L.M. 1989-90, c. 9
Projet de loi 38, 2e session, 34e législature
Loi sur la réadoption de lois et la validation d'arrêtés concernant la Ville de Winnipeg
Sanctionnée le 22 décembre 1989)
ATTENDU QU'en vertu d'un jugement de la Cour suprême du Canada daté du 13 juin 1985, les lois du Manitoba qui n'avaient pas été édictées en français et en anglais ont été déclarées invalides sous réserve d'une période de validité temporaire accordée en vue de permettre leur réadoption en format bilingue;
ATTENDU QU'en vertu d'une ordonnance de la Cour suprême du Canada datée du 4 novembre 1985, l'expiration de la période de validité temporaire des lois du Manitoba a été fixée au 31 décembre 1988 en ce qui concerne les lois qui font partie de la Codification permanente des lois du Manitoba et au 31 décembre 1990 en ce qui concerne les autres lois;
ATTENDU QUE le ministre de la Justice a fait rédiger en français et en anglais les lois contenues dans le recueil;
ET ATTENDU QU'il y a lieu, sous réserve des restrictions énoncées dans la présente loi, de mettre en vigueur les lois que le recueil renferme;
EN CONSÉQUENCE, SA MAJESTÉ, sur l'avis et du consentement de l'Assemblée législative du Manitoba, édicte :
Pour l'application de la présente loi, le terme «recueil» s'entend des lois contenues dans le recueil, signé au début par le ministre de la Justice et déposé à l'Assemblée législative, lesquelles lois sont mentionnées à l'annexe A.
Sous réserve des exceptions et restrictions prévues par la présente loi, le recueil a force de loi à toutes fins, comme si ce recueil et les lois qu'il renferme étaient expressément incorporés à la présente loi et édictés par elle.
Les lois contenues dans le recueil peuvent être citées et désignées dans une loi ou un acte de procédure, soit sous leur titre, soit au moyen de la formule «Lois du Manitoba de 1989-90, chapitre» (avec l'indication du numéro de la loi déterminé conformément au paragraphe (2)).
Le conseiller législatif attribue à chacune des lois contenues dans le recueil un numéro de chapitre; il peut insérer dans le volume des lois visé à l'article 12 les notes explicatives qu'il juge appropriées.
Validation d'arrêtés et d'ententes
Les arrêtés et les ententes mentionnés à l'annexe B ainsi que les actes accomplis sous leur régime afin de les appliquer sont validés et lient les municipalités et les parties qu'ils visent comme s'ils avaient été édictés par l'Assemblée législative.
Les lois mentionnées à l'annexe C sont abrogées.
L'abrogation des lois mentionnées à l'annexe C n'a pas pour effet :
a) de remettre en vigueur les lois ou les dispositions législatives abrogées par elles;
b) de modifier les clauses de réserve que comportent les lois abrogées;
c) de soustraire à l'application d'une loi ou de dispositions législatives qui étaient antérieurement en vigueur, une opération, un objet ou une chose à laquelle elles seraient par ailleurs applicables.
L'abrogation des lois mentionnées à l'annexe C n'a pas d'effet sur :
a) les peines, les confiscations ou les responsabilités, civiles ou criminelles, encourues avant l'abrogation ni sur les procédures reliées à leur exécution et intentées, complétées ou pendantes au moment de l'abrogation;
b) les actes d'accusation, les dénonciations, les déclarations de culpabilité, les ordonnances, les sentences ou les poursuites déposés, prononcés, rendus, intentés, complétés ou pendants au moment de l'abrogation;
c) les actions, les jugements, les certificats, les exécutions, les saisies-gageries, les actes de procédure, les ordonnances, les règles ou les procédures, les affaires ou les choses y relatives intentés, rendus, délivrés, effectués, établis, accomplis, pendants, existants ou en vigueur au moment de l'abrogation;
d) les actes, les actes scellés, les droits, les titres, les intérêts, les cessions, les affirmations de titre, les successions héréditaires, les testaments, les enregistrements, les dépôts, les arrêtés, les règlements administratifs, les règles, les décrets, les proclamations, les règlements, les ordres, les contrats, les privilèges, les charges, les statuts, les capacités, les immunités, les affaires ou les choses passés, faits, transmis, pris, acquis, établis, accomplis ou existants au moment de l'abrogation;
e) les charges, les nominations, les commissions, les traitements, les rémunérations, les allocations, les garanties, les fonctions ou les affaires ou les choses qui s'y rapportent au moment de l'abrogation;
f) les autres affaires ou choses faites, complétées, existantes ou pendantes au moment de l'abrogation.
Maintien des conditions existantes
a) peines, confiscations et responsabilités visées à l'alinéa (1) a);
b) actes d'accusation, dénonciations, déclarations de culpabilité, ordonnances, sentences et poursuites visés à l'alinéa (1) b);
c) actions, jugements, certificats, exécutions, saisies-gageries, actes de procédure, ordonnances, règles, procédures, affaires et choses visés à l'alinéa (1) c);
d) actes, actes scellés, droits, titres, intérêts, cessions, affirmations de titre, successions héréditaires, testaments, enregistrements, dépôts, arrêtés, règlements administratifs, règles, décrets, proclamations, règlements, ordres, contrats, privilèges, charges, statuts, capacités, immunités, affaires ou choses visés à l'alinéa (1) d);
e) charges, nominations, commissions, traitements, rémunérations, allocations, garanties, fonctions, affaires et choses visés à l'alinéa (1) e);
f) affaires et choses visées à l'alinéa (1) f);
continuent d'exister commes si l'abrogation des lois mentionnées à l'annexe C n'avait pas eu lieu et, dans la mesure nécessaire, ils peuvent être continués, poursuivis et exécutés comme si cette abrogation n'avait pas eu lieu.
Les lois contenues dans le recueil ne sont pas censées être de droit nouveau; dans leur interprétation et leur application, elles sont considérées comme une codification déclarative de l'état du droit selon les lois qu'abroge l'article 5 et que remplace le recueil.
Effet de l'insertion d'une loi dans le recueil
L'insertion d'une loi dans le recueil ne doit pas être considérée comme une déclaration que la loi ou quelque partie de celle-ci était ou n'était pas opérante immédiatement avant l'entrée en vigueur de la présente loi.
Exemplaires de l'Imprimeur de la Reine
Des exemplaires des lois contenues dans le recueil censés imprimés par l'Imprimeur de la Reine doivent être reçus comme preuve de ces lois devant tout tribunal et en tout lieu sans preuve supplémentaire quelconque.
