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Le texte figurant ci-dessous constitue la codification la plus récente en date du 18 février 2025.

Il est en vigueur depuis le 22 novembre 2011.

Dernière modification intégrée : R.M. 184/2011


Note : Les versions codifées antérieurement ne sont pas accessibles en ligne.

Modification Titre Enregistrement Publication
184/2011 « Processing Potato Registration Order, amendment » 22 nov. 2011 3 déc. 2011
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Processing Potato Registration Order, M.R. 261/2006

« Processing Potato Registration Order », R.M. 261/2006

The Farm Products Marketing Act, C.C.S.M. c. F47

NOTE: This regulation was enacted in English only.

Loi sur la commercialisation des produits agricoles, c. F47 de la C.P.L.M.

NOTE : Ce règlement a été adopté en anglais seulement.

version anglaise

Regulation 261/2006
Registered December 21, 2006

This Order is made under the Manitoba Processing Potato Marketing Plan Regulation, Manitoba Regulation 206/2006, and is Order No. 1, 2006 of Keystone Potato Producers Association.


Registration required

1   No person shall engage in the production or in the marketing of the regulated product in Manitoba unless such person is registered with this Board as a producer.

Potato growing agreement required

2(1)   No person shall be entitled to be registered as a producer during a fiscal year of the Board unless such person has entered into a potato growing agreement with a registered processor with respect to the regulated product to be produced during that fiscal year, and that potato growing agreement has been filed with the Board.

Exception for seed

2(2)   Subsection (1) does not apply to a person if all of the regulated product to be produced during that fiscal year by such person is to be marketed as seed to produce regulated product.

Expiry of registration

3   The registration of each producer shall expire on April 30 in each year.

Form of application

4   Every application for registration or renewal of registration as a producer shall be in writing, in the form prescribed by this Board for such purpose, containing such information as may be indicated thereon, properly certified as accurate, signed by the applicant, and shall be forwarded to the head office of this Board on or before April 30 in each year with the requisite fee, if any, prescribed from time to time by resolution of this Board.


Registration required

5   No person shall engage in the processing of a regulated product in Manitoba unless that person is registered with this Board as a regulated processor.

M.R. 184/2011

Expiry of registration

6   The registration of each regulated processor shall expire on January 31 in each year.

M.R. 184/2011

Form of application

7   Every application for registration or renewal of registration as a regulated processor shall be in writing, in the form prescribed by this Board for such purpose, containing such information as may be indicated thereon, properly certified as accurate, signed by the applicant, and shall be forwarded to the head office of this Board on or before January 31 in each year with the requisite fee, if any, prescribed from time to time by resolution of this Board.

M.R. 184/2011



8   This order is subject to the provisions of section 25 of the Plan.

December 19, 2006Keystone Potato Producers Association:

Nick Heide, Chairperson

Dan Sawatsky, Vice-Chairperson