecting the Rural Municipality of Sifton. |
678. | 1922 | 58 | An Act respecting the Rural Municipality of Siglunes |
679. | 1926 | 97 | An Act to validate By-Laws Nos. 83 and 88 of The Rural Municipality of Siglunes, and to ratify and authorize the levying of cer- tain rates by The Municipal Council of the said Municipality. |
680. | 1915 | 74 | An Act respecting the Rural Municipality of Silver Creek. |
681. | 1931 | 96 | An Act respecting the Rural Municipality of Silver Creek. |
682. | 1936 | 83 | An Act to Legalize a Certain Tax Sale of Lands for Arrears of Taxes by the Rural Municipality of Silver Creek. |
SOURIS | |||
683. | 1910 | 161 | An Act to Authorize the Town of Souris to construct and operate a system or systems of Waterworks and Sewers in said Town |
684. | 1912 | 80 | An Act to validate By-laws Nos. 152 and 182 of the Town of Souris. |
685. | 1912 | 81 | An Act to legalize By-law No. 186 of the Town of Souris. |
686. | 1914 | 109 | An Act respecting the Town of Souris. |
687. | 1914 | 110 | An Act to legalize By-law No. 206, as amended, of the Town of Souris. |
688. | 1914 | 111 | An Act to legalize By-Law No. 227 of the Town of Souris. |
689. | 1914 | 112 | An Act to Legalize By-Laws Nos. 160 and 234 of the Town of Souris. |
690. | 1917 | 86 | An Act to legalize and confirm By-laws Nos. 270 and 271 of the Town of Souris |
691. | 1918 | 82 | An Act to Confirm and Validate the Assess- ment of Certain Lots in the Town of Souris, and the Sale of Arrears of Taxes of Certain of Such Lots. |
692. | 1920 | 126 | An Act respecting the Town of Souris |
693. | 1924 | 111 | An Act respecting the Town of Souris. |
694. | 1929 | 95 | An Act respecting the Town of Souris. |
695. | 1930 | 83 | An Act respecting the Town of Souris. |
696. | 1922 | 59 | An Act respecting the Rural Municipality of South Cypress. |
697. | 1924 | 112 | An Act respecting the Rural Municipality of South Cypress. |
698. | 1888 | 43 | An Act to legalize By-law No. 62 of the Rural Municipality of South Norfolk. |
699. | 1888 | 49 | An Act to legalize By-Law No. 75 of the Rural Municipality of South Norfolk. |
700. | 1891 | 37 | An Act to amend Chapter 43 of 51 Victoria, intituled "An Act to legalize By-Law No. 62, of the Rural Municipality of South Norfolk." |
701. | 1905 | 44 | An Act to enable the Rural Municipality of South Norfolk to lend a sum of money for the erection of a Grist Mill at Treherne, in the said municipality. |
702. | 1906 | 79 | An Act to legalize By-law Number 377 of the Rural Municipality of South Norfolk. |
703. | 1916 | 102 | An Act respecting the Rural Municipality of South Norfolk |
704. | 1926 | 98 | An Act respecting the Rural Municipality of South Norfolk. |
705. | 1901 | 30 | An Act to amend The Municipal Boundaries Act. |
706. | 1913 | 69 | An Act respecting the Rural Municipality of Sprague. |
707. | 1915 | 75 | An Act respecting the Rural Municipality of Sprague. |
708. | 1875 | 44 | An Act to confirm and make valid By-law No. 8, of the Municipality of Springfield and Sunnyside. |
709. | 1904 | 56 | An Act respecting the Rural Municipality of Springfield. |
710. | 1911 | 55 | An Act respecting By-laws Nos. 322 and 323 of the Rural Municipality of Springfield. |
711. | 1913 | 70 | An Act to Legalize and Confirm a Tax Sale of Lands in the Rural Municipality of Springfield. |
712. | 1918 | 83 | An Act respecting the Rural Municipality of Springfield. |
713. | 1937-38 | 66 | An Act respecting the Rural Municipality of Springfield. (1) |
714. | 1937-38 | 67 | An Act respecting the Rural Municipality of Springfield. (2) |
715. | 1940(2nd) | 52 | An Act respecting the Rural Municipality of Springfield. |
716. | 1944 | 66 | An Act to validate By-law No. 1106 of the Rural Municipality of Springfield. |
717. | 1961(1st) | 87 | An Act to validate By-law No. 1659 of the Rural Municipality of Springfield. |
718. | 1915 | 76 | An Act respecting the Rural Municipality of Stanley. |
719. | 1964(2nd) | 14 | An Act respecting The Town of Steinbach. |
720. | 1968 | 83 | An Act respecting the Town of Steinbach. |
721. | 1973 | 37 | An Act respecting the Town of Steinbach. |
