
S.M. 1987-88, c. 39

The Human Tissue Act

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Table of Contents

1 Definitions.
2 Direction by adult before death.
(2) Direction by minor before death.
(3) Effect of direction.
(4) Incorrect age.
3 Direction after death by nearest relative.
(2) "Person lawfully in possession" defined.
(3) Direction where death imminent and inevitable.
(4) Direction where person under 16.
(5) Effect of direction.
4 Consideration by physician.
(2) Request after consideration.
(3) Exception.
5 Where body or tissue not required.
(2) Disposal of body after removal of tissue.
(3) Custody of Inspector of Anatomy.
6 Removal of pituitary gland.
(2) Where section does not apply.
7 Notification of post mortem.
(2) Removal of eye tissue.
(3) Restrictions on removal and use.
(4) Locating nearest relative.
(5) "Eye bank" defined.
8 Determination of death.
(2) Independence of physicians.
(3) Participation in transplant prohibited.
9 Donations by living persons.
(2) Regenerative and non-regenerative tissue.
(3) Regenerative tissue only.
(4) Certification of physician.
(5) Participation prohibited.
10 Donations by living minors.
(2) Conditions precedent.
(3) Participation in transplant prohibited.
(4) "Member of immediate family" defined.
11 Donations by living minors under 16.
(2) Participation in transplant prohibited.
(3) "Member of immediate family" defined.
12 Form of direction or consent.
13 Disclosure prohibited.
14 Protection from liability.
15 Prohibited disposal or acquisition.
(2) Sale, purchase, trafficking prohibited.
(3) Exception as to remuneration.
(4) Exception as to expenses.
(5) Offence and penalty.
16 Reference in Continuing Consolidation.
17 Repeal.
18 Commencement of Act.