Sauf disposition contraire de la présente loi, les règles d'interprétation prévues par la Loi d'interprétation, s'appliquent aux lois contenues dans le recueil et à la présente loi.
Chaque loi contenue dans le recueil est une loi d'intérêt public.
Effet des autres lois de la présente session
La présente loi ne donne pas effet aux dispositions des lois abrogées par un texte législatif adopté pendant la session de l'Assemblée législative au cours de laquelle la présente loi est adoptée ou qui sont incompatibles avec un tel texte législatif.
Lois postérieures à la présente loi
Sauf disposition expresse à l'effet contraire, afin de déterminer leur effet, les textes législatifs adoptés pendant la session de l'Assemblée législative au cours de laquelle la présente loi est adoptée sont réputés être des textes législatifs postérieurs à l'entrée en vigueur de la présente loi.
Publication de la présente loi
Sous réserve du paragraphe (2), un exemplaire de la présente loi est imprimé, relié et publié avec les lois édictées pendant la session de l'Assemblée législative au cours de laquelle la présente loi est adoptée.
Publication des lois contenues dans le recueil
Les lois contenues dans le recueil sont :
a) imprimées par l'Imprimeur de la Reine sous forme de chapitre dès leur édiction;
b) reliées et publiées dans un volume subséquent des Lois réadoptées.
Les notes explicatives, les titres et les tableaux que le conseiller législatif insère dans la présente loi, les annexes et le recueil ne font pas partie des lois et n'y sont insérés que pour des raisons de commodité.
La présente loi entre en vigueur le jour de sa sanction.
ANNEXE A (article 2)
Titre de la loi
Loi sur la Ville de Winnipeg
Loi sur la Division scolaire d'Assiniboine-Nord no 2
Loi sur l'imposition du Canadien Pacifique par la Ville de Winnipeg
Loi sur les fiduciaires du fonds d'amortissement de la Division scolaire de Winnipeg no 1
Les lois précitées ne figurent pas dans le présent volume, mais dans le volume à reliure rouge intitulé «Lois réadoptées du Manitoba, 1989 et 1990 (Municipalités) ».
Conformément aux dispositions du paragraphe 3(2) de la présente loi, le Conseiller législatif a attribué un numéro de chapitre à ces lois.
ANNEXE B (article 4)
Remarque : Les arrêtés et les ententes qui suivent ont été validés originellement par les lois dont la référence est indiquée ci-dessous.
1. | Arrêté 4264 (1906) de la Ville de Winnipeg. | S.M. 1914, c. 129. |
2. | Arrêté 351 (1909) de la municipalité rurale de Saint-Vital. | S.M. 1910, c. 65. |
3. | Arrêté 353 (1912) de la municipalité rurale de Springfield etarrêté 310 (1912) de la municipalité de Kildonan. | S.M. 1912, c. 82. |
4. | Arrêté 196 (1928) du District scolaire de Winnipeg no 1 | S.M. 1929, c. 103. |
5. | Arrêté 1465 (1935) de la municipalité de Fort Garry et entente datée du 30 juin 1934 entre la municipalité rurale de Fort Garry et Norman Andrew Thomson Young. | S.M. 1935, c. 77. |
6. | Arrêté 576 (1957) du District scolaire de Winnipeg no 1. | S.M. 1957, c. 97. |
7. | Arrêté 608 (1958) du District scolaire de Winnipeg no 1. | S.M. 1959, c. 90. |
8. | Arrêté 4525 (1965) de la Ville de Saint-Boniface. | S.M. 1965, c. 100. |
9. | Entente datée du 23 février 1967 entre la Ville de Winnipeg et le gouvernement du Manitoba concernant le Centre du centenaire et entente supplémentaire datée du 16 mars 1967. | S.M. 1970, c. 38. |
10. | Entente datée du 13 mai 1968 entre la conurbation de Winnipeg et la Compagnie des chemins de fer nationaux du Canada. | S.M. 1969, c. 14. |
ANNEXE C (article 5)
La présente annexe suit l'ordre établi à l'annexe D (Local Municipal Acts) des «Revised Statutes of Manitoba, 1970». Les noms des municipalités en titre sont inclus pour plus de commodité.
Les lois mentionnées à l'annexe D sous le nom de plus d'une municipalité sont indiquées dans la présente annexe sous le nom de la municipalité qui vient la première alphabétiquement.
Les lois qui touchent à la fois une municipalité rurale et une municipalité qui était autrefois située dans les limites de la Ville de Winnipeg telle qu'elle existe aujourd'hui sont mentionnées uniquement dans la présente loi. La loi intitulée «Loi sur la réadoption de lois et la validation d'arrêtés concernant diverses municipalités» vise la plupart des autres lois mentionnées à l'annexe D.
