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Le texte figurant ci-dessous constitue la codification la plus récente en date du 12 février 2025.
Il est en vigueur depuis le 4 avril 2016.
Dernière modification intégrée : R.M. 73/2016
Version(s) précédente(s)
- 24 déc. 2014 à 3 avril 2016 (version première)
Note : Les versions codifées antérieurement ne sont pas accessibles en ligne.
Modification | Titre | Enregistrement | Publication |
73/2016 | « Egg and Pullet Producer Registration Order, amendment » | 4 avril 2016 | 4 avril 2016 |
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Egg and Pullet Producer Registration Order, M.R. 290/2014
« Egg and Pullet Producer Registration Order », R.M. 290/2014
The Farm Products Marketing Act, C.C.S.M. c. F47
NOTE: This regulation was enacted in English only.
Loi sur la commercialisation des produits agricoles, c. F47 de la C.P.L.M.
NOTE : Ce règlement a été adopté en anglais seulement.
version anglaiseRegulation 290/2014
Registered December 24, 2014
This Order is made under the Manitoba Egg and Pullet Producers Marketing Plan Regulation, Manitoba Regulation 70/2005, and is Order No. 3, 2014 of Manitoba Egg Farmers. |
Table of Contents
1Egg producers to be registered
6Pullet producers to be registered
7Pullet production quotas required
14Application of definitions from M.R. 70/2005
Egg producers to be registered
1 A person who raises or keeps laying hens must not engage in marketing eggs in Manitoba during a fiscal year of the board unless the person is registered as an egg producer with the board.
Laying hen quotas required
2 A person is not entitled to be registered as an egg producer unless the person has been allotted, or is entitled to be allotted, a laying hen quota by the board.
Form of application
3(1) Every application for registration as an egg producer must
(a) be in writing in a form approved by the board; and
(b) be signed by the applicant.
3(2) The application must be submitted to the head office of the board at least 30 days before each fiscal year of the board together with a registration fee.
Registration fee payable
4 Each registered egg producer must pay to the board a registration fee for the subsequent fiscal year, in the amount determined by the board.
Exemption from registration
5 The following persons are exempt from section 1:
(a) the University of Manitoba, provided that all eggs produced by laying hens raised or kept by it during the fiscal year are consumed on its campus;
(b) the Rockwood Institution, provided that all eggs produced by the laying hens raised or kept by it during the fiscal year are consumed by the employees and inmates of the Rockwood Institution or Stony Mountain Penitentiary on the site of the Institution or Penitentiary;
(c) a designated small non-registered producer under the Laying Hen Penalty Levies Regulation, Manitoba Regulation 44/97, who raises or keeps a number of laying hens equal to or less than the verified number of laying hens assigned to the producer under that regulation during the fiscal year;
(d) a designated multi-family non-registered producer under the Laying Hen Penalty Levies Regulation, Manitoba Regulation 44/97, who raises or keeps less than 500 laying hens during the fiscal year;
(e) a person who, in any year, raises or keeps 300 or fewer laying hens at all times during the year.
Pullet producers to be registered
6 A person must not raise or keep pullets in Manitoba unless the person is registered as a pullet producer with the board.
Pullet production quotas required
7 A person is not entitled to be registered as a pullet producer unless the person has been allotted, or is entitled to be allotted, a pullet production quota by the board.
Form of application
8(1) Every application for registration as a pullet producer must
(a) be in writing in a form approved by the board; and
(b) be signed by the applicant.
8(2) The application must be submitted to the head office of the board at least 30 days before each fiscal year of the board together with a registration fee.
Registration fee payable
9 Each registered pullet producer must pay to the board a registration fee for the subsequent fiscal year, in the amount determined by the board.
Exemption from registration
10 The following persons are exempt from section 6:
(a) a person who, in any year, raises or keeps 300 or fewer pullets at all times during the year;
(b) a designated small non-registered producer under the Laying Hen Penalty Levies Regulation, Manitoba Regulation 44/97, who raises or keeps a number of pullets equal to or less than the producer's verified number of laying hens established under the regulation;
(c) a designated multi-family non-registered producer under the Laying Hen Penalty Levies Regulation, Manitoba Regulation 44/97, who keeps less than 500 pullets.
Certain pullets excluded
11 Pullets raised or kept by or for a hatchery operator for use by the hatchery operator to produce a hatchery supply flock are exempt from the application of this part if
(a) the pullets are raised or kept under a written contract entered into by the producer and the hatchery operator before the producer commenced raising or keeping the pullets;
(b) the board has issued a pullet-rearing certificate for the pullets; and
(c) the pullets are actually used by the hatchery operator as a hatchery supply flock.
Other pullet exclusions
12 This order does not apply to broiler-type chicks and pullets raised or kept for sale to a person
(a) for chicken meat production if the person is registered as a chicken broiler producer under the Manitoba Chicken Broiler Producers Marketing Plan Regulation, Manitoba Regulation 246/2004; or
(b) for broiler hatching egg production if the person is registered as a broiler hatching egg producer under that regulation.
13 This Order is subject to section 27 (non-application in certain circumstances) of the Manitoba Egg and Pullet Producers Marketing Plan Regulation, Manitoba Regulation 70/2005.
Application of definitions from M.R. 70/2005
14 Terms defined in the Manitoba Egg and Pullet Producers Marketing Plan Regulation, Manitoba Regulation 70/2005, and used in this Order have the same meaning in this Order as in that regulation.
15 The Pullet Producer Registration Order, Manitoba Regulation 19/92, is repealed.
December 3, 2014Manitoba Egg Farmers:
Ed Kleinsasser, Chair
Cory Rybuck, General Manager