S.M. 1987-88, c. 10
An Act to repeal Certain Statutes Relating to Education and Other Matters
(Assented to July 17, 1987)
Whereas the Legislature of Manitoba has enacted various statutes which have achieved their intended purpose and are no longer required.
Now therefore, HER MAJESTY, by and with the advice and consent of the Legislative Assembly of Manitoba, enacts as follows:
The Acts set out in the schedule are repealed.
Section 28 of chapter 29, and chapter 40 of the Statutes of Manitoba 1902 are repealed.
Repeal of part of Act. R.S.M. 1902
Section 155 of chapter 143 of the Revised Statutes of Manitoba 1902 is repealed.
This Act comes into force on the day it receives the royal assent.
Title of Act Titre de la loi |
Statute Year Année d’édiction |
Cap. No. No du chap. |
An Act respecting the School Districts of Allard, Number 1172, and Dupont, Number 2288. | 1945(1st) | 76 |
An Act to legalize By-law Number 42 of the School District of Brandon, Number 129. | 1907 | 4 |
An Act respecting the School District of Boissevain No. 373. | 1948 | 75 |
An Act respecting certain Debentures issued by the School District of Darlingford. | 1902 | 10 |
An Act respecting the School District of Dauphin Town, Number 905. | 1934 | 63 |
An Act to amend "An Act respecting the School District of Dauphin Town, Number 905". | 1936 | 70 |
An Act to amend An Act respecting the School District of Dauphin Town, Number 905. | 1949 | 80 |
An Act to confirm the Election of the Trustees of Dauphin-Ochre School Area No. l, and to validate Certain Orders-in-Council. | 1947 | 80 |
An Act respecting The Dauphin-Ochre School Area, No 1 | 1952(1st) | 67 |
An Act to legalize By-law Number 6 of the School District of Douglas Number 591, in the Province of Manitoba, and the Debentures issued thereunder. | 1901 | 9 |
An Act respecting the School District of Ethelbert No. 1021. | 1945(1st) | 80 |
An Act respecting the School District of Edrans No. 1142. | 1944 | 57 |
An Act to legalize By-Law No. 3 of the School District of Elm Creek, Number 812, in the Province of Manitoba. | 1906 | 25 |
An Act to create the Union School District of Fort Whyte. | 1929 | 82 |
An Act respecting the School District of Gladstone No. 70. | 1937 | 69 |
An Act respecting the School District of Glenlawn No. 1499. | 1935 | 79 |
An Act respecting the School District of Glenwood No. 1537 and the School District of Woodlawn No. 1499. | 1929 | 83 |
An Act to amend "An Act respecting the School District of Glenwood No. 1537 and the School District of Woodlawn No. 1499. | 1936 | 76 |
An Act respecting Grand Rapids School District, No. 1660 | 1917 | 39 |
An Act respecting the School District of Grand Rapids No. 1660 | 1922 | 42 |
An Act respecting the School District of Hodgson, Number 1706. | 1916 | 53 |
An Act to amend "An Act respecting the School District of Hodgson, Number 1706. " | 1916 | 54 |
An Act respecting the School District of Maple Leaf, No. 83, in the Province of Manitoba | 1913 | 30 |
An Act respecting the School District of Minnedosa No. 232. | 1908 | 33 |
An Act respecting the Town of Minnedosa and the School District of Minnedosa No. 232. | 1937 | 71 |
An Act respecting The School District of Morris No. 29. | 1948 | 83 |
An Act respecting The Rural Municipality of Morris, The Rural Municipality of MacDonald, The Rural Municipality of Roland, The School District of Kane No. 2006 and The Morris-MacDonald School Division No. 19. | 1975 | 47 |
An Act respecting the Consolidated School District of Myrtle No. 708. | 1921 | 129 |
An Act to Incorporate the School District of Norwood No. | 1924 | 103 |
An Act to amend "An Act to Incorporate the School District of Norwood No. 2113". | 1926 | 89 |
An Act to validate By-law No. 42 of The School District of Norwood No. 2113. | 1959(1st) | 5 |
An Act respecting the School District of Penrith No. 813. | 1918 | 62 |
An Act respecting the School District of Petersburg No. 766. | 1956 | 82 |
An Act to amend "The Public Schools Act" by allowing the School Trustees of the School District of Portage la Prairie to borrow $20, 000. | 1904 | 48 |
An Act respecting the School District of Portage la Prairie No. 10. | 1940(1st) | 74 |
An Act to amend "An Act respecting the School District of Portage la Prairie No. 10. " | 1941-42 | 81 |
An Act to legalize By-law No. 2A of the School District of Rapid City, No. 124. | 1908 | 51 |
An Act respecting the School District of Sandridge No. 1363. | 1939 | 108 |
An Act respecting the School District of Ste. Rose du Lac, Number 835. | 1947 | 91 |
An Act respecting "The School District of East Selkirk, No. 99. " | 1911 | 16 |
An Act respecting the Consolidation of The Municipal School District of West Kildonan No. 8, The Municipal School District of Old Kildonan No. 2102, The School District of West St. Paul No. 4 and The School District of Parkdale No. 1927. | 1959(1st) | 7 |
An Act to amend and interpret The Consolidated School District of Seven Oaks Consolidation Act. | 1960 | 98 |
An Act respecting certain School Districts in Unorganized Territory. | 1944 | 64 |
An Act respecting the School District of Scotch Bay, No. 1043. | 1916 | 98 |
An Act respecting the School District of Souris, Number 285. | 1904 | 54 |
An Act respecting the School District of Szewczenko No. 1388. | 1945(1st) | 89 |
An Act respecting the Town of Tuxedo and the School District of Tuxedo Number 1709. | 1923 | 98 |
An Act to amend "An Act to Incorporate the Town of The Pas" | 1913 | 79 |