
This is an unofficial archived version. If you need an official copy, use the bilingual (PDF) verson.

Repealed by M.R. 30/2016 on March 1, 2016.
Last amendment included: M.R. 143/2015
Current from September 1, 2015 to the day it was repealed.

Previous version(s)

Note: Earlier consolidated versions are not available online.

Amendment Title Registered Published
143/2015 Automobile Insurance Certificates and Rates Regulation, amendment 28 Aug. 2015 28 Aug. 2015
53/2015 Automobile Insurance Certificates and Rates Regulation, amendment 27 Apr. 2015 28 Apr. 2015
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Consolidated Regulation (repealed)

Automobile Insurance Certificates and Rates Regulation, M.R. 26/2015 (repealed)

This regulation was repealed on 1 Mar. 2016.

• This version was current for the period from 1 Sept. 2015 to the day it was repealed.

• Last amendment included: M.R. 143/2015

File size: 5224 kb. For smaller files (under 1MB), this status information is stamped on the PDF version of the regulation.