Fourth Session, Thirty-Seventh Legislature
This version is based on the printed bill that was distributed in the Legislature after First Reading.
It is not the official version. If accuracy is critical, you can obtain a copy of the printed bill from Statutory Publications.
Bill 6
Explanatory Note |
(Assented to )
HER MAJESTY, by and with the advice and consent of the Legislative Assembly of Manitoba, enacts as follows:
The Manitoba Public Insurance Corporation Act is amended by this Act.
The following is added after section 174:
Claimant Advisers
Claimant adviser office established
The claimant adviser office is established.
Claimant advisers and other staff of the claimant adviser office must be appointed and employed by the government under The Civil Service Act, and are not employees of the corporation.
Claimant may request assistance
A claimant may request that a claimant adviser provide assistance as set out in this section or the regulations.
A claimant adviser may assist a claimant in appealing a review decision to the commission by
(a) advising him or her about the meaning and effect of the provisions of this Act, the regulations and decisions made under this Act;
(b) carrying out an investigation or inspection, including obtaining an expert opinion, respecting his or her claim; and
(c) communicating with or appearing before the commission on his or her behalf.
Disclosure of documents to claimant adviser
A claimant adviser, when authorized by a claimant, has the same right as the claimant under section 151.
Section 199 applies, with necessary changes, to claimant advisers and all other staff and agents of the claimant adviser office.
Regulations respecting claimant advisers
The minister may make regulations prescribing additional duties to be performed by claimant advisers.
The salaries of claimant advisers and staff, and all costs incurred in connection with the claimant adviser office, shall be paid out of the Consolidated Fund.
Corporation to pay costs into C. F.
The minister shall, at the beginning of a fiscal year and at such other times as he or she considers necessary, estimate the amount of the salaries and costs under subsection (1) for the fiscal year. Upon the approval of the estimated amount by the Lieutenant Governor in Council, the corporation shall pay it into the Consolidated Fund.
The minister responsible for sections 174.2 and 174.3 must not be the same minister that the corporation reports to under subsection 2(13).
This Act comes into force on a day fixed by proclamation.