
S.M. 1986-87, c. 42

The Appropriation Act, 1986

Table of contents

(Assented to September 10, 1986)


WHEREAS it appears by message from Her Honour Pearl McGonigal, Lieutenant Governor of the Province of Manitoba, and the estimates accompanying it, that the sums hereinafter mentioned in Schedule A are required to defray certain charges and expenses of the public service of the province not otherwise provided for, for the fiscal year ending March 31, 1987;

AND WHEREAS the Minister of Finance has estimated that the cash requirements of the government for the fiscal year ending March 31, 1987 will exceed revenues for that fiscal year and it is expedient to grant authority to raise money by way of loan or loans to provide in part for those cash requirements;

MAY IT THEREFORE PLEASE YOUR MAJESTY that it may be enacted, and it is hereby enacted by the Queen's Most Excellent Majesty, by and with the advice and consent of the Legislative Assembly of Manitoba, as follows:

Short title.


This Act may be cited as: "The Appropriation Act, 1986".

Definition of "Main Estimates".


In this Act "Main Estimates" refers to The Main Estimates of Expenditure of the Province of Manitoba for the fiscal year ending March 31, 1987, tabled in the Assembly.

Money granted for fiscal year ending March 31, 1987.


From and out of the Consolidated Fund of the province there may be paid and applied a sum of $3,507,728,900 towards defraying the several charges and expenses of the public service of the province not otherwise provided for, from April 1, 1986, to March 31, 1987, both dates inclusive, and being the amount of each of the items voted as set forth in Schedule A of this Act.

Authority for commitments for future years.


In addition to expenditure authority granted under section 3, authority is granted to the government to commit on or before March 31, 1987, expenditures not to exceed in total an estimated aggregate amount of $400,000,000 for the purposes of ensuring completion of projects or fulfilling of contracts initiated prior to and during the fiscal year ending March 31, 1987, regardless of the year in which the expenditures will be made in respect of those commitments, but the expenditures for those commitments shall not be made in the fiscal year ending March 31, 1987, without additional expenditure authority being granted.

Voting of funds in subsequent years.


The estimated amount of expenditures which have been committed under subsection (1) shall be included in the estimates of the fiscal year in which the expenditures are expected to be made.

Canada-Manitoba Enabling Vote.


The Minister of Finance may, at his discretion, transfer for the same purposes, any part or all of the money the expenditure of which, for the Canada-Manitoba Enabling Vote, is to be authorized under service heading Canada-Manitoba Enabling Vote (XXVI) and in Appropriation No. 1 - Canada-Manitoba Enabling Vote under that heading, to any appropriation under any service heading of the Main Estimates.

Adjustments consequent upon transfers for Northern Development Agreement - Canada-Manitoba.


Where money is transferred under subsection (1) to an appropriation for Northern Development Agreement - Canada-Manitoba under a service heading of the Main Estimates, the amount indicated in the Main Estimates as recoverable from the Department of Northern Affairs shall be increased by an equivalent amount so that the total appropriation authorized to be expended under that service heading of the Main Estimates, less recoveries, remains unchanged and the amount authorized for expenditure for Northern Development Agreement - Canada-Manitoba under service heading Northern Affairs (XIX) in Schedule A and in Appropriation No. 5 -Northern Development Agreement - Canada-Manitoba or Appropriation No. 6 - Expenditures Related to Capital under that heading, shall be increased by the amount transferred so that the total of appropriations authorized to be expended under service heading Northern Affairs (XIX) is increased by that amount.

Adjustments for entries for sub- appropriation transfers to Northern Development Agreement - Canada-Manitoba.


Where money authorized to be expended under any service heading set out in Schedule A for purposes other than Northern Development Agreement - Canada-Manitoba is to be expended for purposes of Northern Development Agreement - Canada-Manitoba, the amount indicated in the Main Estimates as recoverable from the Department of Northern Affairs shall be increased by an amount equivalent to the amount transferred so that the total of appropriations authorized to be expended under that service heading, less recoveries, is reduced by the amount transferred and the amount authorized for expenditure for Northern Development Agreement - Canada-Manitoba, under service heading Northern Affairs (XIX) in Schedule A and in Appropriation No. 5 - Northern Development Agreement - Canada-Manitoba or Appropriation No. 6 - Expenditures Related to Capital under that heading, shall be increased by the amount transferred so that the total of appropriations authorized to be expended under service heading Northern Affairs (XIX) is increased by that amount.