Année d'édiction |
No du chap. |
Titre de la loi | |
1. | 1884 | 60 | «An Act to enable the Municipalities of Kildonan and Assiniboia to sell certain lands for taxes.» |
2. | 1897 | 21 | «An Act to amend "The Assessment Act"» |
3. | 1898 | 52 | «An Act to amend By-Law No. 179 of the Rural Municipality of Assiniboia and to extend the time for its operation.» |
4. | 1906 | 1 | «An Act to legalize the sale of certain lands by the Rural Municipality of Assiniboia.» |
5. | 1907 | 27 | «An Act to amend "The Municipal Act."» |
6. | 1909 | 35 | «An Act to amend "The Municipal Act."» |
7. | 1910 | 5 | «An Act respecting the Rural Municipality of Assiniboia.» |
8. | 1911 | 31 | «An Act to amend "The Municipal Act."» |
9. | 1912 | 3 | «An Act to legalize a certain By-Law of the Rural Municipality of Assiniboia.» |
10. | 1913 | 37 | «An Act to amend "The Municipal Act."» |
11. | 1914 | 7 | «An Act respecting the Rural Municipality of Assiniboia.» |
12. | 1915 | 2 | «An Act Respecting the Rural Municipality of Assiniboia.» |
13. | 1916 | 4 | «An Act respecting the Rural Municipality of Assiniboia.» |
14. | 1917 | 3 | «An Act respecting the Rural Municipality of Assiniboia.» |
15. | 1918 | 3 | «An Act respecting the Rural Municipality of Assiniboia.» |
16. | 1918 | 106 | «An Act to legalize and confirm the Findings of Arbitrators for the Exemption from Taxation of certain Lands in the Municipality of Assiniboia.» |
17. | 1920 | 6 | «An Act respecting the Rural Municipality of Assiniboia.» |
18. | 1921 | 100 | «An Act respecting the Rural Municipalities of Assiniboia and St. James.» |
19. | 1922 | 29 | «An Act to amend "The Assessment Act"» |
20. | 1923 | 62 | «An Act to amend "The Assessment Act"» |
21. | 1928 | 88 | «An Act respecting the Rural Municipality of Assiniboia.» |
22. | 1930 | 70 | «An Act respecting the Village of Brooklands.» |
23. | 1935 | 74 | «An Act respecting the Village of Brooklands.» |
24. | 1940 (1er) | 84 | «An Act to validate an Agreement between the City of Winnipeg, the Village of Brooklands, and Others.» |
25. | 1925 | 77 | «An Act to provide for an Equalization of the Assessments for the Union School District of Brooklands, No. 1440, for the Year 1924.» |
26. | 1913 | 41 | «An Act to amend The Municipal Boundaries Act» |
27. | 1919 | 68 | «An Act to amend "The Assessment Act"» |
28. | 1922 | 35 | «An Act respecting the Rural Municipality of Charleswood.» |
29. | 1925 | 100 | «An Act to Confirm certain Agreements of Winnipeg Electric Company and Suburban Rapid Transit Company.» |
30. | 1929 | 79 | «An Act to Legalize and Validate By-law No. 220 of the Rural Municipality of Charleswood.» |
31. | 1931 | 76 | «An Act to Validate By-law Nos. 245 and 246 of the Rural Municipality of Charleswood, and a Certain Agreement between said Municipality and the Greater Winnipeg Water District, and the Debentures to be issued thereunder.» |
32. | 1945 | 79 | «An Act respecting the Rural Municipality of Charleswood.» |
33. | 1912 | 42 | «An Act to amend "The Municipal Act".» |
34. | 1912 | 43 | «An Act to amend "The Municipal Act".» |
35. | 1912 | 50 | «An Act to amend The Municipal Boundaries Act» |
36. | 1913 | 20 | «An Act respecting the Rural Municipality of Fort Garry.» |
37. | 1913 | 39 | «An Act to amend The Assessment Act.» |
38. | 1914 | 38 | «An Act respecting the Rural Municipality of Fort Garry.» |
39. | 1915 | 25 | «An Act respecting the Rural Municipality of Fort Garry.» |
40. | 1916 | 43 | «An Act respecting the Rural Municipalities of Fort Garry and St. Vital.» |
41. | 1920 | 42 | «An Act respecting the Rural Municipality of Fort Garry.» |
42. | 1921 | 84 | «An Act to amend The Municipal Act.» |
43. | 1921 | 122 | «An Act respecting "The Rural Municipality of Fort Garry."» |
44. | 1922 | 41 | «An Act respecting the Rural Municipality of Fort Garry.» |
45. | 1923 | 78 | «An Act respecting the Rural Municipality of Fort Garry.» |
46. | 1923 | 95 | «An Act to amend "An Act respecting the Rural Municipalities of Fort Garry and St. Vital"» |
47. | 1925 | 80 | «An Act respecting the Rural Municipality of Fort Garry.» |
48. | 1929 | 81 | «An Act relating to the "Fort Garry Planning Scheme, 1928".» |
49. | 1931 | 78 | «An Act respecting the Rural Municipality of Fort Garry» |
50. | 1935 | 77 | «An Act respecting the Rural Municipality of Fort Garry» |
51. | 1940 (1ère) | 68 | «An Act respecting the Rural Municipality of Fort Garry.» |
52. | 1940 (1ère) | 69 | «An Act respecting chapter 122 of the statutes of Manitoba, 1921, being "An Act respecting The Rural Municipality of Fort Garry".» |
53. | 1940 (1ère) | 70 | «An Act respecting a certain Agreement between the Rural Municipality of Fort Garry in Manitoba and The Manitoba Sugar Company, Limited.» |
54. | 1962 | 93 | «An Act to validate By-law No. 4502 of the Rural Municipality of Fort Garry.» |
55. | 1906 | 51 | «An Act to amend The Municipal Act.» |
56. | 1906 | 96 | «An Act to provide for the taking of a Plebescite.» |
57. | 1906 | 98 | «An Act to provide for the taking of a Plebescite.» |
58. | 1908 | 35 | «An Act to amend The Municipal Act.» |
59. | 1909 | 26 | «An Act to legalize By-law No. 238 of the Rural Municipality of Kildonan.» |
60. | 1910 | 41 | «An Act to amend The Municipal Act.» |
61. | 1912 | 45 | «An Act to amend The Assessment Act.» |
62. | 1912 | 82 | «An Act to legalize certain By-laws of the Rural Municipalities of Springfield and Kildonan.» |
63. | 1927 | 89 | «An Act relating to the East Kildonan Town Planning Scheme, 1924.» |
64. | 1928 | 94 | «An Act relating to the East Kildonan Town Planning Scheme, 1924.» |
65. | 1915 | 19 | «An Act respecting the Rural Municipality of East Kildonan.» |
66. | 1916 | 49 | «An Act to amend The Good Roads Act, 1914» |