722. | 1915 | 78 | An Act respecting the Town of Stonewall. |
723. | 1917 | 88 | An Act respecting the Town of Stonewall |
724. | 1919 | 96 | An Act respecting the Town of Stonewall |
725. | 1921 | 138 | An Act to ratify and confirm a certain contract entered into between the Town of Stonewall and Samuel Jacob Jackson, of the Town of Steonwall, in Manitoba, inspector of Indian agencies. |
726. | 1935 | 89 | An Act to secure the Maintenance of Tramway Services between the City of Winnipeg and the Town of Stonewall. |
727. | 1941-42 | 88 | An Act to validate By-law No. 346 of the Town of Stonewall. |
728. | 1945(1st) | 88 | An Act to validate By-law No. 374 of the Town of Stonewall. |
729. | 1946 | 92 | An Act to validate By-law No. 402 of the Town of Stonewall. |
730. | 1951 | 89 | An Act to validate By-law No. 451 of the Town of Stonewall. |
731. | 1952(1st) | 77 | An Act to validate By-law No. 459 of The Town of Stonewall. |
732. | 1913 | 76 | An Act respecting the Rural Municipality of Strathclair. |
733. | 1969(1st) | 20 | An Act to validate By-law No. 5/69 of the Rural Municipality of Strathclair |
734. | 1920 | 127 | An Act respecting the Rural Municipality of Stuartburn. |
735. | 1923 | 87 | An Act to legalize a certain sale of lands for arrears of taxes by the Rural Municipality of Stuartburn |
736. | 1924 | 114 | An Act to validate Certain Tax Sale Applications of the Rural Municipality of Stuartburn. |
737. | 1914 | 114 | An Act respecting the Rural Municipality of Swan River. |
738. | 1916 | 108 | An Act respecting the Rural Municipality of Swan River |
739. | 1930 | 87 | An Act respecting the Rural Municipality of Swan River. |
740. | 1932 | 86 | An Act respecting the Rural Municipality of Swan River. |
741. | 1933 | 75 | An Act to amend "An Act respecting the Rural Municipality of Swan River". (1) |
742. | 1933 | 76 | An Act respecting the Rural Municipality of Swan River. (2) |
743. | 1935 | 90 | An Act respecting the Rural Municipality of Swan River. |
744. | 1936 | 84 | An Act respecting the Rural Municipality of Swan River. |
745. | 1937 | 88 | An Act respecting the Rural Municipality of Swan River. |
746. | 1917 | 91 | An Act respecting the Town of Swan River. |
747. | 1919 | 103 | An Act respecting the Town of Swan River. |
748. | 1920 | 132 | An Act validating By-law No. 170 of the Town of Swan River |
749. | 1920 | 133 | An Act validating By-law No. 171 of the Town of Swan River |
750. | 1923 | 89 | An Act validating By-law No. 222 of the Town of Swan River. |
751. | 1927 | 109 | An Act respecting the Town of Swan River. |
752. | 1927 | 110 | An Act respecting the Town of Swan River. |
753. | 1932 | 87 | An Act to amend "An Act respecting the Town of Swan River". |
754. | 1954 | 51 | An Act to validate By-laws Nos. 2/54 and 4/54 of the Town of Swan River. |
755. | 1958(1st) | 95 | An Act to validate By-Law No. 4/58 of the Town of Swan River. |
756. | 1966-67 | 86 | An Act to validate By-Laws Nos. 19/66 and 4/67 of The Town of Swan River |
TACHE | |||
757. | 1921 | 139 | An Act respecting the Rural Municipality of Tache. |
758. | 1935 | 91 | An Act respecting the Rural Municipality of Tache. |
759. | 1937 | 89 | An Act respecting the Rural Municipality of Tache. |
TEULON | |||
760. | 1920 | 137 | An Act to legalize and confirm the Election of Mayor and Councillors for the Village of Teulon for the year 1920. |
761. | 1920 | 138 | An Act respecting the Village of Teulon |
THE PAS | |||
762. | 1913 | 81 | An Act respecting the Town of The Pas. |
763. | 1913 | 82 | An Act to Legalize By-Law No. 14 of the Town of The Pas. |
764. | 1913 | 84 | An Act to Authorize the Town of The Pas to Construct and Operate a System or Systems of Waterworks and Sewers within the said Town. |
765. | 1914 | 117 | An Act respecting the Town of The Pas. |
766. | 1914 | 118 | An Act respecting the Town of The Pas. |
767. | 1914 | 119 | An Act to legalize By-Law No. 35 of the Town of The Pas. |
768. | 1916 | 113 | An Act to amend and legalize By-law No. 5 of the School District of The Pas, Number 1635, and By-law No. 71 of the Town of The Pas. |
769. | 1917 | 66 | An Act to legalize Certain Payments to the Municipality of The Pas, in Manitoba. |
