
Court of King's Bench Forms (Criminal)

The first nine forms are prescribed as part of the Manitoba Court of King's Bench Rules (Criminal), SI/2016-34, a federal regulation.

The remaining forms are not prescribed, but have been approved by the Court for use in court.

The MS Word button is a link to a user-friendly version in Microsoft Word format. See the Court's guidelines for the use of these forms.

Form Title
1 Covering page MS Word
2 Order MS Word
3 Notice of Application MS Word
4 Pre-trial Conference Brief MS Word
5 Notice of Motion MS Word
6 Trial Readiness Report MS Word
7 Pre-hearing Conference Report for Dangerous or Long-term Offender Application MS Word
8 Notice of Appeal (Criminal Summary Appeals) MS Word
9 Notice of Abandonment MS Word
10 Consent and Acknowledgement of Trial Date MS Word
11 Designation of Counsel MS Word
12 Waiver of Rights Under s. 11(b) of the Charter MS Word
13 Application for Leave to Appeal and Notice of Appeal (POA) MS Word

Guidelines for use of forms

The following guidelines apply to the use of these forms, whether you are using the user-friendly MS Word version or creating your own form based on the prescribed form.

When printing the form:

  • use good quality printer paper, 216 mm x 279 mm (8.5" x 11"),
  • print only on one side of the paper.

If you complete the form on a computer before printing it:

  • if using the MS Word version, do not change the format,
  • if that version is not available and you are creating your own form, make the format similar to the format of the prescribed form,
  • use double spacing between lines,
  • make sure the left hand margin is about 40 mm (1 ½ inches) wide.

If you complete the form in handwriting, make sure the handwriting is readable.

If the form requires a cover page, you must include it.

If the form is an affidavit:

  • the font must be size 14,
  • the pages must be numbered,
  • exhibits must be separated by numbered or lettered tabs,
  • the completed form, including exhibits, must be stapled or bound so that pages and exhibits do not become loose or separated.

If your form includes a dollar amount, use a decimal point to show dollars and cents (e.g. $250.00).

If you need legal advice, call a lawyer or Legal Aid.