Adjustments consequent upon transfers for Canada-Manitoba Winnipeg Core Area Agreement.


Where money is transferred under subsection (1) to an appropriation for Canada-Manitoba Winnipeg Core Area Agreement under a service heading of the Main Estimates other than the service heading Urban Affairs (XX), the amount indicated in the Main Estimates as recoverable from the Department of Urban Affairs shall be increased by an equivalent amount so that the total appropriation authorized to be expended under that service heading of the Main Estimates, less recoveries, remains unchanged and the amount authorized for expenditure for Canada-Manitoba Winnipeg Core Area Agreement under service heading Urban Affairs (XX) in Schedule A and in Appropriation No. 3 - Urban Policy Co-ordination or Appropriation No. 4 -Expenditures Related to Capital under that heading, shall be increased by the amount transferred so that the total of appropriations authorized to be expended under service heading Urban Affairs (XX) is increased by that amount.

Adjustments for entries for sub- appropriation transfers to Canada-Manitoba Winnipeg Core Area Agreement.


Where money authorized to be expended under any service heading set out in Schedule A other than service heading Urban Affairs (XX) for purposes other than Canada-Manitoba Winnipeg Core Area Agreement is to be expended for purposes of Canada-Manitoba Winnipeg Core Area Agreement, the amount indicated in the Main Estimates as recoverable from the Department of Urban Affairs may be increased by an amount equivalent to the amount transferred so that the total of appropriations authorized to be expended under that service heading, less recoveries, is reduced by the amount transferred and the amount authorized for expenditure for Canada-Manitoba Winnipeg Core Area Agreement, under service heading Urban Affairs (XX) in Schedule A and in Appropriation No. 3 - Urban Policy Co-ordination or Appropriation No. 4 - Expenditures Related to Capital under that heading, shall be increased by the amount transferred so that the total of appropriations authorized to be expended under service heading Urban Affairs (XX) is increased by that amount.

Authority for expenditures in anticipation of recoveries.


Where an item in an appropriation for a department of government as shown in the Main Estimates showed that a nil amount or a net amount of expenditure was to be authorized for the purpose of the department rendering services or providing materials, supplies or property to another department or agency of the government, on the basis that all or a portion of the total amount to be expended by the first mentioned department for those purposes would be recovered from that other department or other agency in anticipated amounts as set out in the item in the Main Estimates, the amount that may be expended through the first mentioned department for the purposes of rendering the services or providing the materials, supplies or property, in the fiscal year ending March 31, 1987 shall be the total of:

(a) the net amount voted in the item, whether or not it is a nil vote; and

(b) the anticipated amount of the recoveries as set out in the item in the Main Estimates to the extent that it is reasonably anticipated that the recoveries will be made.

Emergency Interest Rate Relief Program.


All money the expenditure of which is authorized under Appropriation No. 1 - Emergency Interest Rate Relief Program under service heading Emergency Interest Rate Relief (XXVIII) in the Main Estimates, may be expended under such sub-appropriations as may be established by the Minister of Finance under other department appropriations, on the basis that the total amount to be expended will be recovered from Appropriation No. 1 - Emergency Interest Rate Relief Program under service heading Emergency Interest Rate Relief (XXVIII) of the Main Estimates.

Manitoba Jobs Fund.


All money the expenditure of which is to be authorized under Appropriation No. 1 -Manitoba Jobs Fund under service heading Manitoba Jobs Fund (XXIX) in the Main Estimates, may be expended under such subappropriations as may be established by the Minister of Finance under other department appropriations, on the basis that the total amount to be expended will be recovered from Appropriation No. 1 - Manitoba Jobs Fund under service heading Manitoba Jobs Fund (XXIX) of the Main Estimates.

Adjustments for entries for sub- appropriation transfers to Manitoba Jobs Fund.