67. | 1920 | 30 | «An Act respecting the Rural Municipality of East Kildonan.» |
68. | 1921 | 119 | «An Act to validate By-law No. 233 of the Rural Municipality of East Kildonan.» |
69. | 1922 | 39 | «An Act respecting the School District of East Kildonan No. 14» |
70. | 1923 | 76 | «An Act to provide for a revision of the assessment of the Rural Municipality of East Kildonan for 1923.» |
71. | 1931 | 77 | «An Act respecting the Rural Municipality of East Kildonan.» |
72. | 1946 | 76 | «An Act relating to the East Kildonan Town Planning Scheme, 1924.» |
73. | 1947 | 81 | «An Act relating to the East Kildonan Town Planning Scheme, 1924, and to the East Kildonan Town Planning Scheme, 1946.» |
74. | 1948 | 77 | «An Act to validate By-law No. 1943 of the Rural Municipality of East Kildonan.» |
75. | 1948 | 76 | «An Act relating to the East Kildonan Town Planning Scheme, 1924.» |
76. | 1950 (1ère) | 77 | «An Act to validate By-law No. 2375 of the Rural Municipality of East Kildonan.» |
77. | 1950 (1ère) | 78 | «An Act to validate By-Law No. 2411 of the Rural Municipality of East Kildonan.» |
78. | 1950 (1ère) | 79 | «An Act to amend The East Kildonan Town Planning Scheme, 1924.» |
79. | 1915 | 20 | «An Act confirming certain By-laws of East Kildonan School District No. 14.» |
80. | 1916 | 35 | «An Act confirming By-law No. 38 of East Kildonan School District, No. 14» |
81. | 1917 | 27 | «An Act respecting the School District of East Kildonan, No. 14, and the School District of West Kildonan, No. 8.» |
82. | 1925 | 79 | «An Act respecting the School Districts of East Kildonan No. 14 and North Kildonan No. 2116.» |
83. | 1926 | 82 | «An Act respecting the School Districts of East Kildonan No. 14 and North Kildonan No. 2116.» |
84. | 1931 | 82 | «An Act relating to Tax Sale Lands of the Rural Municipality of North Kildonan (1).» |
85. | 1931 | 83 | «An Act respecting the Rural Municipality of North Kildonan (2).» |
86. | 1939 | 101 | «An Act respecting the Rural Municipality of Old Kildonan.» |
87. | 1941-42 | 78 | «An Act to validate By-law No. 333 of the Municipality of Old Kildonan.» |
88. | 1945 (1ère) | 83 | «An Act to validate By-law No. 406 of the Rural Municipality of Old Kildonan.» |
89. | 1954 | 46 | «An Act to validate By-law No. 586 of the Rural Municipality of Old Kildonan.» |
90. | 1963 | 115 | «An Act to validate By-law No. 44/62/B of The City of West Kildonan, By-law No. 689 of The Rural Municipality of Old Kildonan and By-law No. 427 of The Rural Municipality of West St. Paul.» |
91. | 1968 | 86 | «An Act to Validate Certain By-laws of the City of West Kildonan.» |
92. | 1915 | 90 | «An Act respecting the Rural Municipality of West Kildonan.» |
93. | 1920 | 152 | «An Act respecting the Rural Municipality of West Kildonan» |
94. | 1921 | 146 | «An Act to validate By-laws No. 307, 309, 314 and 325, of the Rural Municipality of West Kildonan.» |
95. | 1922 | 67 | «An Act to validate By-laws numbered 384 to 401, both inclusive, of the Rural Municipality of West Kildonan.» |
96. | 1922 | 68 | «An Act respecting the Rural Municipality of West Kildonan.» |
97. | 1924 | 115 | «An Act respecting the Rural Municipality of West Kildonan.» |
98. | 1932 | 88 | «An Act respecting By-laws Nos. 44 and 45 of the School District of West Kildonan No. 8.» |
99. | 1920 | 66 | «An Act respecting the Diversion of La Seine River in the City of St. Boniface.» |
100. | 1931 | 89 | «An Act respecting the Diversion of La Seine River, in the City of St. Boniface.» |
101. | 1968 | 58 | «An Act Respecting the Relocaion of the Seine River.» |
102. | 1969 (1ère) | 14 | «An Act to validate an agreement between The Metropolitan Corporation of Greater Winnipeg and the Canadian National Railway.» |
103. | 1970 | 29 | «The Postponement of Elections in Metropolitan Winnipeg Act.» |
104. | 1971 | 11 | «An Act Respecting Local Government in Metropolitan Winnipeg.» |
105. | 1883 | 79 | «An Act relating to the Corporations of the Municipality and Town of Saint Boniface.» |
106. | 1885 | 52 | «An Act respecting the Corporation of the Town of Saint Boniface and the Municipality of Saint Boniface.» |
107. | 1895 | 35 | «An Act to amend The Municipal Boundaries Act.» |
108. | 1901 | 25 | «An Act to amend The Municipal Act.» |
109. | RSM 1902 | 116 | «An Act respecting Municipal Institutions.» |
110. | 1904 | 58 | «An Act to legalize By-laws numbered 199, 200 and 215 of the Town of St. Boniface.» |
111. | 1906 | 80 | «An Act respecting By-law Number 337 of the Town of St. Boniface.» |
112. | 1906 | 81 | «An Act to legalize By-law Number 339 of the Town of St. Boniface.» |
113. | 1908 | 56 | «An Act respecting the Town of St. Boniface.» |
114. | 1908 | 57 | «An Act to provide for a Charter for the City of St. Boniface.» |
115. | 1909 | 66 | «An Act to legalize By-law No. 31 of the School District of St. Boniface, Number 1188, and By-law No. 583 of the City of St. Boniface.» |
116. | 1912 | 63 | «An Act respecting "The Public Markets, Limited," and the City of Saint Boniface.» |
117. | 1912 | 65 | «An Act to amend The Public Schools Act.» |
118. | 1925 | 90 | «An Act to amend The St. Boniface Charter.» |
119. | 1928 | 99 | «An Act to amend The St. Boniface Charter.» |
120. | 1929 | 89 | «An Act to amend The St. Boniface Charter, 1921» |
121. | 1931 | 90 | «An Act to amend The St. Boniface Charter, 1921.» |
122. | 1932 | 81 | «An Act to amend The St. Boniface Charter, 1921.» |
123. | 1932 | 82 | «An Act to amend The St. Boniface Charter, 1921.» |
124. | 1937 | 83 | «An Act to amend The St. Boniface Charter, 1921» |
125. | 1918 | 71 | «An Act to amend The Railway Taxation Act.» |
126. | 1918 | 61 | «An Act respecting the Construction of a Pavement in and the payment of moneys to the City of St. Boniface.» |