770. | 1918 | 60 | An Act to Legalize the Sale of Arrears of Taxes of Certain Lands by the Municipality of the Town of The Pas and to Validate and Legalize the Assessments and Collection of Taxes in Connection Therewith. |
771. | 1920 | 139 | An Act respecting the Town of The Pas |
772. | 1921 | 140 | An Act respecting the Town of The Pas. |
773. | 1927 | 111 | An Act respecting the Town of The Pas. |
774. | 1928 | 103 | An Act to validate the 1927 Elections in the Town of The Pas. |
775. | 1928 | 104 | An Act respecting the Town of The Pas. |
776. | 1936 | 85 | An Act to amend "An Act respecting the Town of The Pas". |
777. | 1951 | 84 | An Act respecting the Town of The Pas. |
778. | 1957 | 85 | An Act to amend An Act respecting the Town of The Pas. |
779. | 1970 | 116 | An Act to Validate By-law No. 1695 of The Town of The Pas. |
780. | 1971 | 102 | An Act to amend An Act respecting the Town of The Pas. |
781. | 1925 | 102 | An Act respecting the Rural Municipality of Thompson. |
782. | 1970 | 119 | The Thompson Charter. |
783. | 1971 | 103 | An Act to validate By-law No. 559 of the City of Thompson. |
784. | 1974 | 72 | An Act to validate By-law No. 719 of the City of Thompson. |
785. | 1966-67 | 88 | An Act to validate By-law No. 214 of The Village of Treherne. |
786. | 1893 | 41 | An Act Respecting By-Law No. 21 of the Rural Municipality of Turtle Mountain. |
787. | 1920 | 145 | An Act respecting the Rural Municipality of Turtle Mountain |
788. | 1930 | 88 | An Act respecting the Rural Municipality of Turtle Mountain. |
789. | 1952 (1st) | 78 | An Act to Incorporate Manitoba Urban Association. |
790. | 1934 | 79 | An Act respecting the Rural Municipality of Victoria. |
791. | 1939 | 110 | An Act to legalize certain Advances made by the Rural Municipality of Victoria for Seed Grain. |
792. | 1947 | 93 | An Act respecting the Rural Municipality of Victoria. |
793. | 1965 | 104 | An Act respecting The Rural Municipality of Victoria. |
794. | 1921 | 145 | An Act respecting The Rural Municipality of Victoria Beach. |
795. | 1931 | 99 | An Act respecting the Rural Municipality of Victoria Beach. |
796. | 1933 | 78 | An Act respecting the Rural Municipality of Victoria Beach. |
797. | 1939 | 111 | An Act Vesting Title to all roads, Streets, Squares, Commons and Lanes Shown on Plans of Subdivision of Parts of Victoria Beach registered in the Winnipeg Land Titles Office as Nos. 1755, 2483 and 2968 in the Crown in the Right of the Province of Manitoba. |
VIRDEN | |||
798. | 1910 | 44 | An Act to amend The Assessment Act. |
799. | 1910 | 78 | An Act to amend The Assessment Act. |
800. | 1920 | 147 | An Act respecting the Town of Virden |
801. | 1926 | 103 | An Act respecting the Town of Virden. |
802. | 1930 | 89 | An Act respecting the Town of Virden. |
803. | 1934 | 80 | An Act respecting the Town of Virden. |
804. | 1969 | 21 | An Act validating By-Law No. 1756 of The Town of Virden |
805. | 1914 | 127 | An Act Respecting the Rural Municipality of Wallace. |
806. | 1915 | 89 | An Act to confirm certain By-laws of the Rural Municipality of Wallace. |
807. | 1920 | 149 | An Act respecting the Rural Municipality of Wallace. |
808. | 1934 | 81 | An Act respecting the Rural Municipality of Wallace. (1) |
809. | 1934 | 82 | An Act respecting the Rural Municipality of Wallace. (2) |
810. | 1954 | 54 | An Act to validate By-law No. 1245 of the Rural Municipality of Wallace. |
811. | 1901 | 26 | An Act to amend The Municipal Act. |
812. | 1917 | 98 | An Act respecting the Rural Municipality of Westbourne. |
813. | 1919 | 113 | An Act respecting the Rural Municipality of Westbourne. |
814. | 1920 | 151 | An Act to validate By-law No. 379 of the Rural Municipality of Westbourne. |
815. | 1925 | 103 | An Act respecting By-Law No. 379 of the Rural Municipality of Westbourne. |
816. | 1883 | 67 | An Act to legalize By-law No. 11 of the Corporation of the town of West Lynne, intituled "A By-law to raise by way of debentures, sixty thousand dollars, to be expended in the erection of a railway and traffic bridge across the Red River at West Lynn." |