Where a sub-appropriation is established under subsection (1) under a service heading other than Manitoba Jobs Fund (XXIX) for the expenditure of money authorized under Appropriation No. 1 - Manitoba Jobs Fund under service heading Manitoba Jobs Fund (XXIX), notwithstanding subsection (1), additional money may be transferred to that sub-appropriation within that other service heading and where money is so transferred under the authority of this subsection, the amount indicated as recoverable from the Manitoba Jobs Fund shall be increased by an amount equivalent to the amount so transferred so that the total of appropriations authorized to be expended under that other service heading, less recoveries, is reduced by the amount transferred and the amount authorized for expenditure for the Manitoba Jobs Fund, under service heading Manitoba Jobs Fund (XXIX) in Schedule A and in Appropriation No. 1 - Manitoba Jobs Fund under that heading, shall be increased by the amount transferred so that the total of appropriations authorized to be expended under service heading Manitoba Jobs Fund (XXIX) is increased by that amount.

Money authorized for agreements with Canada.


Money authorized under this Act to be expended for or in respect of any agreement with the Government of Canada may be expended in anticipation of the agreement being entered into notwithstanding that the agreement has not been, and never is, entered into.

Money expended in anticipation of agreements.


Money authorized under this Act to be expended for or in respect of any agreement with the Government of Canada may be expended on projects or for costs in anticipation that the agreement when entered into, will provide for the sharing of the amount expended or the sharing of certain costs of the project, notwithstanding that the agreement when entered into does not provide for such sharing.

Lapse of appropriations.


Any part of the money under Schedule A appropriated by this Act out of the Consolidated Fund that may be unexpended at the end of March 31, 1987, shall not be expended thereafter except in payment of accounts and expenses incurred on or prior to the said day; and all balances remaining unexpended after the said date or at such subsequent date as is authorized by the provisions of The Financial Administration Act shall lapse and be written off.

Application of money.


The due application of all money expended under the authority of this Act shall be accounted for to Her Majesty.

Power to borrow.


The Lieutenant Governor in Council may authorize the raising, by way of loan or loans, upon the credit of the government in accordance with the provisions of The Financial Administration Act, such sum or sums of money not exceeding in the aggregate the net sum of $400,000,000 as may be considered necessary for making any payments authorized or required by any Act to be made out of the Consolidated Fund or for reimbursing the Consolidated Fund for any such payment made therefrom.

Commencement of Act


This Act comes into force on the day it receives the royal assent.


Sums granted to Her Majesty by this Act for the fiscal year ending March 31, 1987 and the purposes for which they are granted.

