Le texte figurant ci-dessous constitue la codification la plus récente en date du 11 sept. 2024.
Il est en vigueur depuis le 11 avril 2019.
Dernière modification intégrée : R.M. 73/2019
Version(s) précédente(s)
- 25 oct. 2005 à 10 avril 2019 (version première)
Note : Les versions codifées antérieurement ne sont pas accessibles en ligne.
Modification | Titre | Enregistrement | Publication |
73/2019 | « Turkey Administration Fee Regulation, amendment » | 11 avril 2019 | 11 avril 2019 |
Rechercher dans ce règlement
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Turkey Administration Fee Regulation, M.R. 153/2005
« Turkey Administration Fee Regulation », R.M. 153/2005
The Farm Products Marketing Act, C.C.S.M. c. F47
NOTE: This regulation was enacted in English only.
Loi sur la commercialisation des produits agricoles, c. F47 de la C.P.L.M.
NOTE : Ce règlement a été adopté en anglais seulement.
version anglaiseRegulation 153/2005
Registered October 25, 2005
This regulation is made under the Manitoba Turkey Producers Marketing Plan Regulation, Manitoba Regulation 38/2004, and is Regulation No. 4, 2005 of Manitoba Turkey Producers. |
Fee imposed on producers
1 A fee is imposed on each producer of 3.45¢ per kilogram (live weight) of turkey marketed by such producer.
Time of imposition of fee
2 The fee imposed under this regulation shall be due and payable by the producer to this Board at the time and place of marketing of the turkey by the producer.
Processor's obligation to deduct and to remit
3 Each processor shall at the time it takes delivery of turkey deduct from the monies payable for such turkey, all fees payable by the producer to this Board and shall forward such fees to this Board at its office, 895B Century Street, Winnipeg, Manitoba, R3H 0M3, not later than seven days following the fifteenth and the last day of each month.
Producer's obligation to remit if not deducted
4 Every producer shall pay to this Board at its office, 895B Century Street, Winnipeg, Manitoba, R3H 0M3, all fees payable by such producer under this regulation in respect of turkey marketed by such producer in any week that were not deducted and forwarded to this Board by the person who received the turkey from the producer, not later than seven days from the last day of the week in which such turkey was marketed.
Non-application of regulation
5 This regulation does not apply to the marketing of turkeys less than 10 days old.
6 The Turkey Administration Fee Regulation, Manitoba Regulation 32/2003, is repealed.
Emmy Byle, Chair
Sheila Perry, General Manager
David Gislason, Chair
Gordon H. MacKenzie, Secretary