817. | 1887 | 48 | An Act to provide for the Election of a Mayor and Council for the Town of West Lynne. |
818. | 1916 | 123 | An Act respecting the Rural Municipality of Whitemouth. |
819. | 1937-38 | 70 | An Act respecting the Rural Municipality of Whitemouth. |
820. | 1945(1st) | 90 | An Act respecting the Rural Municipality of Whitemouth. |
821. | 1945(1st) | 91 | An Act to validate By-law No. 612 of the Rural Municipality of Whitemouth, and an Agreement between that Municipality and Winnipeg Electric Company. |
822. | 1918 | 102 | An Act to legalize the 1915 Tax Sale of the Rural Municipality of Whitewater. |
823. | 1951 | 90 | An Act respecting The Rural Municipality of Whitewater. |
824. | 1953(2nd) | 70 | An Act to authorize the Reimbursement of the Rural Municipality of Whitewater for certain Bounties on Predatory Animals. |
825. | 1961(1st) | 91 | An Act respecting the Rural Municipality of Whitewater and The Minto Cemetery Company. |
826. | 1894 | 45 | An Act to Legalize By-Law No. 39 of the Municipality of Winchester. |
827. | 1895 | 34 | An Act to amend The Assessment Act. |
828. | 1896 | 16 | An Act to amend The Assessment Act, and certain Acts amending the same. |
829. | 1965 | 107 | An Act to authorize The Town of Winkler to enter into an Agreement for the Esta- blishment of a Regional Library under the provisions of The Public Libraries Act. |
830. | 1966-67 | 91 | An Act respecting the Sale of Water in and by The Town of Winkler to Co-op Prairie Canners Ltd. of The Town of Winkler. |
831. | 1920 | 154 | An Act respecting the Town of Winnipeg Beach. |
832. | 1923 | 100 | An Act respecting the Town of Winnipeg Beach |
833. | 1946 | 93 | An Act to amend An Act to Erect the Village of Winnipeg Beach into a Town Corporation. |
834. | 1917 | 101 | An Act respecting the Town of Winnipeg Beach. |
835. | 1925 | 104 | An Act to validate By-Law No. 168 of the Town of Winnipeg Beach. |
836. | 1930 | 90 | An Act respecting the Town of Winnipeg Beach. |
837. | 1936 | 88 | An Act respecting the Town of Winnipeg Beach. |
838. | 1936 | 89 | An Act to amend "An Act respecting the Town of Winnipeg Beach". (2) |
839. | 1939 | 115 | An Act respecting the Town of Winnipeg Beach. |
840. | 1918 | 104 | An Act respecting the Village of Winnipeg- osis. |
841. | 1920 | 157 | An Act respecting the Village of Winnipeg- osis. |
842. | 1945(1st) | 94 | An Act to amend An Act to incorporate the Villlage of Winnipegosis. |
843. | 1968 | 91 | An Act to amend An Act to incorporate the Village of Winnipegosis. |
844. | 1925 | 106 | An Act respecting the Rural Municipality of Woodlands. |
845. | 1934 | 84 | An Act respecting the Rural Municipality of Woodlands. |
846. | 1937 | 93 | An Act respecting the Rural Municipality of Woodlands. |
847. | 1943 | 66 | An Act to validate By-law No. 988 of the Rural Municipality of Woodlands. |
848. | 1952(1st) | 82 | An Act to validate By-law No. 1259 of The Rural Municipality of Woodlands. |
849. | 1953(2nd) | 74 | An Act to validate By-law No. 1503 of the Rural Municipality of Woodlands |
850. | 1954 | 57 | An Act respecting the Rural Municipality of Woodlands and the Infant Children of William Chilson Delbridge and Edith Delbridge Deceased. |
851. | 1920 | 158 | An Act respecting the Rural Municipality of Woodlea. |
852. | 1921 | 149 | An Act respecting The Rural Municipality of Woodlea |
853. | 1923 | 103 | An Act empowering the Rural Municipality of Woodlea to make a debenture issue |
854. | 1923 | 104 | An Act to validate and confirm By-law No. 535 of the Rural Municipality of Woodworth |
855. | 1928 | 109 | An Act to Validate By-Law No. 620 of the Rural Municipality of Woodworth. |
856. | 1935 | 96 | An Act respecting the Rural Municipality of Woodworth. |
857. | 1939 | 116 | An Act to legalize certain Advances made by the Rural Municipality of Woodworth for Seed Grain and Fodder. |
858. | 1953(2nd) | 75 | An Act to validate a By-law No. 1230 of the Rural Municipality of Woodworth. |
859. | 1884 | 75 | An Act to legalize By-law No. 4 of the Municipality of Youville in the Province of Manitoba, entitled "A by-law to raise fifteen thousand dollars for permanent improvements in the Municipality of Youville." |