
S.M. 1986-87, c. 10

The Manitoba Hazardous Waste Management Corporation Act

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Table of Contents

1 Definitions.
2 Corporation established.
(2) Corporation an agent of government
3 Objects of corporation.
4 Powers of corporation.
5 Priority to Manitoba.
6 Capacity of a natural person.
7 Part XVI of Corporations Act not to apply.
8 Board of directors.
(2) Term of office.
(3) Term of office of first board members.
(4) Ex officio members of the board.
(5) Term of ex officio member.
(6) Meetings and quorum.
9 Chairperson and vice-chairperson.
(2) Acting for chairperson.
(3) Filling of vacancy.
(4) Powers of board.
10 Remuneration.
11 M. L. A. may be member of board.
12 Head office.
13 Duties of secretary-treasurer fixed by by-law.
14 Appointment of Chief Executive Officer.
(2) Powers of the Chief Executive Officer.
15 Financial arrangements.
16 Fees for service.
17 Surplus funds to be paid over to the Minister of Finance.
(2) Moneys deposited with Minister of Finance in trust for corporation.
18 Audit
(2) Additional audit or investigation.
19 Report and tabling thereof.
(2) Additional reports.
20 Grants.
21 Fund.
22 Authority for temporary borrowings.
(2) Guarantee of temporary borrowings.
(3) Approval of Minister of Finance.
23 Loans by government
24 Corporation capital funding.
25 Corporation profits and losses.
26 Exemption from liability.
27 Reference in Continuing Consolidation.
28 Commencement of Act.