1. Indemnities (Statutory) $ 2,086,500
2. Retirement Allowances (Statutory) 569,700
3. Members' Allowances (Statutory) 542,500
Total Statutory Appropriations for Legislation $ 3,198,700
4. Other Assembly Expenditures $ 1,646,000
Leader of the Official Opposition Party Salary $ 20,600
Other salaries and expenses 1,625,400
5. Provincial Auditor's Office 2,386,900
6. Ombudsman 431,800
7. Elections Manitoba 3,554,400
Total Sums to be Voted for Legislation $ 8,019,100
Total Statutory Appropriations and Sums to be Voted for Legislation $ 11,217,800
1. General Administration $ 2,601,900
Premier and President of the Council's Salary $ 26,600
Minister without Portfolio's Salary 15,600
Other Administration 2,559,700
$ 2,601,900
1. Administration and Finance $ 2,604,600
Minister's Salary $ 20,600
Other Administration and Finance 2,584,000
2. Manitoba Crop Insurance Corporation 4,670,900
3. Manitoba Agricultural Credit Corporation 14,106,800
4. Agricultural Development and Marketing Division 11,126,200
5. Farm and Rural Development Division 11,867,600
6. Policy and Economics Division 2,074,100
7. Federal-Provincial Agreements 1,096,200
8. Income Insurance Fund 12,606,200
9. Drugs and Semen Purchases 5,299,600
10. Expenditures Related to Capital 4,820,000
$ 70,272,200
1. Administration and Finance $ 2,950,100
Minister's Salary $ 20,600
Other Administration and Finance. 2,929,500
2. Criminal Justice 4,995,900
3. Legal Services 4,765,200
4. Law Enforcement 29,462,800
5. Court Services 16,444,600
6. Protection of Individual and Property Rights 16,371,700
$ 74,990,300
1. Administration $ 641,900
Minister's Salary $ 10,300
Other Administration 631,600
2. Business Development 3,312,100
3. Tourism 10,155,000
4. Expenditures Related to Capital 2,921,100
$ 17,030,100
1. Civil Service Commission $ 4,311,100
2. Civil Service Benefit Plans 42,719,000
3. Levy for Health and Post-Secondary Education.. 7,462,100
$ 54,492,200
1. Administration and Finance $ 3,266,700
Minister's Salary $ 20,600
Other Administration and Finance. 3,246,100
2. Registration and Licensing Services 1,129,600
3. Community Social Services 55,876,900
4. Child and Family Services 89,011,000
5. Corrections 33,473,700
$ 182,757,900
1. Administration and Finance $ 664,800
Minister's Salary $ 10,300
Other Administration and Finance. 654,500
2. Consumer Affairs 767,700
3. Corporate Affairs 3,007,400
$ 4,439,900
1. Administration and Finance $ 490,400
Minister's Salary $ 20,600
Other Administration and Finance 469,800
2. Cooperative and Credit Union Development and Regulation 1,365,500
3. Interest Forgiveness 5,600,000
$ 7,455,900
1. Crown Investments Administration $ 614,800
Minister's Salary $ 10,300
Other Administration 604,500
$ 614,800
1. Administration and Finance $ 1,153,200
Minister's Salary $ 20,600
Other Administration and Finance 1,132,600
2. Culture, Heritage and Recreation Programs 15,585,900
3. Communication Services 3,036,300
4. Status of Women 582,800
5. Telecommunications Policy 295,100
6. Expenditures Related to Capital
$ 20,653,300
1. . Administration and Finance $ 5,197,100
Minister's Salary $ 20,600
Other Administration and Finance. 5,176,500
2. Statutory Boards and Commissions 21,514,200
3. Financial Support - Public Schools 401,360,500
4. Program Development Support Services 16,046,300
5. Post-Secondary, Adult and Continuing Education 61,590,900
6. Universities Grants Commission 162,161,300
7. Bureau de l'Education Française 3,499,700
8. Expenditures Related to Capital 25,729,900
$ 697,099,900
1. Administration and Finance $ 2,402,200
Minister's Salary $ 20,600
Other Administration and Finance. 2,381,600
2. Economic Security 191,245,600
3. Employment Services 13,269,100
4. Manitoba Bureau of Statistics 326,000
$ 207,242,900
1. Administration and Finance $ 1,120,700
Minister's Salary $ 20,600
Other Administration and Finance. 1,100,100
2. Energy 5,002,600
3. Mineral Resources 6,098,800
4. Expenditures Related to Capital 215,400
$ 12,437,500
1. Administration and Finance $ 1,345,900
Minister's Salary $ 20,600
Other Administration and Finance. 1,325,300
2. Environmental Management 7,145,900
3. Clean Environment Commission 327,200
4. Manitoba Environmental Council 59,400
5. Workplace and Worker Services 3,443,100
$ 12,321,500
1. Administration and Finance $ 813,600
Minister's Salary $ 20,600
Other Administration and Finance 793,000
2. Treasury Division 934,400
3. Comptroller's Division 4,488,000
4. Taxation Division 7,741,300
5. Federal-Provincial Relations and Research Division 1,203,300
6. Administrative Policy/Insurance and Risk Management 927,500
7. Tax Credit Payments 204,000,000
8. Local Government General Support Grant 13,800,000
Sums to be Voted for Finance $ 233,908,100
9. Public Debt (Statutory):