127. | 1921 | 135 | «An Act to validate certain By-laws of the City of St. Boniface.» |
128. | 1921 | 136 | «An Act to amend an Act intituled "An Act to validate certain By-laws of the City of St. Boniface," being an Act passed at the present session of the Legislature.» |
129. | 1922 | 61 | «An Act to validate certain By-laws of the City of St. Boniface.» |
130. | 1922 | 62 | «An Act to legalize By-Law No. 1319 of the City of St. Boniface.» |
131. | 1923 | 91 | «An Act to validate certain By-laws of the City of St. Boniface.» |
132. | 1923 | 92 | «An Act to amend "An Act to validate certain by-laws of the City of St. Boniface"» |
133. | 1924 | 109 | «An Act to Validate Certain By-Laws of the City of St. Boniface.» |
134. | 1926 | 95 | «An Act respecting taxation of certain Industrial Buildings in the City of St. Boniface.» |
135. | 1927 | 105 | «An Act to Validate By-law No. 1745 of the City of St. Boniface.» |
136. | 1929 | 90 | «An Act to Validate By-law No. 2057 of the City of St. Boniface.» |
137. | 1930 | 79 | «An Act to Validate By-law No. 2227 of the City ofSt. Boniface. [3]» |
138. | 1935 | 85 | «An Act to Validate By-law No. 2646 of the City of St. Boniface.» |
139. | 1937 | 84 | «An Act to validate By-law No. 2787 of the City of St. Boniface.» |
140. | 1939 | 105 | «An Act to Validate By-law No. 2967 of the City of St. Boniface.» |
141. | 1940 (1ère) | 77 | «An Act to validate By-law No. 2977 of the City of St. Boniface.» |
142. | 1940 (1ère) | 78 | «An Act to validate By-law No. 2988 of the City of St. Boniface.» |
143. | 1944 | 62 | «An Act to validate By-law No. 3107 of the City of St. Boniface.» |
144. | 1946 | 83 | «An Act to validate By-law No. 3182 of the City of St. Boniface.» |
145. | 1946 | 84 | «An Act to validate By-law No. 3183 of the City of St. Boniface.» |
146. | 1950 (1ère) | 89 | «An Act to validate By-law No. 3535 of the City of St. Boniface.» |
147. | 1956 | 84 | «An Act to amend The St. Boniface Charter, 1953, and to Validate By-law No. 3838.» |
148. | 1965 | 100 | «An Act to validate By-law No. 4525 of The City of St. Boniface.» |
149. | 1907 | 41 | «An Act to legalize and amend By-law No. 22 of the School District of St. Boniface, No. 1188» |
150. | 1914 | 101 | «An Act to Legalize By-law No. 39 of the School District of St. Boniface, No. 1188.» |
151. | 1915 | 65 | «An Act to validate and confirm Certain Debentures of the School District of Saint Boniface, number 1188.» |
152. | 1923 | 93 | «An Act to validate and confirm certain Debentures of the School District of Saint Boniface Number 1188 » |
153. | 1966 | 86 | «An Act to amend The St. James Charter and to validate By-law No. 10109 of The City of St. James.» |
154. | 1965 | 101 | «An Act to authorize The City of St. James to issue Certain Debentures.» |
155 | 1968 | 81 | «An Act to Establish the City of St. James-Assiniboia, to establish the St. James-Assiniboia School Division No. 2, and Amend the St. James Charter.» |
157. | 1971 | 101 | «An Act to Authorize the City of St.james-assiniboia to Pay a Pension to Mary Hoban.» |
M.R. DE ST. JAMES | |||
158. | 1925 | 92 | «An Act to Legalize a Certain Sale of Lands for Arrears of Taxes by The Rural Municipality of St. James» |
159. | 1936 | 81 | «An Act relating to the Rural Municipality of St. James Town Planning Scheme, 1929.» |
160. | 1940 (1ère) | 79 | «An Act relating to the Rural Municipality of St. James Town Planning Scheme, 1929.» |
161. | 1946 | 86 | «An Act to amend An Act respecting the Rural Municipality of St. James, 18 Geo. V, Cap. 100, and to amend An Act respecting the Rural Municipality of St. James (1), 19 Geo. V, Cap. 91.» |
162. | 1946 | 87 | «An Act respecting the Rural Municipality of St. James, 1946.» |
163. | 1946 | 89 | «An Act relating to the Rural Municipality of St. James Town Planning Scheme, 1929.» |
164. | 1950 (1ère) | 91 | «An Act relating to the Rural Municipality of St. James Town Planning Scheme, 1929.» |
165. | 1953 (2e) | 69 | «An Act relating to The Rural Municipality of St. James Town Planning Scheme, 1929.» |
166. | 1954 | 49 | «An Act relating to the St. James Town Planning Scheme, 1929.» |
167. | 1977 | 63 | «An Act Respecting the St. James-Assiniboia School Division No. 2.» |
168. | 1937-38 | 68 | «An Act to establish a Commission for the purpose of managing and operating the Stevenson Aerodrome owned by the Municipality of St. James and the City of Winnipeg.» |
169. | 1945 (1ère) | 86 | «An Act to amend The St. James-Winnipeg Airport Commission Act.» |
170. | 1957 | 94 | «An Act to amend The St. James-Winnipeg Airport Commission Act.» |
M.R. DE ST. VITAL | |||
171. | 1909 | 67 | «An Act respecting the Rural Municipality of St. Vital.» |
172. | 1910 | 65 | «An Act to ratify a certain By-law of the Rural Municipality of St. Vital, Number 351, and to authorize an agreement to be entered into by virtue of said By-law by the said Rural Municipality with the Commissioners of the Transcontinental Railway, in pursuance of said By-law.» |
173. | 1910 | 66 | «An Act to legalize By-law Number 370 of the Rural Municipality of St. Vital.» |
174. | 1910 | 67 | «An Act to legalize By-law Number 371 of the Rural Municipality of St. Vital.» |
175. | 1911 | 59 | «An Act respecting the Rural Municipality of St. Vital.» |
176. | 1913 | 133 | «An Act respecting the "Winnipeg Electric Railway Company."» |
177. | 1914 | 66 | «An Act to amend The Municipal Act.» |
178. | 1914 | 103 | «An Act to legalize By-Laws Nos. 537, as amended, 588 and 593 of the Rural Municipality of St. Vital.» |
179. | 1914 | 104 | «An Act to legalize By-Law No. 591 of the Rural Municipality of St. Vital.» |
