4th Session, 40th Legislature
This HTML version is provided for ease of use and is based on the bilingual version that was distributed in the Legislature after First Reading.
Bill 17
Bilingual version (PDF) | Explanatory Note |
(Assented to )
HER MAJESTY, by and with the advice and consent of the Legislative Assembly of Manitoba, enacts as follows:
The Manitoba Public Insurance Corporation Act is amended by this Act.
The following is added after section 132:
In the case of a victim who dies as a result of the accident, the amount that would have been payable under section 132 to the victim had he or she survived is payable to the following:
(a) if the victim was providing care to a child under 16 years of age, either
(i) to the victim's spouse or common-law partner, if the victim had a spouse or common-law partner on the day of the accident, or
(ii) to the child's legal guardian, if the child has a legal guardian;
(b) in any other case, to the person to whom the victim was providing care.
The corporation shall terminate an indemnity
(a) under clause (1)(a), when the child cared for reaches 16 years of age; and
(b) under clause (1)(b), at the time when the deceased victim would reasonably have, but for the accident, ceased to provide care similar to the care he or she provided before the accident.
This section applies to accidents that occur on or after May 1, 2015.
This Act comes into force on the day it receives royal assent.