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S.M. 2001, c. 28



(Assented to July 6, 2001)

HER MAJESTY, by and with the advice and consent of the Legislative Assembly of Manitoba, enacts as follows:

S.M. 1989-90, c. 10 amended


The City of Winnipeg Act is amended by this Act.


Clause 5(4)(a) is replaced with the following:

(a) in the twelve month period prior to May 1, 2002;

(a.1) in 2009;


Subsection 6(3) is replaced with the following:

Criteria for boundaries


In fixing the boundaries of a ward the commission must consider

(a) the community or diversity of interests of the residents of the ward;

(b) the means of communication between the various parts of the ward;

(c) the physical features of the ward;

(d) all other similar and relevant factors;

and, to the extent possible, must include the whole area of a historic community or neighbourhood in the same ward.

Variation in population base


The commission may allow a variation of up to 25% more or less than the quotient in the population of a ward where in its opinion the considerations mentioned in subsection (3) make the variation desirable.


The following is added after section 138.3:

By-laws re tax credits for buildings in designated areas


The council may by by-law establish a program of grants, property tax credits or refunds to encourage and assist in the construction, renovation or preservation of buildings within an area designated by council and any such by-law shall include provisions

(a) prescribing types or classes of buildings eligible for a grant, tax credit or refund;

(b) establishing terms and conditions under which a grant, tax credit or refund may be provided or terminated;

(c) establishing criteria for determining

(i) the amount of a grant, tax credit or refund,

(ii) the maximum annual grant, tax credit or refund, and

(iii) the period of time in which a grant, tax credit or refund may be paid out to an owner or applied to taxes;

(d) respecting eligibility criteria for recipients of grants, tax credits or refunds; and

(e) respecting any other matter that the council considers necessary or advisable.


Subsection 181(1) is amended by striking out "three" wherever it occurs in the section heading and in the subsection and substituting "four".


The following is added after subsection 351(5):

How frontage rate money may be used


Money from a frontage rate may be used for the repair and replacement of

(a) water and sewer mains; and

(b) streets and sidewalks in residential areas.



Money that was collected from a frontage rate under this section before the coming into force of subsection (6) may be used only for the repair and replacement of water and sewer mains.

Coming into force


This Act comes into force on the day it receives royal assent.