180. | 1915 | 68 | «An Act respecting the Rural Municipality of St. Vital.» |
181. | 1916 | 95 | «An Act respecting the Rural Municipality of St. Vital.» |
182. | 1917 | 76 | «An Act respecting the Rural Municipality of Saint Vital.» |
183. | 1918 | 87 | «An Act respecting the Rural Municipality of St. Vital.» |
184. | 1920 | 116 | «An Act to validate By-law No. 875 of the Rural Municipality of St. Vital.» |
185. | 1923 | 96 | «An Act respecting the Rural Municipality of St. Vital.» |
186. | 1923 | 97 | «An Act respecting the Rural Municipality of St. Vital» |
187. | 1923 | 88 | «An Act respecting the Town of Tuxedo, the Village of Brooklands, and the Rural Municipalities of Assiniboia, Charleswood, Fort Garry, East Kildonan, Old Kildonan, West Kildonan, St. James, East St. Paul, West St. Paul and St. Vital.» |
188. | 1928 | 102 | «An Act respecting Rural Municipality of St. Vital.» |
189. | 1929 | 94 | «An Act respecting the Rural Municipality of St. Vital.» |
190. | 1934 | 76 | «An Act respecting Proportional Representation Elections in the Rural Municipality of St. Vital.» |
191. | 1934 | 77 | «An Act respecting the Rural Municipality of St. Vital.» |
192. | 1937-38 | 63 | «An Act to validate By-Laws No. 3103 and No. 3104 of the Rural Municipality of St. Vital.» |
193. | 1941-42 | 86 | «An Act respecting certain lands in the Rural Municipality of St. Vital.» |
194. | 1943 | 61 | «An Act respecting the Rural Municipality of St. Vital.» |
195. | 1916 | 115 | «An Act respecting a certain Order-in-Council relating to the Town of Transcona.» |
196. | 1919 | 104 | «An Act respecting The Town of Transcona.» |
197. | 1920 | 141 | «An Act respecting the Town of Transcona» |
198. | 1921 | 141 | «An Act respecting the Town of Transcona.» |
199. | 1921 | 142 | «An Act respecting The Town of Transcona.» |
200. | 1928 | 105 | «An Act respecting the Town of Transcona.» |
201. | 1933 | 77 | «An Act respecting the Town of Transcona.» |
202. | 1935 | 92 | «An Act respecting the Town of Transcona.» |
203. | 1936 | 86 | «An Act respecting the Town of Transcona.» |
204. | 1940 (1ère) | 80 | «An Act respecting the Town of Transcona.» |
205. | 1950 (1ère) | 93 | «An Act to validate By-law No. 1735 of the Town of Transcona.» |
206. | 1958 (1ère) | 96 | «An Act to validate By-law No. 63/57 of the Town of Transcona.» |
207. | 1970 | 120 | «An Act Respecting the 1970 Centennial and the City of Transcona.» |
208. | 1971 | 104 | «An act to amend an act to amend the Transcona charter.» |
209. | 1927 | 114 | «An Act respecting the Town of Tuxedo.» |
210. | 1941-42 | 89 | «An Act to validate By-law No. 404 of the Town of Tuxedo.» |
211. | 1955 | 93 | «An Act relating to the Tuxedo Town Planning Scheme, 1954.» |
212. | 1915 | 92 | «An Act respecting the Winnipeg and St. Boniface Harbour Commissioners.» |
213. | 1873-74 | 7 | «An Act to Incorporate the City of Winnipeg.» |
214. | 1875 | 45 | «An Act to confirm by-law No. 24 of the Acts of the Mayor and Council of the City of Winnipeg.» |
215. | 1880 | 27 | «An Act to legalize By-law Number 115 of the Corporation of the Mayor and Council of the City of Winnipeg, and for other purposes.» |
216. | 1883 | 64 | «An Act to amend the several Acts of incorporation of the city of Winnipeg, and to legalize certain by-laws of the city of Winnipeg and the debentures issued there-under.» |
217. | 1884 | 78 | «An Act to consolidate and amend the several Acts of Incorporation of the City of Winnipeg.» |
218. | 1885 | 46 | «An Act to amend Cap. Forty-seven of the Local and Private Acts of the Province of Manitoba, being the Winnipeg Incorporation act of 1884.» |
219. | 1890 | 57 | «An Act Affecting Arrears of Taxes in the City of Winnipeg.» |
220. | 1892 | 56 | «An Act to incorporate "The Winnipeg Electric Street Railway Company" and to confirm By-Law No. 543 of the City of Winnipeg.» |
221. | 1893 | 24 | «An Act to amend "The Assessment Act."» |
222. | 1894 | 20 | «An Act to amend "The Municipal Act."» |
223. | 1894 | 22 | «An Act to amend "The Public Parks Act."» |
224. | 1895 | 32 | «An Act to amend "The Municipal Act."» |
225. | 1895 | 33 | «An Act to amend "The Municipal Act."» |
226. | 1895 | 54 | «An Act to amend "An Act to Incorporate 'The Winnipeg Electric Street Railway Company,' and to confirm By-law No. 543 of the City of Winnipeg."» |
227. | 1896 | 15 | «An Act to amend "The Municipal Act."» |
228. | 1897 | 20 | «An Act to amend "The Municipal Act."» |
229. | 1898 | 40 | «An Act to amend "The Public Schools Act."» |
230. | 1899 | 24 | «An Act to amend "The Municipal Act".» |
231. | 1899 | 26 | «An Act to amend "The Assessment Act."» |
232. | 1899 | 60 | «An Act vesting in the City of Winnipeg the Property Franchises and Effects of the Winnipeg Water Works Company.» |
233. | 1900 | 32 | «An Act to amend "The Municipal Act."» |
234. | 1900 | 35 | «An Act to amend "The Assessment Act."» |
235. | 1901 | 23 | «An Act to amend "The Municipal Act."» |
236. | 1901 | 53 | «An Act respecting the Construction and Maintenance of Bicycle Paths.» |
237. | 1901 | 54 | «An Act to enable the City of Winnipeg to Improve its Market Square.» |
238. | RSM 1902 | 117 | «An Act respecting Assessment and the Collection of Taxes.» |
239. | 1903 | 45 | «An Act to amend "The Winnipeg Charter."» |
240. | 1904 | 64 | «An Act to amend The Winnipeg Charter.» |
241. | 1905 | 51 | «An Act to amend "The Winnipeg Charter."» |
242. | 1905 | 53 | «An Act to further amend "The Winnipeg Charter."» |
243. | 1906 | 95 | «An Act to further amend "The Winnipeg Charter."» |
244. | 1906 | 97 | «An Act to further amend "The Winnipeg Charter."» |
245. | 1906 | 99 | «An Act to further amend "The Winnipeg Charter."» |
246. | 1907 | 48 | «An Act to amend "The Winnipeg Charter."» |
