Fourth Session, Thirty-Ninth Legislature
This version is based on the printed bill that was distributed in the Legislature after First Reading. It is not the official version. If accuracy is critical, you can obtain a copy of the printed bill from Statutory Publications or view the online bilingual version (PDF).
Bill 24
Explanatory Note |
(Assented to )
WHEREAS there are seven Aboriginal languages currently spoken in Manitoba, being Cree, Dakota, Dene, Inuktitut, Michif, Ojibway and Oji-Cree;
AND WHEREAS recent studies indicate that just 30% of First Nations people can speak an Aboriginal language well enough to carry on a conversation;
AND WHEREAS the Michif language, a blend of French and Cree that was once common in Metis communities, is now considered endangered, as there are fewer than 1,000 people who speak it;
AND WHEREAS younger generations of Aboriginal people are increasingly likely to acquire their language as a second language rather than as a mother tongue — a trend that is most evident among those living off-reserve in urban areas;
AND WHEREAS Aboriginal languages are vital to the survival of the culture and identity of Aboriginal people;
AND WHEREAS language revitalization can contribute to increased self-esteem, community well-being and cultural continuity;
AND WHEREAS the government has a role to play in recognizing and promoting the preservation and use of Aboriginal languages;
THEREFORE HER MAJESTY, by and with the advice and consent of the Legislative Assembly of Manitoba, enacts as follows:
Recognition of Aboriginal languages
The languages of Cree, Dakota, Dene, Inuktitut, Michif, Ojibway and Oji-Cree are recognized as the Aboriginal languages spoken and used in Manitoba.
This Act may be referred to as chapter A1.5 of the Continuing Consolidation of the Statutes of Manitoba.
This Act comes into force on the day it receives royal assent.
Explanatory Note This Bill recognizes Cree, Dakota, Dene, Inuktitut, Michif, Ojibway and Oji-Cree as the Aboriginal languages spoken and used in Manitoba. |