(a)  (1) Interest on the Public Debt of the Province and expenses incidental thereto $ 803,552,700
(2) Interest on Trust and Special Funds 43,300,000
$ 846,852,700
(b) Less - Amounts of Interest and Other Charges to be Received from:
(1) Manitoba Telephone System $ 47,878,800
(2) Manitoba Hydro 185,291,900
(3) Manitoba Housing and Renewal Corporation 25,395,000
(4) Manitoba Agricultural Credit Corporation 26,726,500
(5) Other Government Agencies 6,065,000
(6) Other Loans and Investments 153,470,800
(7) Sinking Fund Investments 79,677,200
Total Public Debt (Statutory) $ 322,347,500
10. Hydro Rates Stabilization (Statutory) 36,331,800
Total (Statutory) $ 358,679,300
Total Statutory Appropriations and Sums to be Voted for Finance $ 592,587,400
1. Administration $ 1,926,500
Minister's Salary $ 10,300
Other Administration 1,916,200
2. Property Management 109,306,100
3. Supply and Services 2,604,200
4. Project Services 2,851,300
5. Land Value Appraisal Commission 61,900
6. Emergency Measures Organization 686,400
7. Expenditures Related to Capital 13,494,800
$ 130,931,200
1. Administration and Finance $ 2,668,700
Minister's Salary $ 20,600
Other Administration and Finance. 2,648,100
2. Community Health Services (Programs) 42,793,800
3. Community Health Services (Operations) 23,495,100
4. Mental Health Services 39,252,700
5. Sport 661,800
6. The Alcoholism Foundation of Manitoba 10,136,300
7. Manitoba Health Services Commission 1,061,202,300
8. Expenditures Related to Capital -Manitoba Health Services Commission 29,584,500
$ 1,209,795,200
1. . Administration and Finance $ 3,261,000
Minister's Salary $ 10,300
Other Administration and Finance. 3,250,700
2. Operations and Maintenance 67,966,600
3. Planning and Design and Land Surveys 2,863,000
4. Engineering and Technical Services 11,451,900
5. Transportation Policy and Research 1,334,900
6. Driver and Vehicle Licensing 12,554,900
7. Boards and Committees 1,189,600
8. Expenditures Related to Capital 96,939,000
$ 197,560,900
1. General Administration $ 3,618,200
Minister's Salary $ 10,300
Other General Administration.... 3,607,900
2. Property Management and Landlord and Tenant Affairs 3,176,600
3. Program Delivery 12,094,800
4. Transfer Payments to the Manitoba Housing and Renewal Corporation 25,272,400
5. Expenditures Related to Capital 2,000,000
$ 46,162,000
1. . Administration and Finance $ 2,510,000
Minister's Salary $ 10,300
Other Administration and Finance. 2,499,700
2. . Industry and Trade Division 2,746,100
3. Technology Division 3,563,200
4. Canada-Manitoba Economic Development Planning Agreement 100,000
$ 8,919,300
1. Administration and Finance $ 1,444,300
Minister's Salary $ 10,300
Other Administration and Finance. 1,434,000
2. Labour 7,848,200
3. Expenditures Related to Capital 41,000
$ 9,333,500
1. Administration and Finance $ 1,051,900
Minister's Salary $ 20,600
Other Administration and Finance. 1,031,300
2. Municipal Board 327,000
3. Municipal Advisory and Financial Services 26,334,700
4. Municipal Assessments 4,602,400
5. Systems Services 1,091,500
6. Municipal Planning Services 2,937,600
7. Provincial Planning 371,100
8. Surface Rights Board 135,600
9. Expenditures Related to Capital 2,150,000
$ 39,001,800
1. Administration and Finance $ 3,950,800
Minister's Salary $ 20,600
Other Administration and Finance. 3,930,200
2. Regional Services 20,919,800
3. Engineering and Construction 6,721,900
4. Water Resources 8,854,300
5. Parks 13,517,500
6. Lands 1,975,500
7. Forestry 7,329,200
8. Fisheries 3,733,000
9. Wildlife 3,937,900
10. Surveys and Mapping 3,065,500
11. Resource Support Programs 832,200
12. Expenditures Related to Capital 10,027,000
$ 84,864,600
1. Administration and Finance $ 930,700
Minister's Salary $ 20,600
Other Administration and Finance 910,100
2. Local Government Development 7,442,700
3. Agreements Management and Co-ordination 2,809,800
4. Corporate Projects 245,300
5. Northern Development Agreement -Canada-Manitoba 9,754,200
6. Expenditures Related to Capital 5,354,500
$ 26,537,200
1. Administration and Finance $ 512,500
Minister's Salary $ 20,600
Other Administration and Finance 491,900
2. Financial Assistance to the City of Winnipeg.. 34,544,600
3. Urban Policy Co-ordination 3,025,100
4. Expenditures Related to Capital 21,395,700
$ 59,477,900
1. Canada-Manitoba Enabling Vote $ 8,165,200
$ 8,165,200
1. > Emergency Interest Rate Relief Program $ 1,184,000
$ 1,184,000
1. Flood Control and Emergency Expenditures $ 1,000,000
$ 1,000,000
1. Manitoba Jobs Fund $ 78,458,600
$ 78,458,600
Total General Statutory Appropriations and Sums to be Voted $ 3,869,606,900
Total General Statutory Appropriations $ 361,878,000
Total Sums to be Voted 3,507,728,900
Total General Statutory Appropriations and Sums to be Voted $ 3,869,606,900