247. | 1908 | 66 | «An Act to amend "The Winnipeg Charter."» |
248. | 1909 | 78 | «An Act to amend the Winnipeg Charter.» |
249. | 1909 | 79 | «An Act respecting certain lands forming part of the Lord Selkirk School Site in the City of Winnipeg.» |
250. | 1910 | 79 | «An Act to amend the "Winnipeg Charter."» |
251. | 1911 | 72 | «An Act to amend the Winnipeg Charter.» |
252. | 1912 | 99 | «An Act to amend "The Winnipeg Charter."» |
253. | 1912 | 100 | «An Act respecting the City of Winnipeg.» |
254. | 1913 | 88 | «An Act to further amend "The Winnipeg Charter."» |
255. | 1913 | 89 | «An Act to amend the Winnipeg Charter.» |
256. | 1914 | 129 | «An Act to Legalize By-law No. 4264 of the City of Winnipeg.» |
257. | 1914 | 130 | «An Act to amend the Winnipeg Charter.» |
258. | 1915 | 91 | «An Act to amend the Winnipeg Charter.» |
259. | 1918 | 103 | «An Act respecting a referendum in the City of Winnipeg and for the ratification of certain by-laws of the City of Winnipeg.» |
260. | 1929 | 99 | «An Act to Legalize By-law No. 13123 of the City of Winnipeg.» |
261. | 1929 | 100 | «An Act to Ratify and Confirm By-Law No. 13497 of the City of Winnipeg.» |
262. | 1929 | 101 | «An Act to Legalize By-law No. 13078 of the City of Winnipeg and By-law 28 of the Public Parks Board of the City of Winnipeg.» |
263. | 1929 | 102 | «An Act to Legalize By-law No. 30 of the Public Parks Board of the City of Winnipeg.» |
264. | 1933 | 80 | «An Act to Ratify and Confirm By-law No. 14488 of the City of Winnipeg.» |
265. | 1933 | 81 | «An Act to Ratify and Confirm By-law No. 14492 of the City of Winnipeg.» |
266. | 1935 | 94 | «An Act to Ratify and Confirm By-law No. 14634 of the City of Winnipeg.» |
267. | 1936 | 90 | «An Act to Legalize and Validate By-law No. 14829 of the City of Winnipeg.» |
268. | 1936 | 91 | «An Act to Validate By-law No. 14813 of the City of Winnipeg.» |
269. | 1937 | 90 | «An Act respecting By-laws Nos. 14813 and 10020 of the City of Winnipeg.» |
270. | 1937-38 | 75 | «An Act respecting By-laws Nos. 14813 and 10020 of the City of Winnipeg.» |
271. | 1939 | 114 | «An Act to amend "The Winnipeg Charter, 1918".» |
272. | 1941-42 | 90 | «An Act to amend "The Winnipeg Charter, 1940."» |
273. | 1943 | 63 | «An Act to amend "The Winnipeg Charter, 1940".» |
274. | 1944 | 70 | «An Act to amend "The Winnipeg Charter, 1940", and to validate By-laws 15643 of the City of Winnipeg.» |
275. | 1945 (1ère) | 93 | «An Act to amend The Winnipeg Charter, 1940, and to validate By-laws 15641 and 15782 of the City of Winnipeg.» |
276. | 1946 | 95 | «An Act to amend The Winnipeg Charter, 1940, and to validate By-laws 15897 and 15937 of the City of Winnipeg, and an Agreement between the City and the Government of Canada with respect to Housing.» |
277. | 1947 | 95 | «An Act to amend The Winnipeg Charter, 1940, to validate By-law 16079 of the City of Winnipeg, and to give the City certain powers with respect to money raised thereunder, and to validate By-laws 16086 and 16104 of the City.» |
278. | 1948 | 94 | «An Act to amend The Winnipeg Charter, 1940, and to Validate By-laws Nos. 16224 and 16280 of the City of Winnipeg.» |
279. | 1949 | 93 | «An Act to amend The Winnipeg Charter, 1940, and to Validate By-law No. 16452 of the City of Winnipeg.» |
280. | 1950 (1ère) | 95 | «An Act to amend The Winnipeg Charter, 1940, and to validate By-laws Nos. 16535 and 16605 of the City of Winnipeg.» |
281. | 1951 | 92 | «An Act to amend The Winnipeg Charter, 1940.» |
282. | 1952 (1ère) | 80 | «An Act to amend The Winnipeg Charter, 1940.» |
283. | 1953 (2e) | 71 | «An Act to amend The Winnipeg Charter, 1940.» |
284. | 1954 | 55 | «An Act to amend The Winnipeg Charter, 1940, and to validate By-laws Nos. 17157, 17191, and 17204.» |
285. | 1955 | 95 | «An Act to amend The Winnipeg Charter, 1940, and to validate By-laws Nos. 17249, 17289 and 17381.» |
286. | 1940 (1ère) | 83 | «An Act to validate By-laws Nos. 14813 and 15222 of the City of Winnipeg.» |
287. | 1946 | 97 | «An Act respecting certain Lands sold for Taxes by the City of Winnipeg.» |
288. | 1946 | 111 | «An Act to amend "An Act to incorporate 'The Winnipeg Electric Street Railway Company' and to confirm By-law No. 543 of the City of Winnipeg".» |
289. | 1950 (1ère) | 96 | «An Act to validate By-law No. 16646 of the City of Winnipeg.» |
290. | 1960 | 100 | «An Act to amend The Winnipeg Charter, 1956, and to validate By-laws Nos. 18152, 18276 and 18311.» |
291. | 1962 | 109 | «An Act to amend The Winnipeg Charter, 1956, and to validate By-law No. 18589.» |
292. | 1963 | 116 | «An Act to amend The Winnipeg Charter, 1956, and to validate By-laws Nos. 18696, 18760 and 18764.» |
293. | 1964 (1ère) | 74 | «An Act to amend The Winnipeg Charter, 1956, and to validate By-laws Nos. 18854, 18872, 18883 and 18884 (1).» |
294. | 1965 | 108 | «An Act to amend The Winnipeg Charter, 1956, and to validate By-laws Nos. 18929, 18930, 18931, 19016, 19051 and 19061 of The City of Winnipeg.» |
295. | 1965 | 109 | «An Act respecting the Taxation of the Canadian Pacific Railway Company by The City of Winnipeg and to amend The Winnipeg Charter, 1956.» |
296. | 1966 | 91 | «An Act to amend The Winnipeg Charter, 1956, and to validate By-laws Nos. 19061, 19190 and 19204 of The City of Winnipeg.» |
297. | 1968 | 87 | «An Act to amend The Winnipeg Charter, 1956, and to validate By-laws Nos. 19389, 19466 and 19494 (1).» |
298. | 1970 | 122 | «An Act to Amend the Winnipeg Charter, 1956, and to Validate By-law 19680 of the City of Winnipeg (1).» |
299. | 1971 | 106 | «An Act to amend The Winnipeg Charter, 1956.» |
300. | 1957 | 101 | «An Act to amend The Winnipeg Charter, 1956, and to validate By-laws Nos. 17521, 17555, 17711 and 17720.» |
301. | 1959 (2e) | 89 | «An Act to amend The Winnipeg Charter, 1956, and to validate By-laws Nos. 17959 and 18073.» |
302. | 1966-67 | 94 | «An Act respecting The City of Winnipeg and The Young Women's Christian Association of Winnipeg.» |
303. | 1970 | 38 | «An Act to Validate Certain Agreements Entered Into By The Government of Manitoba And The City of Winnipeg.» |
304. | 1883 | 77 | «An Act to legalize By-law No. 2 of the Board of School Trustees of the Protestant School District of the City of Winnipeg, in the county of Selkirk, intituled "A By-law to raise by way of loan the sum of one hundred thousand dollars ($100,000) by debentures, for school purposes."» |
305. | 1894 | 29 | «An Act to give the Trustees of the School District of Winnipeg No. certain powers.» |
306. | 1905 | 36 | «An Act to amend "The Public Schools Act."» |
307. | 1908 | 67 | «An Act respecting certain debentures of "The School District of Winnipeg, No. 1."» |
308. | 1908 | 68 | «An Act respecting "The School District of Winnipeg, No. 1."» |
309. | 1909 | 56 | «An Act to amend "The Public Schools Act."» |
310. | 1910 | 52 | «An Act to amend "The Public Schools Act."» |
311. | 1911 | 47 | «An Act to amend "The Public Schools Act."» |
312. | 1911 | 74 | «An Act to confirm certain By-laws of the School District of Winnipeg, No. 1.» |
313. | 1912 | 65 | «An Act to amend "The Public Schools Act."» |
314. | 1921 | 148 | «An Act to amend an Act respecting the School District of Winnipeg Number 1.» |
315. | 1925 | 46 | «An Act to amend "The Public Schools Act."» |
316. | 1929 | 103 | «An Act to Legalize By-law No. 196 of The School District of Winnipeg No. 1.» |
317. | 1935 | 95 | «An Act to Incorporate the Sinking Fund Trustees of The Winnipeg School Division No. 1» |
318. | 1956 | 86 | «An Act to amend An Act to Incorporate the Sinking Fund Trustees of The School District of Winnipeg Number One.» |
319. | 1957 | 98 | «An Act to amend An Act to Incorporate the Sinking Fund Trustees of The School District of Winnipeg Number One.» |
320. | 1959 (1st) | 91 | «An Act to amend An Act to Incorporate the Sinking Fund Trustees of The School District of Winnipeg Number One.» |
321. | 1966 | 92 | «An Act to amend An Act to Incorporate the Sinking Fund Trustees of The Winnipeg School Division No. 1.» |
322. | 1963 | 117 | «An Act to amend An Act to Incorporate the Sinking Fund Trustees of The Winnipeg School Division No. 1.» |
323. | 1964 (1ère) | 76 | «An Act to amend An Act to Incorporate the Sinking Fund Trustees of The Winnipeg School Division No. 1.» |
324. | 1966-67 | 95 | «An Act to amend An Act to incorporate the Sinking Fund Trustees of The Winnipeg School Division No. 1.» |
325. | 1968 | 90 | «An Act to Amend an Act to Incorporate the Sinking Fund Trustees of the Winnipeg School Division Number One.» |
326. | 1970 | 125 | «An Act to Amend an Act to Incorporate the Sinking Fund Trustees of the Winnipeg School Division Number One.» |
327. | 1974 | 76 | «An Act to Amend an Act to Incorporate the Sinking Fund Trustees of the Winnipeg School Division No. 1.» |
328. | 1977 | 66 | «An Act to Amend an Act to Incorporate the Sinking Fund Trustees of the Winnipeg School Division No. 1.» |
329. | 1980 | 86 | «An Act to Amend an Act to Incorporate the Sinking Fund Trustees of the Winnipeg School Division No. 1.» |
330. | 1982-83-84 | 97 | «An Act to Amend an Act to Incorporate the Sinking Fund Trustees of the Winnipeg School Division No. 1.» |
331. | 1936 | 93 | «An Act respecting the School District of Winnipeg No. 1.» |
332. | 1940 (1ère) | 85 | «An Act to amend "An Act to Incorporate the Sinking Fund Trustees of the School District of Winnipeg Number One."» |
333. | 1941-42 | 92 | «An Act respecting Pensions of certain employees of The School District of Winnipeg No. 1 transferred to the City of Winnipeg.» |
334. | 1941-42 | 93 | «An Act to Legalize By-law No. 269 of the School District of Winnipeg No. 1 as amended.» |
335. | 1946 | 98 | «An Act to validate By-law No. 359 of the School District of Winnipeg No. 1.» |
336. | 1947 | 96 | «An Act to authorize borrowing by The School District of Winnipeg No. 1, and respecting By-law no. 359 thereof.» |
337. | 1946 | 99 | «An Act respecting the School District of Winnipeg No. 1.» |
338. | 1946 | 100 | «An Act to validate By-law No. 366 of the School District of Winnipeg No. 1.» |
339. | 1947 | 96 | «An Act to validate By-law No. 366 of the School District of Winnipeg No. 1.» |
340. | 1948 | 95 | «An Act respecting the School District of Winnipeg No. 1.» |
341. | 1948 | 96 | «An Act respecting the School District of Winnipeg No. 1. (2)» |
342. | 1949 | 94 | «An Act respecting the School District of Winnipeg No. 1.» |
343. | 1950 (1ère) | 98 | «An Act respecting the School District of Winnipeg No. 1 (1).» |
344. | 1950 (1ère) | 99 | «An Act respecting The School District of Winnipeg No. 1. (2).» |
345. | 1957 | 97 | «An Act to validate By-law No. 576 of The School District of Winnipeg No. 1.» |
346. | 1959 (2e) | 90 | «An Act to validate By-law No. 608 of The School District of Winnipeg No. 1.» |
347. | 1971 | 105 | «The City of Winnipeg Act » |
Je soussigné, James C. McCrae, ministre de la Justice du Manitoba, atteste par les présentes que ce volume contient les lois du Manitoba qui suivent et constitue le recueil mentionné dans la Loi sur la réadoption de lois et la validation d'arrêtés concernant la Ville de Winnipeg.
Loi sur la Ville de Winnipeg
Loi sur la Division scolaire d'Assiniboine-Nord no 2
Loi sur l'imposition du Canadien Pacifique par la Ville de Winnipeg
Loi sur les fiduciaires du fonds d'amortissement de la Division scolaire de Winnipeg no 1
Des tables de concordances pour chacune des lois figurent à la fin du recueil.